Hi Ben,
please review:
overpass turbo shows no matches for objects with
landmark=chimney & communication:mobile_phone=yes or
landmark=chimney & communication:microwave=yes
In fact, only 13 points with landmark=chimney exist. Maybe you meant a different tag?
man_made=tower | man_made=mast | man_made=communications_tower | (landmark=chimney & communication:mobile_phone=yes) | (landmark=chimney & communication:microwave=yes) [0x6411 resolution 24]
I think in the default mkgmap style water towers can be added the same as man_made=tower:
man_made=tower|man_made=mast|landmark=chimney|man_made=water_tower [0x6411 resolution 24]
(IMHO man_made=mast could be removed in this rule, all those gsm antennas will clutter the map)
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