
2009/8/24 Elrond <elrond+openstreetmap.org@samba-tng.org>
On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 12:03:01AM +0200, Ondrej Novy wrote:
> Hi,
> i think we don't want to have not finished highwayes on map, so this
> attached patch fixies it. Thanks.

Well, I think, we can have them on the map, just at a very
high level. So that they only show up when you zoom in a

what about to show them as another Garmin type?
Routing is one thing, but today i had situation: Hey, there are street, i will go there - no i can't. I should see on map if it's under construction or not and only changing resolution is not solution.

S pozdravem/Best regards
Bc. Ondrej Novy

Email: novy@ondrej.org
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