Hi Gerd,
i forget to activate the diagnostic function. I build the maps new, but it takes time. Fabrik and NRWplusare running now......
Here are the information from "Fabrik", the other map send i later.
Mkgmap version 4867
Time started: Sun Jan 16 17:11:03 CET 2022
Number of MapFailedExceptions: 0
building Huffman tree for the following frequencies: [24620, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 648, 2, 0, 959, 47594, 3, 12, 4, 0, 303, 5763, 12, 2261, 2254, 4, 16, 52, 4086, 261, 356, 2610, 5213, 5125, 3989, 2721, 2168, 1694, 2113, 1539, 1641, 1840, 84, 1245, 170, 1320, 0, 3, 6207, 4855, 618, 1680, 2499, 1767, 3949, 3152, 784, 808, 2849, 2951, 1127, 3473, 976, 2938, 294, 4674, 7662, 1941, 809, 908, 6439, 2179, 5, 633, 2732, 0, 2732, 29, 607, 0, 24393, 5179, 9548, 8380, 44728, 3449, 9432, 12777, 11171, 21, 5132, 12721, 6529, 18350, 9267, 6653, 105, 31110, 14401, 20263, 8101, 2806, 2674, 465, 1074, 1629, 0, 870, 0, 38, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 11, 0, 0, 6179, 0, 0, 1, 0, 477, 0, 0, 0, 3, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1808, 0, 0, 0]
depth:7 '4' 0x34 freq: 2721
depth:7 '[' 0x5b freq: 2732
depth:7 ']' 0x5d freq: 2732
depth:7 'v' 0x76 freq: 2806
depth:5 'i' 0x69 freq: 11171
depth:8 '>' 0x3e freq: 1320
depth:10 '/' 0x2f freq: 356
depth:11 '=' 0x3d freq: 170
depth:12 ';' 0x3b freq: 84
depth:12 'q' 0x71 freq: 105
depth:9 'I' 0x49 freq: 784
depth:7 'K' 0x4b freq: 2849
depth:6 '&' 0x26 freq: 5763
depth:7 'P' 0x50 freq: 2938
depth:7 'L' 0x4c freq: 2951
depth:6 'ß' 0xdf freq: 6179
depth:3 ' ' 0x20 freq: 47594
depth:4 'a' 0x61 freq: 24393
depth:4 '.' 0x00 freq: 24620
depth:6 'A' 0x41 freq: 6207
depth:7 'H' 0x48 freq: 3152
depth:8 '8' 0x38 freq: 1539
depth:9 'J' 0x4a freq: 808
depth:9 'U' 0x55 freq: 809
depth:5 'l' 0x6c freq: 12721
depth:5 'h' 0x68 freq: 12777
depth:6 'W' 0x57 freq: 6439
depth:6 'm' 0x6d freq: 6529
depth:8 'z' 0x7a freq: 1629
depth:8 '9' 0x39 freq: 1641
depth:8 'D' 0x44 freq: 1680
depth:8 '6' 0x36 freq: 1694
depth:6 'p' 0x70 freq: 6653
depth:7 'f' 0x66 freq: 3449
depth:7 'N' 0x4e freq: 3473
depth:8 'F' 0x46 freq: 1767
depth:9 '|' 0x7c freq: 870
depth:9 'V' 0x56 freq: 908
depth:8 'ü' 0xfc freq: 1808
depth:8 ':' 0x3a freq: 1840
depth:5 's' 0x73 freq: 14401
depth:6 'S' 0x53 freq: 7662
depth:10 'x' 0x78 freq: 465
depth:10 'ä' 0xe4 freq: 477
depth:9 ' ' 0x1f freq: 959
depth:8 'T' 0x54 freq: 1941
depth:7 'G' 0x47 freq: 3949
depth:4 'r' 0x72 freq: 31110
depth:7 '3' 0x33 freq: 3989
depth:7 '-' 0x2d freq: 4086
