Charlie wrote:
Clinton Gladstone wrote:
On Nov 28, 2009, at 10:50, Christoph Wagner wrote:

svn commit schrieb:
Version 1409 was commited by markb on 2009-11-27 20:52:16 +0000 (Fri, 27 Nov 2009) 

Add support for generating multiple map objects from a single OSM object.

The style system is augmented with 'continue' and 'stop' commands that
can be used in style rule files to facilitate the generation of more than
one map object (line or POI) from a single OSM object.

Sounds very cool. Can you give a full example how to use the continue and stop commands, please?
Is it something like this or am I wrong?
Here is an example:

tunnel=* [0x12 resolution 20 continue]

This would create a second line which you could use (with an appropriate typ file) to create a special overlay for all lines which have the tunnel tag defined. (This is theoretically a bad example, because lines with the tag tunnel=no would also be included, but this gives you an idea of how the feature should work).
Just to clarify: this doesn't create a second line does it?  I thought 
it just allows separate rules to match the same OSM object?  Or have I 
misunderstood?  I thought it was the overlays style file that creates 
copies of an OSM way so that you can apply different TYP styles to a 
single OSM object.

It allows a rule to match again the same object. So you can create several lines from one way based on different keys.

So instead of having:
highway=way & brides=yes [0x123}
 - - - with 0x123 specifying several types

you could use use
bridge=yes [0x10a00 resolution 22 continue]
highway=way [0x01 road_class=0 road_speed=1 resolution 20]

This has the advantage of not needing to use bridge=yes for any combination in which it could be used. Note, currently ways using continue should not be routable - otherwise you it gets really complicated.

Also you cannot use
bridge=yes [0x01 continue]
bridge=yes [0x02 road_class 0 road_speed=0]
-- the check for tags needs to be different, otherwise the second gets dropped even though continue flag was used.

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