sounds reasonable, but how can we try? If you skip the split of roundabouts: are the network routines prepared for roads that have a closed loop?
> Date: Sun, 28 Apr 2013 22:45:01 +0200
> From:
> To:
> Subject: [mkgmap-dev] StyledConverter.addRoadAfterSplittingLoops and roundabouts
> Hi programmers,
> the StyledConverter.addRoadAfterSplittingLoops seems to splits each
> roundabout at least into two MapRoad objects because they contain the
> same point twice (start and end point). I wonder if that's the desired
> function?
> The comment says:
> // check each point in the way to see if it is the same
> // point as a following point in the way (actually the
> // same object not just the same coordinates)
> But I think it's curious that Garmin would not allow that for roundabouts.
> WanMil
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