Hi Andrzej,

Our group (http://www.tracksource.org.br) doesn't use OSM data. We draw our maps with other free tools and own development ones and convert the maps to osm format to compile with mkgmap. So you won't find the source data on OSM.

However, I prepared a very short map containing only the essential data to simulate the problem. If you compile the attached osm file with r3602 you will see the numbering in street "Rua Porto Alegre". If you compile the same file with r3620 (for example), the street numbers for "Rua Porto Alegre" will be lost.

I hope this osm file help you debug and and find the problem.



2015-06-17 9:11 GMT-03:00 Andrzej Popowski <popej@poczta.onet.pl>:
Hi Alexandre,

> You can search for street "Rua Porto Alegre" to see the problem

what data are you using for compilation? I have tried to find this place on OSM, I think this is actually Rua Manaus in OSM, with no house numbers:

Best regards,
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