Hi Frank,

Thanks for your tool, but can you explain how to specify those img tiles since the gmap folder does not contain any img?

This command does not work obviously:

GmTool.exe --overwrite --input g:\mkgmap\Openfietsmap\versions\test\Openfietsmap(BNL).gmap\Product1\1001????.img --output . --mapsource=pid:1;fid:10010;cp:1252;ov:10010000.img;tdb:10010000.tdb.tdb;noov;notyp;nomdx;nomdr;noinst --version=1710 --mapfamilyname="Test" --mapseriesname="Test" --description="Test" --routable=1 --highestroutable=24 --maxbits4overview=18 --hasdem=1 --hasprofile=1 --copyright=*I*

Van: mkgmap-dev <mkgmap-dev-bounces@lists.mkgmap.org.uk> namens Frank Stinner <Frank.Stinner@kabelmail.de>
Verzonden: woensdag 1 november 2017 10:17
Aan: mkgmap-dev@lists.mkgmap.org.uk
Onderwerp: Re: [mkgmap-dev] a new DEM-File Option

if you don't find another tool for processing TDB-file, have a look to
my gmtool. This is only a experimental tool but it do the job. I use
only this tool for creating my test-maps.
Don't forget the GarminCore.dll.


gmtool --overwrite --input ????????.img --output .
--version=1710 --mapfamilyname="Test" --mapseriesname="Test"
--description="Test" --routable=1 --highestroutable=24
--maxbits4overview=18 --hasdem=1 --hasprofile=1 --copyright=*I*

This use infos from all IMG-files with 8 characters in the actual
directory and create a new osmmap.tdb. (See also the (german) help with
gmtool --help)

If anybody want to patch a few bytes in a TDB-file and test the result
of this, he can read and then rewrite this file with gmtool. This
should update the crc.


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