b) did not work when I tried it. I have a test file here (very simple):
https://openmtbmap.org/wp-content/images/debug/ driveways.osm
oh yeah the idea why semi_connected is needed camp up because many (mainly highway=service & service=driveway and no other tags )in France and Switzerland are actually needed to get from roads for cars onto pathes/tracks. Often through a supermarket parking or similar while highway=service & service=driveway (likewise with no other tag) but mostly connected only on one side to public roads - are used to map ways to access a private house door or garden - they really clutter up the map hence I want to remove them. And yes - sadly far too little driveways add a foot=yes or foot=designated, or access=yes/access=designated while also far too many really private ways lack a access=private. Some people in OSM understand that service=driveway means it public without other tags, while others understand that it's private.On 17 September 2017 at 18:14, Felix Hartmann <extremecarver@gmail.com> wrote:(I did not try if this will work already - but I guess not).which would then overrule rules given higher up.All other things that are specified in {} brackets also work like b) - that's why I thought it should work that way too.do you think you can change the behavior that b) will also work? If not I'm just going to rewrite my rules for highway=service - and drop the idea to get rid of track,residential, footway and path with service=driveway tag (and hope this does not change in future).I've seen a couple - but yes - according to taginfo it's really little,(most are highway=service, then residential and others are really really little).
https://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/tags/service=driveway Another possibility would be if it could be added to the finalize section instead. So have in finalize section
( highway=service | highway=track | highway=path | highway=footway | highway=residential ) & service=driveway {set mkgmap:set_semi_connected_type=none; set mkgmap:set_unconnected_type=no ne} --On 17 September 2017 at 17:33, nwillink <osm@pinns.co.uk> wrote:Hi Gerd
In the UK , frequently public footpaths are linked to someone's driveway - I
have to say it's often quite 'daunting' to walk up someone's drive in order
to continue along a public footpath.
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Austria - ÖsterreichFelix Hartman - Openmtbmap.org & VeloMap.orgSchusterbergweg 32/86020 Innsbruck
--Austria - ÖsterreichFelix Hartman - Openmtbmap.org & VeloMap.orgSchusterbergweg 32/86020 Innsbruck