Thank you, Ticker. I was able to run this program w/o issues even on Linux (via wine). Statistics tab gives quite a shallow view, it is not able to answer questions like:

 - am I saving any space if I don't include "name" in the point (restaurants without name)? In other words: how much data is used for labels or other attributes. Does it make any sense to use shorter labels or group them (pizza foo and pizza bar becomes "pizza" - will it be reused?)
 - How many kBs is taken by 50000 footways or 1000 polylines. The count itself is not really helpful
- Is there any padding involved so it makes sense to make labels shorter just "enough" to not waste a single byte
- Other statistics - data cannot be exported easily (even via clipboard)

That means it's still going to be a lot of trial & error (if I do this - am I getting a smaller output and by how much?).

On Thu, Jan 27, 2022 at 4:36 PM Ticker Berkin <> wrote:
Hi Jose

GPSMapEdit from

can tell you some of this. The free version should do; install it and
open gmapsupp.img or an individual tile. Then look at Map Properties >
Statistics tab.


On Thu, 2022-01-27 at 15:31 +0100, jose1711 wrote:
> Hello,
> can someone recommend a way how I can learn more about what the
> detailed statistics in respect to the byte size of each element in the
> map generated by mkgmap? What I am looking for is something like:
> - lines: 3.2 MB
>   - road_class 0: 1.3 MB
>   - road_class 1: 1.2 MB
>   - road_class 2: 0.3 MB
>   ..
> - points: 1.0 MB
>   - symbol 0x2c04: 0.3 MB
>   - symbol 0x4c00: 0.2 MB
> Not sure if it makes any sense but the rationale behind is having an
> tool that would provide some hints as to which map details can be
> sacrificed when trying to cover the largest area of the map.
> Thanks,
> jose
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