please check: mkgmap treats except=psv like execpt=bus, and I think that's correct.
Date: Fri, 20 Dec 2013 10:47:25 -0500
Subject: Re: [mkgmap-dev] Route Restrictions
On 12/20/13 10:20 AM, GerdP wrote:
> Hi,
> okay, I think I understand now better.
> mkgmap r2889 writes all route restrictions
> so that they prohibit pedestrians and emergency vehicles.
> RouteRestriction contains this:
> HEADER = 0x004005;
> If I change that to
> 0x004605
> (as the wiki suggests) routing is allowed for pedestrians and emergency.
> So, we can control whether restrictions apply to pedestrians and emergency.
> Now I wonder if the old behaviour was intended?
> I think no. Both emergency and pedestrians can ignore
> signs like "no left turn", can't they?
it's something that can vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction but
i looked it up for New York state and the vehicle and traffic
code there explicitly gives emergency vehicles engaged in
a response permission to ignore turn restrictions and traffic
control devices.
but it's something you'd have to look up for each jurisdiction.
when i set up no-u-turn restrictions for motorways in the US,
i always add the except=psv tag so that it's made explicit.
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