I'm really not mkgmap dev but am clearly _on _mkgmap dev.
And I'd also like to express my _big_ thanks to everyone who's contributed to creating mkgmap and by doing so also making it possible to have a navigation system in Haiti -- first time ever!

As I think this is my first post to the list I'd like to introduce myself just briefly:
I've been contributing to OSM for about three years albeit untill the Haiti quake only on a very random basis (mostly "holiday mapping").
Since the quake I've contributed increasingly and am now involved on the ground in Haiti (since last September when I moved here).
In case someone has a specific interest in helping me out to fine tune the Haiti map data to make not only a functioning and the "best that there is" navigation data for Haiti but also a kick-ass fantastic data set (in absolute terms) that takes all the what-ever specific issues of Garmin in consideration then please do shoot me a message.

My OSM username is jaakkoh (http://osm.org/user/jaakkoh - in wiki: http://wiki.osm.org/wiki/User:JaakkoH).

Thanks, hope to see you in Denver and cheers to all!

On Tuesday, September 6, 2011, maning sambale wrote:
a bit OT.

Are there mkgmap devs attendting SOTM2011 in Denver.  Would love to
meet one in person to express my big thanks! :)

"Freedom is still the most radical idea of all" -N.Branden
wiki: http://esambale.wikispaces.com/
blog: http://epsg4253.wordpress.com/
mkgmap-dev mailing list

jaakko@helleranta.com * Skype: jhelleranta * Mobile: +509-37-269154  *  http://go.hel.cc/MyProfile