Hi …


I have a strange behavior, the maps are generated, but no house numbers in the map. When the device searches for the address, it can find the street but not the house number. The map is build with the following statement


java -Xmx12288m -Xms5120m -jar mkgmap-r4283\mkgmap.jar --gmapsupp --index --housenumbers --output-dir=C:\Users\Richard\Documents\work\map --mapname=5917 --description=Freiburg-Regbez --family-id=59170001 --family-name=Freiburg-Regbez --max-jobs --route --drive-on=detect,right --make-opposite-cycleways --bounds=C:\Users\Richard\Downloads\bounds-latest.zip --transparent --verbose C:\Users\Richard\Documents\work\splitter\59170001*.o5m


Any hint what is going wrong? The house numbers where there in the past.


