Hi Minko,
> For instance this node you can pass with bicycle
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/node/1258837342#map=17/52.05858/5.36603
I can't reproduce that in MapSource with r3160 and default style. I am always routed to the
next junctions when using bicycle mode. In pedestrian mode I am routed through the barrier.
> What happens if you dont specify any rules after barrier=gate, given that link-pois-to-ways is active?
> Will it look at the tags that are specified on OSM and use the route restrictions accordingly that are hardcoded, or will it ignore those barriers in routing?
> Do I have to set motorcar=yes for my cycle map after barrier=bollard (because I dont use car navigation) if I want to use link-pois-to-ways?
Well, for the link-pois-to-ways option mkgmap evaluates the access tags beginning with mkgmap: and the
mkgmap:road-class and mkgmap:road-speed tags (including the min and max versions).
If it finds an access tag, it checks if the POI is more restrictive than the way. If yes, a routing restriction is created.
If it finds a tag like mkgmap:road-class or mkgmap:road-speed, it will use the corresponding values for a part of
the way near the POI.
> > Hi Minko,
> >
> > these rules will match before:
> > barrier=* & foot=* { set mkgmap:foot='${foot|subst:private=>no}' }
> > barrier=* & access=* { addaccess '${access|subst:private=>no}' }
> >
> > If I got that right, the rule below should not allow bicycle.
> > It's difficult to verify that in the map as we create a route
> > restriction
> > for this when --link-pois-to-ways is active. Do you have an example
> > where this doesn't work?
> >
> > Gerd
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