
Please forgive any missing information and clarity - my first post here.

I have a (free, primitive) website ("TrickTracks") that allows users to "drop" a gpx file onto a webpage and receive a garmin .img map file as a download.  Under the covers my My web server converts the gpx file to an MP file and then feeds mkgmap (currently r4000) to produce the .img file.  I've had this website live for about 5 years and it's been well received by my users.  The users are primarily motorcycle and bicycle riders who create tracks for their rides and use the maps on their various Garmin devices.  My software does a bit of "special" processing on the gpx files in that certain waypoints are converted to large polygon targets and the gpx track lines have mileage marker polygons added at the user requested intervals. There are various web-page configuration options, etc. that let users specify map line width, etc. This has worked well on almost all garmin devices for many years.

I now have a problem with some of the newer garmin devices (XT2 and Treads) where the labels for the polygons are not showing up. I'm looking for ideas on where to start with this issue.  I have a few ideas and would like ideas on how to proceed:

Thanks you for any input and help you can give me.
