What's the best thing we can say to (impatient) map users that want
readable names in maps in your opinion? Wait for improved support in
Mkgmap or is adding transliterated names in the OSM data an option?

My suggestion would be if --code-page is given, transliterate to ascii all characters that fall out of the code page range. I.e. if I like build Cyrillic map (--code-page=1251) I would transliterate all characters that fall out of (0x0020-0x007f; 0x0400-0x04ff) ranges, so If any i.e. Greek characters are present it the input data, they will be "mapped" to ascii. Similar to with cp1252 (i.e. latin1), transliterate everyting outside 0x0020-0x007f; 0x00a0-0x00ff ranges. cp1250, transliterate everything >0x007f.

Cyrillic, in most cases, is easy to transliterate (or romanize, etc) by simple mapping as there are few exceptions. Try properly transliterating i.e. Greek (i.e. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romanization_of_Greek), taking account letter combination and positioning in the word, assuming you know which standard of Greek romanization you will use...

What I did to work around it is to use small program that pre-processes osm data, adding name:ascii tags whenever it encounters non-ascii characters in the osm data, and than use --name-tag-order=name:ascii, name as options. However, it think that similar functionally could be implement in mkgmap...
