Hi Gerd,


I could not test it on my GPS, yet. But your option works well for my map on Homeport.


I set option


and Homeport shows v17.01

GMapTool also reports correct version:


Datei:                G:/garmin/gmapsupp.img, Länge 1940029440

Header:            17.01.2017 18:09:28, DSKIMG, XOR 00, V 17.01, Ms 0

Mapset:           OpenSeaMap_EuCentral

Fat:                    400h - 600h - 80000h, Block 32768

Maps:               322, Subdateien 962



One more question:


Could your perhaps also implement an option


to set marine header?


Currently I have to patch headers using this tool:


But this is slow. It would be much better to have an option for that.






Von: Gerd Petermann
Gesendet: Sonntag, 15. Januar 2017 09:47
An: mkgmap-dev@lists.mkgmap.org.uk
Betreff: [mkgmap-dev] [Patch] set map-version in img header


Hi all,


the attached patch implements new option map-version:


             The map version is written into the header of each *.img file

             at offset 8 and 9. Defailt is 0.0. Both major and minor values must be

             between 0 and 255 (including).

             Example: --map-version=1.7 (same  as --map-version=01.07)


A binary based on r3753 is here:



I seem to have no Garmin software that displays this version, so I don't

know for sure what the meaning is. Please suggest better option name or

description if you know more.

