
Thanks for the advice. The pre-compiled sea (replacing generate-sea and coastlinefile) has cleared up the flooding I was getting.

As for the bridges - no, there is nothing special about them. The relevant tags are "railway=rail, bridge=viaduct, layer=1".

Further investigation seems to show this is a Mapsource draw order problem. The bridges come and go at different zoom levels, and sometimes one disappears while another on the same screen remains. But all is well on my GPSMap 60CSx, so no worries.

Thanks for the help.


On 29/08/2012 08:36, WanMil wrote:
I am using a separate coastline file to avoid local flooding problems,
but I find that bridges over tidal water disappear in Mapsource. Without
the coastline file, they are fine. Can anybody suggest a remedy, please?

Hi Roger,

do you know if there is anything special with bridges over tidal water? 
Are there any special tags for them?

Anyhow I strongly propose to use the precompiled sea feature which is 
available since mkgmap r2307. This compiles much quicker than the 
previous methods and the results regarding flooding problems are much 
You can enable it using the parameter
precomp-sea=<directory with precompiled sea tiles>
instead of the generate-sea parameter.
You can download the sea tiles from 


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Roger Calvert
Beckside House
LA12 8EQ
01229 885498
078 2746 8501