The patch that you published (I only used the second one, as you said I
should forget about the first one) only applies to way.java
I attach it here for you. Maybe you assumed that I use some sort of
additional patch on StyledConverter.java too, which you forgot on the list?
No, you didn't read my reply - here's what I said:
OK, let's try again. The attached patch adds a duplicate() method to
the Way class.
It's only really needed when using the continue patch. You will have to
edit StyledConverter.class in the do while loop where it's
looping around until foundType.isFinal() and in the body of the loop
it is calling addRoad() or addLine(). In there, if the foundType is not
final you want to pass a duplicate of the way rather than the original.
so instead of: addRoad(way, foundType)
you have: addRoad(way.duplicate(), foundType)
If foundType.isFinal() is true, you don't need to duplicate the way
(although if you do, no harm should come of it, just wastes a little
The second paragraph tells you that you have to edit
StyledConverter.java within the loop that's processing each of the
found types and use way.duplicate() instead of just way when you call
I would expect it to say something like this within the do while loop:
if(foundType.isRoad()) {
addRoad(way, foundType);
addRoad(way.duplicate(), foundType);
else {
addLine(way, foundType);
addLine(way.duplicate(), foundType);
Uups, read too fast and only applied the patch. Would not have
understood your first explanation anyhow (would not compile if I only
exchanged that line instead of adding the aditional else call).