On Tue, Sep 1, 2009 at 4:57 PM, Morten Kjeldgaard
<mok@bioxray.au.dk> wrote:
I've just discovered that a directory called .Spotlight-V100/ on the microSD
card makes my Garmin Legend Cx crash when I switch it off.
The crash leads to a continuous beeping sound, and the only way to stop it
is to remove the batteries (and external power if connected to USB.)
The .Spotlight-V100/ directory is created if you mount the micro-SD card on
a Mac; apparently spotlight carries on to index the files on the card,
thereby creating the directory. I have not investigated if you can turn this
behaviour off.
By "mounting" I mean setting the Garmin device in "USB-mode". The
.Spotligt-V100 directory is _not_ created if you connect the device to the
Mac and use Garmins programs (such as RoadTrip) to communicate with it.
I had the same problem and reached to the same conclusion. My fix was to disable Spolight indexing on the SD card by creating an empty file on the root of the SD card named .metadata_never_index (touch .metadata_never_index), and deleted the .Spotilght-V100 directory. After that I had no problems.
Best regards