depth:6 'u' 0x75 freq: 8101
depth:6 'd' 0x64 freq: 8380
depth:9 'O' 0x4f freq: 976
depth:9 'y' 0x79 freq: 1074
depth:8 '7' 0x37 freq: 2113
depth:8 '5' 0x35 freq: 2168
depth:8 'X' 0x58 freq: 2179
depth:5 'n' 0x6e freq: 18350
depth:13 ',' 0x2c freq: 52
depth:15 '"' 0x22 freq: 12
depth:17 'è' 0xe8 freq: 3
depth:17 '#' 0x23 freq: 4
depth:16 'é' 0xe9 freq: 7
depth:14 '^' 0x5e freq: 29
depth:16 'Ä' 0xc4 freq: 8
depth:18 ' ' 0x1d freq: 2
depth:18 '' 0xad freq: 2
depth:19 '„' 0x84 freq: 1
depth:19 '°' 0xb0 freq: 1
depth:19 'â' 0xe2 freq: 1
depth:19 'ô' 0xf4 freq: 1
depth:15 'Ö' 0xd6 freq: 16
depth:15 '+' 0x2b freq: 16
depth:17 '*' 0x2a freq: 4
depth:17 'Y' 0x59 freq: 5
depth:16 'Ü' 0xdc freq: 11
depth:14 '~' 0x7e freq: 38
depth:15 'j' 0x6a freq: 21
depth:16 ''' 0x27 freq: 12
depth:18 'š' 0x9a freq: 3
depth:18 '!' 0x21 freq: 3
depth:18 '@' 0x40 freq: 3
depth:18 '–' 0x96 freq: 3
depth:11 '.' 0x2e freq: 261
depth:11 'Q' 0x51 freq: 294
depth:11 '%' 0x25 freq: 303
depth:9 'M' 0x4d freq: 1127
depth:8 ')' 0x29 freq: 2254
depth:7 'R' 0x52 freq: 4674
depth:6 'o' 0x6f freq: 9267
depth:6 'g' 0x67 freq: 9432
depth:8 '(' 0x28 freq: 2261
depth:9 'ö' 0xf6 freq: 1200
depth:10 '_' 0x5f freq: 607
depth:10 'C' 0x43 freq: 618
depth:7 'B' 0x42 freq: 4855
depth:6 'c' 0x63 freq: 9548
depth:8 'E' 0x45 freq: 2499
depth:9 '<' 0x3c freq: 1245
depth:10 'Z' 0x5a freq: 633
depth:10 ' ' 0x1c freq: 648
depth:7 '2' 0x32 freq: 5125
depth:5 't' 0x74 freq: 20263
depth:7 'k' 0x6b freq: 5132
depth:7 'b' 0x62 freq: 5179
depth:7 '1' 0x31 freq: 5213
depth:8 '0' 0x30 freq: 2610
depth:8 'w' 0x77 freq: 2674
depth:4 'e' 0x65 freq: 44728
Huffman code: 0000000000000000000 '„' 0x84
Huffman code: 0000000000000000001 '°' 0xb0
Huffman code: 0000000000000000010 'â' 0xe2
Huffman code: 0000000000000000011 'ô' 0xf4
Huffman code: 000000000000000010 ' ' 0x1d
Huffman code: 000000000000000011 '' 0xad
Huffman code: 000000000000000100 'š' 0x9a
Huffman code: 000000000000000101 '!' 0x21
Huffman code: 000000000000000110 '@' 0x40
Huffman code: 000000000000000111 '–' 0x96
Huffman code: 00000000000000100 'è' 0xe8
Huffman code: 00000000000000101 '#' 0x23
Huffman code: 00000000000000110 '*' 0x2a
Huffman code: 00000000000000111 'Y' 0x59
Huffman code: 0000000000000100 'é' 0xe9
Huffman code: 0000000000000101 'Ä' 0xc4
Huffman code: 0000000000000110 'Ü' 0xdc
Huffman code: 0000000000000111 ''' 0x27
Huffman code: 000000000000100 '"' 0x22
Huffman code: 000000000000101 'Ö' 0xd6
Huffman code: 000000000000110 '+' 0x2b
Huffman code: 000000000000111 'j' 0x6a
