best regardsFirst tests indicate that your patch is working great :). Thanks a lot for fixing this bug :)Hi!
Michal Rogala2014-04-02 17:50 GMT+02:00 Steve Ratcliffe <>:
Hi Michał
I believe that I have now found the problem thanks to your example.
If I'm right, then the problem occurs when there are some cities that
do not have a country assigned and also that the total number of
cities is greater than 64k and the number of cities with a country is
less than that.
So it is mostly just unlucky based on the amount of data. With a
perfect bounds file, then every city should have a country and the
problem would not happen I think, so there was probably some
significance about the tiles being at the edge in a different country.
If not using a bounds file, then the problem is much more likely to
happen and may explain why I often see problems with maps without
bounds files.
The fix is on the sort2 branch at r3163 or greater:
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