I found (server) time to run my test again - using splitter v614 - search limit 1000000
Problem cases in bold. I also added the number of tiles that splitter v602 needed (well on one week older geofabrik extract - but that should not make such a difference for Norway or South America). I feel 602 with search-limit 1000000 was producing more consistent results.

"for netherlands use polygon-file - cnt1 = 93 cnt0 = 88" 
"for alps do not use polygon-file - cnt1 = 225 cnt0 = 226" 
"for liechtenstein do not use polygon-file - cnt1 = 1 cnt0 = 6" 
I thought that the new version fixes the splitting if it is not actually needed.

"for monaco do not use polygon-file - cnt1 = 1 cnt0 = 2" 
"for slovenia do not use polygon-file - cnt1 = 27 cnt0 = 28" 
"for ukraine use polygon-file - cnt1 = 62 cnt0 = 61" 
"for norway do not use polygon-file - cnt1 = 129 cnt0 = 168" 
Big degradation here - with the older splitter it was: "for norway use polygon-file - cnt1 = 128 cnt0 = 115" (also using 1000000 search limit)

"for switzerland do not use polygon-file - cnt1 = 29 cnt0 = 30" 
"for poland do not use polygon-file - cnt1 = 127 cnt0 = 128" 
"for sweden use polygon-file - cnt1 = 60 cnt0 = 54" 
"for finland do not use polygon-file - cnt1 = 65 cnt0 = 84" 
"for czech-republic use polygon-file - cnt1 = 63 cnt0 = 62" 
"for denmark use polygon-file - cnt1 = 33 cnt0 = 32" 
"for austria use polygon-file - cnt1 = 56 cnt0 = 54" 
"for andorra do not use polygon-file - cnt1 = 1 cnt0 = 4" 
"for estonia use polygon-file - cnt1 = 9 cnt0 = 8" 
"for saarland use polygon-file - cnt1 = 4 cnt0 = 0" 
Seems using a polygon-file no spit at all - however it should still write the data again out into the newly defined filename.

"for hamburg do not use polygon-file - cnt1 = 3 cnt0 = 12" 
"for hessen do not use polygon-file - cnt1 = 17 cnt0 = 18" 
"for bayern do not use polygon-file - cnt1 = 47 cnt0 = 48" 
"for berlin do not use polygon-file - cnt1 = 5 cnt0 = 13" 
"for australia-oceania use polygon-file - cnt1 = 112 cnt0 = 109" 
"for south-america do not use polygon-file - cnt1 = 335 cnt0 = 463" 
old splitter "for south-america do not use polygon-file - cnt1 = 337 cnt0 = 339"  (using default search limit)

"for africa do not use polygon-file - cnt1 = 653 cnt0 = 663" 
"for asia use polygon-file - cnt1 = 1697 cnt0 = 1549" 
"for russia use polygon-file - cnt1 = 429 cnt0 = 408" 
0ld identical

"for central-america use polygon-file - cnt1 = 60 cnt0 = 58" 
"for antarctica use polygon-file - cnt1 = 7 cnt0 = 6" 
"for morocco do not use polygon-file - cnt1 = 19 cnt0 = 27" 
old identical

"for congo-democratic-republic do not use polygon-file - cnt1 = 37 cnt0 = 38" 
"for mozambique use polygon-file - cnt1 = 24 cnt0 = 23" 
"for azerbaijan do not use polygon-file - cnt1 = 3 cnt0 = 4" 
"for malaysia-singapore-brunei do not use polygon-file - cnt1 = 16 cnt0 = 17" 
"for china use polygon-file - cnt1 = 104 cnt0 = 101" 
"for india do not use polygon-file - cnt1 = 109 cnt0 = 112" 
"for indonesia do not use polygon-file - cnt1 = 175 cnt0 = 200" 
"for japan use polygon-file - cnt1 = 163 cnt0 = 160" 
"for philippines do not use polygon-file - cnt1 = 50 cnt0 = 51" 
"for afghanistan do not use polygon-file - cnt1 = 11 cnt0 = 20" 
old identical 

"for australia use polygon-file - cnt1 = 67 cnt0 = 66" 
"for argentina use polygon-file - cnt1 = 31 cnt0 = 27" 
"for brazil use polygon-file - cnt1 = 176 cnt0 = 172" 
"for chile do not use polygon-file - cnt1 = 31 cnt0 = 33" 
"for paraguay use polygon-file - cnt1 = 17 cnt0 = 16" 
"for us-midwest do not use polygon-file - cnt1 = 152 cnt0 = 154" 
"for us-northeast do not use polygon-file - cnt1 = 109 cnt0 = 110" 
"for us-pacific use polygon-file - cnt1 = 20 cnt0 = 18" 
"for us-south do not use polygon-file - cnt1 = 259 cnt0 = 261" 
"for us-west do not use polygon-file - cnt1 = 224 cnt0 = 227" 
"for greenland use polygon-file - cnt1 = 4 cnt0 = 2" 
"for mexico use polygon-file - cnt1 = 43 cnt0 = 42" 
"for reunion do not use polygon-file - cnt1 = 3 cnt0 = 5" 

On Fri, 25 Jun 2021 at 16:51, Gerd Petermann <GPetermann_muenchen@hotmail.com> wrote:
Hi all,

I think with r609 there should be no need to use a polygon file. See

Please let me know when this version produces much worse results compared to older releases (using the same options and input) and provide the files densities-out.txt and the log.

If you are interested in good splits you should check the splitter log for
"Solution is not nice. Can't find a better solution"

When this is printed splitter did not find a good split. Expect almost empty tiles in this case.
It is likely that this happens when rather small files are split with a polygon and the default resolution. Normal users don't do this, but some map providers try to use the same options for very different downloads ...

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