Huffman code: 00000000000100 '^' 0x5e
Huffman code: 00000000000101 '~' 0x7e
Huffman code: 0000000000011 ',' 0x2c
Huffman code: 000000000010 ';' 0x3b
Huffman code: 000000000011 'q' 0x71
Huffman code: 00000000010 '=' 0x3d
Huffman code: 00000000011 '.' 0x2e
Huffman code: 00000000100 'Q' 0x51
Huffman code: 00000000101 '%' 0x25
Huffman code: 0000000011 '/' 0x2f
Huffman code: 0000000100 'x' 0x78
Huffman code: 0000000101 'ä' 0xe4
Huffman code: 0000000110 '_' 0x5f
Huffman code: 0000000111 'C' 0x43
Huffman code: 0000001000 'Z' 0x5a
Huffman code: 0000001001 ' ' 0x1c
Huffman code: 000000101 'I' 0x49
Huffman code: 000000110 'J' 0x4a
Huffman code: 000000111 'U' 0x55
Huffman code: 000001000 '|' 0x7c
Huffman code: 000001001 'V' 0x56
Huffman code: 000001010 ' ' 0x1f
Huffman code: 000001011 'O' 0x4f
Huffman code: 000001100 'y' 0x79
Huffman code: 000001101 'M' 0x4d
Huffman code: 000001110 'ö' 0xf6
Huffman code: 000001111 '<' 0x3c
Huffman code: 00001000 '>' 0x3e
Huffman code: 00001001 '8' 0x38
Huffman code: 00001010 'z' 0x7a
Huffman code: 00001011 '9' 0x39
Huffman code: 00001100 'D' 0x44
Huffman code: 00001101 '6' 0x36
Huffman code: 00001110 'F' 0x46
Huffman code: 00001111 'ü' 0xfc
Huffman code: 00010000 ':' 0x3a
Huffman code: 00010001 'T' 0x54
Huffman code: 00010010 '7' 0x37
Huffman code: 00010011 '5' 0x35
Huffman code: 00010100 'X' 0x58
Huffman code: 00010101 ')' 0x29
Huffman code: 00010110 '(' 0x28
Huffman code: 00010111 'E' 0x45
Huffman code: 00011000 '0' 0x30
Huffman code: 00011001 'w' 0x77
Huffman code: 0001101 '4' 0x34
Huffman code: 0001110 '[' 0x5b
Huffman code: 0001111 ']' 0x5d
Huffman code: 0010000 'v' 0x76
Huffman code: 0010001 'K' 0x4b
Huffman code: 0010010 'P' 0x50
Huffman code: 0010011 'L' 0x4c
Huffman code: 0010100 'H' 0x48
Huffman code: 0010101 'f' 0x66
Huffman code: 0010110 'N' 0x4e
Huffman code: 0010111 'G' 0x47
Huffman code: 0011000 '3' 0x33
Huffman code: 0011001 '-' 0x2d
Huffman code: 0011010 'R' 0x52
Huffman code: 0011011 'B' 0x42
Huffman code: 0011100 '2' 0x32
Huffman code: 0011101 'k' 0x6b
Huffman code: 0011110 'b' 0x62
Huffman code: 0011111 '1' 0x31
Huffman code: 010000 '&' 0x26
Huffman code: 010001 'ß' 0xdf
Huffman code: 010010 'A' 0x41
Huffman code: 010011 'W' 0x57
Huffman code: 010100 'm' 0x6d
Huffman code: 010101 'p' 0x70
Huffman code: 010110 'S' 0x53
Huffman code: 010111 'u' 0x75
Huffman code: 011000 'd' 0x64
Huffman code: 011001 'o' 0x6f
Huffman code: 011010 'g' 0x67
Huffman code: 011011 'c' 0x63
Huffman code: 111 ' ' 0x20
tab2: 31 11111 7 ' ' 0x20
