Hi Marko,
> >the patch (this v1) is only meant to solve routing problems caused by
> >rounding I don't think that it has an influence on SeaGenerator.
> Right, I was too optimistic, hoping that this would fix the bogus
> warnings in SeaGenerator too.
Maybe it is possible to use the higher precision for this as well.
I assume we just have to use it when converting to
java areas in Java2DConverter.
> The patch (or some other change since r2795) did make 2 of 4 warnings
> for roundabout flare roads go away. Only the following remained:
> 2013/10/31 21:17:17 WARNING (StyledConverter): 63240002.osm.pbf:
> Roundabout segment 35062431 direction looks wrong (see
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=60.23825&mlon=24.88777&zoom=17)
> 2013/10/31 21:17:18 WARNING (StyledConverter): 63240002.osm.pbf:
> Roundabout segment 34151581 direction looks wrong (see
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=60.23242&mlon=24.95879&zoom=17)
> 2013/10/31 21:17:37 WARNING (RouteNode): 63240005.osm.pbf: Outgoing
> roundabout flare road (4;9;13;23 Vaajakoskentie,
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/way/221616945) points in wrong
> direction?
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=62.24637&mlon=25.87302&zoom=17
> Both roundabout segments are in micro-mapped roundabouts that have been
> split because of route relations.
> I reverted your patch and reran with today's dump. I got again the usual
> 5 roundabout warnings (2 more about flare roads) than the above. So,
> your patch is making a positive difference there.
OK, that's what I expected :-)
As I said, the patch was a quick hack, I just wanted to demonstrate that
we only have to change a few lines to store the higher precision,
and it will not cost more memory.
> >Do you have a reason for not using precompiled sea?
> Yes. I mainly use mkgmap as a validator, and I am routinely fixing
> errors in finland.osm.pbf. The sea polygons are not severely broken that
> often, it is usually just anti-islands. Only about once per month I
> have to fire up JOSM with an Osmosis-made extract of natural=coastline
> to see what is wrong.
OK, I see. I'll try with the same data to check what can be changed.