I'm assuming that whatever one puts in the exit_to=* tag gets displayed and spoken by the Garmin "assistant". Does mkgmap ever use the destination=* tag, and if so under what circumstances?
I found this rule in the lines style sheet, but I do not understand it well enough to help me answer my question
(highway=motorway_link | highway=trunk_link) & mkgmap:exit_hint=true & mkgmap:dest_hint=true
{ name '${destination:ref|subst: =>} ${destination|subst:;=> |subst:/=> }' |
'${ref|subst: =>} ${destination|subst:;=> |subst:/=> }' |
'${destination|subst:;=> |subst:/=> }' |
'Exit ${mkgmap:exit_hint_ref} ${mkgmap:exit_hint_name}' | highway=road
'Exit ${mkgmap:exit_hint_ref} ${mkgmap:exit_hint_exit_to}' |
'Exit ${mkgmap:exit_hint_exit_to}' |
'Exit ${mkgmap:exit_hint_name}' |
'Exit ${mkgmap:exit_hint_ref}'
As always, thanks in advance to any help you can provide.