tab2: 30 11110 7 ' ' 0x20
tab2: 29 11101 7 ' ' 0x20
tab2: 28 11100 7 ' ' 0x20
Huffman code: 1101 'a' 0x61
tab2: 27 11011 9 'a' 0x61
tab2: 26 11010 9 'a' 0x61
Huffman code: 1100 '.' 0x00
tab2: 25 11001 9 '.' 0x00
tab2: 24 11000 9 '.' 0x00
Huffman code: 1011 'r' 0x72
tab2: 23 10111 9 'r' 0x72
tab2: 22 10110 9 'r' 0x72
Huffman code: 1010 'e' 0x65
tab2: 21 10101 9 'e' 0x65
tab2: 20 10100 9 'e' 0x65
Huffman code: 10011 'i' 0x69
tab2: 19 10011 11 'i' 0x69
Huffman code: 10010 'l' 0x6c
tab2: 18 10010 11 'l' 0x6c
Huffman code: 10001 'h' 0x68
tab2: 17 10001 11 'h' 0x68
Huffman code: 10000 's' 0x73
tab2: 16 10000 11 's' 0x73
Huffman code: 01111 'n' 0x6e
tab2: 15 01111 11 'n' 0x6e
Huffman code: 01110 't' 0x74
tab2: 14 01110 11 't' 0x74
tab2: 13 01101 26 13
tab2: 12 01100 26 13
tab2: 11 01011 26 13
tab2: 10 01010 26 13
tab2: 9 01001 26 13
tab2: 8 01000 26 13
tab2: 7 00111 24 12
tab2: 6 00110 24 12
tab2: 5 00101 24 12
tab2: 4 00100 24 12
tab2: 3 00011 22 12
tab2: 2 00010 22 11
tab2: 1 00001 22 11
tab2: 0 00000 0 10
compressed/uncompressed MDR 15 size: 332289/475949 ratio ~0,698
Number of ExitExceptions: 0
Time finished: Sun Jan 16 17:12:07 CET 2022
Total time taken: 1 minute 4 seconds
Hi Arndt,
please post the diagnostic information from mkgmap for the map(s) that causes the crash.
Esp. I need the data following the text "following frequencies:"
Gesendet: Sonntag, 16. Januar 2022 16:43
An: Development list for mkgmap
Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev] Please try and report results of Huffman compression
Hi Gerd,
i run a test with Speiche Deutschland, NRW+, Kanaren, Balearen, Alpen and "Fabrik"-a little cut around my home.
size mkgmap-r4855 vs mkgmap-mdr2-r4867
3,68 GB (3.954.902.039 Bytes)
3,67 GB (3.944.957.454 Bytes)
3,92 GB ( Bytes)
3,91 GB ( Bytes)
74,4 MB (78.077.953 Bytes)
74,2 MB (77.873.649 Bytes)
3,06 GB ( Bytes)
3,05 GB (3.284.340.528 Bytes)
41,7 MB (43.772.910 Bytes)
41,5 MB (43.606.904 Bytes)
The adress search in BaseCamp ist not OK:
Balearen, Kanaren and Fabrik seems to be OK.
Alpen: if you type a name from a city, there is no choice-list
NRW+ and Germany: BaseCamp crash, when type a adress ->
Fehler erkannt
Es ist ein Problem mit BaseCamp aufgetreten
App: BaseCamp
At: 16.01.2022 16:35:40 (UTC1)
OS: Windows 10 (64-bit)
Processor: x86, Processor Level: 23, Processors:4, Model: 17 Stepping: 0, RAM: 14606744
Es wurde versucht, im geschützten Speicher zu lesen oder zu schreiben. Dies ist häufig ein Hinweis darauf, dass anderer Speicher beschädigt ist.
