Bernd Weigelt <> writes:
> Am Donnerstag, 12. März 2015, 19:21:42 schrieb Bernd Weigelt:
>> I don't see any problem with Andrzej's speed rules, i will test them asap
> Hmmh, but i have some questions
> Example a motorway in Germany, tagged with maxspeed=none
> maxspeed=none { set maxspeed=140 }
> ok, i unterstand what this rule does
I guess the trick is to figure out how to map the rules and other tags
to what speeds are reasonable to assume. This seems like a place where
a tag that indicates typical speed would be useful; locals can set it to
what speeds most traffic is normally at, which is really what routing
wants to know.
But assuming unlimited motorways are 130 or 140 does not sound crazy to
me; uncongested Interstates in low-enforcement US states are like that.
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