Hi all,

it took a while to analyse many special cases, but today I've committed r2839.

Compared to trunk you should see:
- better routing results because bearing values are calculated using the high precision
values of coordinates.
- fewer optical errors caused by rounding, e.g. ugly roundabouts or havy zig-zagging
lines in the img when OSM data shows an almost straight line
- smaller img file size because many obsolete points are removed
- slightly higher peak memory usage, else not much difference in throughput

Wrong angles are corrected by either moving the displayed points a little bit or
by removing them. In some cases, points are merged as in the old
short-arc-removal process, but with improvements:
- if a way has only two points, the algo tries to keep that way in favor to
a wrong angle in the img (else routing would be changed in favor to optic)
- very close exit points on a roundabout are kept if possible (to avoid wrong
"leave roundabout at"  messages

Up to now the changes are calculated for routable ways. In a second step,
non-routable ways (not shapes) sharing modified points are modified as well.
This is useful for those users who create styles for biking.

The code needs a bit of review, but I think the result is very good now.

Next on my todo list:
1) Change the implementation of the --link-pois-to-ways feature. Current
implementation is too complex. Maybe it doesn't work at all now.
@WanMil: Or do you already work on it?
2) Implement the merge-shape feature.