bei bc.AddressFindComponentFinderBase_t.GetAddressFinderResults(IList`1 A_0, Int32 A_1, String A_2)
bei bc.AddressFindAutoCompleteComponentController_t.HandleAutoCompleteCitySearchRequest(AutoCompleteSearchRequestArgs_t aArgs)
bei bc.AutoCompleteController_t.RequestItems()
bei bc.AutoCompleteController_t.HandleTimerTick(Object sender, EventArgs e)
bei System.Windows.Forms.Timer.OnTick(EventArgs e)
bei System.Windows.Forms.Timer.TimerNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
bei System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.DebuggableCallback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
bei System.Windows.Forms.UnsafeNativeMethods.DispatchMessageW(MSG& msg)
bei System.Windows.Forms.Application.ComponentManager.System.Windows.Forms.UnsafeNativeMethods.IMsoComponentManager.FPushMessageLoop(IntPtr dwComponentID, Int32 reason, Int32 pvLoopData)
bei System.Windows.Forms.Application.ThreadContext.RunMessageLoopInner(Int32 reason, ApplicationContext context)
bei System.Windows.Forms.Application.ThreadContext.RunMessageLoop(Int32 reason, ApplicationContext context)
bei System.Windows.Forms.Application.Run(Form mainForm)
bei main(String[] aArgs)
Active Map Product:
Version: 1.00
Installed Map Products:
Map Name: Globale Karte (Garmin Product)
Map Id: 133758977
Map Version: 2.0
Map Type: Bundle
Custom Drawn Map: No
Digital Elevation Model: No
Map Name: Speiche_Fabrik_220116
Map Id: 517734401
Map Version: 1.0
Map Type: Bundle
Custom Drawn Map: Yes
Digital Elevation Model: Yes
Map Name: Speiche_Kanaren_220116
Map Id: 518848513
Map Version: 1.0
Map Type: Bundle
Custom Drawn Map: Yes
Digital Elevation Model: Yes
Map Name: Speiche_NRWplus_220116
Map Id: 518914049
Map Version: 1.0
Map Type: Bundle
Custom Drawn Map: Yes
Digital Elevation Model: Yes
Map Name: Speiche_Balearen_220116
Map Id: 518979585
Map Version: 1.0
Map Type: Bundle
Custom Drawn Map: Yes
Digital Elevation Model: Yes
Map Name: Speiche_Deutschland_220116
Map Id: 519045121
Map Version: 1.0
Map Type: Bundle
Custom Drawn Map: Yes
Digital Elevation Model: Yes
Map Name: Speiche_Alpen_220116
Map Id: 519110657
Map Version: 1.0
Map Type: Bundle
Custom Drawn Map: Yes
Digital Elevation Model: Yes
Map Name: Worldwide Autoroute DEM Basemap,NR (Garmin Product)
Map Id: 3302470335
Map Version: 5.1
Map Type: Card
Custom Drawn Map: No
Digital Elevation Model: Yes
.NET Versions:
.NET FW 1.0 not installed.
.NET FW 1.1 not installed.
.NET FW 2.0 with SP2 installed
.NET FW 3.0 with SP2 installed
.NET FW 3.5 with SP1 installed
OpenGL Version 2.1
Attached File: MiniDump
Hi all,
Gesendet: Samstag, 15. Januar 2022 18:53
Cc: Gerd Petermann
Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev] Please try and report results of Huffman compression
ALLVARLIG (MultiPolygonRelation): folder/77700046.osm.pbf: Internal error:
Failed to render MultiPolygonRelation 2970267
that was with --latin1
mkgmap version 4839 works well.
On lördag 15 januari 2022 16:59:24 CET Gerd Petermann wrote:
Hi all,
during the last weeks Ticker and I decoded Garmin's String compression of
the global index for the PC (the *_mdr.img) . In the mdr2 branch I've coded
support for that in mkgmap and I think its ready for a first beta test.
It works with codepages 1250 ..1258 or 65001.
I've no idea how the 2-byte pages work, but Garmin seems to support that,
too. Maybe I'll work on this later.
The branch version produces around 200 lines of diagnostic output to show
what happens when compression is enabled. This will be changed to debug
level later.
The encoding is enabled by default, special option --x-no-mdr15-compression
can be used to turn it off.
Note that the size of the *_mdr.img file will be smaller (which is esp.
intersting for those who get close to the 2G limit) Note also that a zipped
*_mdr.img can and will be larger since zip cannot remove as much
redundancy. Note also that this branch includes the changes from the
faster-mp branch and introduces a few changes which are relavant for
--lower-case maps.
How to test?
Install the map in MapSource and check if you see any unexpected characters
in the result lists or maybe even crashes while searching. If so, please
try the same input files with the --x-no-mdr15-compression to verify if
this is caused by compression or maybe other changes.
Please don't yet publish the maps, but let me know if you see anything
unexpected. Some changes reg. lower-case in this branch are still
The binary is here:
If you see errors which are caused by compression, please attach the
diagnostic output.
@Ticker: Please review the source.
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