; TYP file to give mapnik rendering ; -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- NB: first 3 bytes/char in file is UTF-8 encoded ByteOrderMark (BOM) [_comments] This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 or version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. Author: Jorisbo@hotmail.com and others Based on mkgmap default style version: r4293 [End] [_id] ;ProductCode=1 set from --product-id FID=7770 set from --family-id ;CodePage=65001 set from --code-page ;CodePage=1252 set from --code-page [End] ;=========== POLYGONS : RENDERING PRIORITY ====== [_drawOrder] Type=0x03d,1 Type=0x04b,1 Type=0x002,2 Type=0x003,2 Type=0x007,2 Type=0x009,2 Type=0x00a,2 Type=0x010,2 Type=0x011,2 Type=0x012,2 Type=0x015,2 Type=0x016,2 Type=0x018,2 Type=0x01a,2 Type=0x01c,2 Type=0x01d,2 Type=0x020,2 Type=0x021,2 Type=0x022,2 Type=0x024,2 Type=0x025,2 Type=0x026,2 Type=0x03b,2 Type=0x046,2 Type=0x047,2 Type=0x048,2 Type=0x04c,2 Type=0x04d,2 Type=0x050,2 Type=0x051,2 Type=0x053,2 Type=0x008,3 Type=0x00b,3 Type=0x00c,3 Type=0x00f,3 Type=0x032,3 Type=0x04e,3 Type=0x052,3 Type=0x06b,3 Type=0x017,4 Type=0x04f,4 Type=0x005,5 Type=0x019,5 Type=0x03c,5 Type=0x03f,5 Type=0x041,5 Type=0x006,6 Type=0x00e,6 Type=0x013,7 Type=0x023,7 Type=0x06a,7 Type=0x06c,8 Type=0x004,9 Type=0x10801,5 Type=0x10802,5 Type=0x10803,5 Type=0x10804,5 Type=0x10a02,4 ;Type=0x3901,7 ;Type=0x3902,7 ;Type=0x3903,7 ;Type=0x3911,7 ;Type=0x3912,7 ;Type=0x3913,7 [End] ;===================== POLYGONS ======================== [_polygon] Type=0x0c ;GRMN_TYPE: Large Manmade Areas/INDUSTRIAL_COMPLEX/Industrial complex area/Non NT String=Industrial Complex String1=0x01,Zone industrielle String2=0x02,Industriegebiet String3=0x04,Industrial area String4=0x03,Industriegebied String6=0x07,Industriområde String7=0x15,Obszar przemysłowy String8=0x10,Área industrial String9=0x05,Area industriale ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No Xpm="0 0 1 0" "1 c #D7D7D7" [end] [_polygon] Type=0x13 ;GRMN_TYPE: Large Manmade Areas/GENERIC_MANMADE/Other or generic manmade area, such as a building/Non NT String=Building String1=0x01,Bâtiment String2=0x02,Gebäude String3=0x04,Building String4=0x03,Gebouw String6=0x07,Byggnad String7=0x15,Budynek String8=0x10,Edifício String9=0x05,Edificio String10=0x0f,Byggning ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No Xpm="0 0 1 0" "1 c #E2CEA5" [end] [_polygon] type=0x1c ;GRMN_TYPE: // String=Meadow String2=0x02,Wiese String4=0x03,Weide String6=0x07,Fält, åker ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No Xpm="0 0 1 0" "1 c #FFFCC1" [end] [_polygon] Type=0x50 ;GRMN_TYPE: Surface Cover Areas/WOODS/Wooded or forested area/Non NT String=Woods String1=0x01,Forêt String2=0x02,Wald String4=0x03,Bos String6=0x07,Skog String7=0x15,Las String8=0x10,Floresta String9=0x05,Selva String10=0x0f,Skog ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) Xpm="0 0 1 0" "a c #80ee80" [end] [_polygon] Type=0x51 ;GRMN_TYPE: Surface Cover Areas/WETLAND/Wetland or swamp area/Non NT String=Wetland String1=0x01,Marais String2=0x02,Sumpf String3=0x04,Marsh String4=0x03,Nat gebied String6=0x07,Våtmark String7=0x15,Mokradła String8=0x10,Pântano String9=0x05,Palude String10=0x0f,Våtmark ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No Xpm="32 32 2 1" "! c #4060FF" " c none" " ! ! ! ! ! ! !" " ! ! ! ! ! ! " " ! ! ! ! ! ! " " ! ! ! ! ! ! " "! ! ! ! ! ! ! " " ! ! ! ! ! ! !" " ! ! ! ! ! ! " " ! ! ! ! ! ! " " ! ! ! ! ! ! " "! ! ! ! ! ! ! " " ! ! ! ! ! ! !" " ! ! ! ! ! ! " " ! ! ! ! ! ! " " ! ! ! ! ! ! " "! ! ! ! ! ! ! " " ! ! ! ! ! ! !" " ! ! ! ! ! ! " " ! ! ! ! ! ! " " ! ! ! ! ! ! " "! ! ! ! ! ! ! " " ! ! ! ! ! ! !" " ! ! ! ! ! ! " " ! ! ! ! ! ! " " ! ! ! ! ! ! " "! ! ! ! ! ! ! " " ! ! ! ! ! ! !" " ! ! ! ! ! ! " " ! ! ! ! ! ! " " ! ! ! ! ! ! " "! ! ! ! ! ! ! " " ! ! ! ! ! ! !" " ! ! ! ! ! ! " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 [end] [_polygon] type=0x0a ;GRMN_TYPE: Large Manmade Areas/COLLEGE/College or university area/Non NT String=University/College String1=0x01,École String2=0x02,Schule String3=0x04,Education String4=0x03,School String6=0x07,Skola String7=0x15,Edukacja String8=0x10,Escola String9=0x05,Scuola ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No Xpm="0 0 1 0" "1 c #FFFFE5" [end] ;====================== LINES =========================== [_line] Type=0x11 ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_ROUTE_LINE_5/Routable customizable line/Non NT, NT String=Cycleway String1=0x01,Piste cyclable String2=0x02,Radweg String3=0x04,Cycleway String4=0x03,Fietspad String6=0x07,Cykelväg String7=0x15,Ścieżka rowerowa String8=0x10,Ciclovia String9=0x05,Pista ciclabile UseOrientation=Y ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#0020CC Xpm="32 2 2 1" "! c #0020CC" " c none" " !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! " " !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 [end] [_line] type=0x14 ;GRMN_TYPE: Misc. Line Types/RAILROAD/Railroad/Non NT UseOrientation=Y Xpm="32 3 2 1" "! c #434343" "# c #FFFFFF" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!########!!!!!!!!########" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String=Railroad String1=0x01,Voie ferrée String2=0x02,Gleis String3=0x04,Railway String4=0x03,Spoorweg String6=0x07,Järnväg String7=0x15,Kolej String8=0x10,Ferrovia String9=0x05,Ferrovia String6=0x07,Jernbane ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x16 ;GRMN_TYPE: Roads/TRAIL/Walkway or trail/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N String=Trail String1=0x01,Sentier String2=0x02,Fußweg String3=0x04,Path / Trail String4=0x03,Wandelpad String6=0x07,Stig, led, gångväg String7=0x15,Ścieżka String8=0x10,Trilha String9=0x05,Sentiero String10=0x0f,Sti, led, gangveg ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=No Xpm="32 2 2 1" "! c #A03000" " c none" " !!!!! !!!!! !!!!! !!!!! " " !!!!! !!!!! !!!!! !!!!! " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 [end] [_line] Type=0x10a06 ;GRMN_TYPE: // ; not used by default style UseOrientation=N LineWidth=4 BorderWidth=1 Xpm="0 0 2 0" "1 c #BBBBBB" "2 c #949494" String=Platform String1=0x01,Quai String2=0x02,Plattform String4=0x03,Perron String6=0x07,Perrong String7=0x15,Peron String8=0x10,Plataforma String9=0x05,Piattaforma ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x10c06 ;GRMN_TYPE: // ; not used by default style UseOrientation=Y Xpm="32 6 2 1" "! c #99CCCC" "# c #FFFFFF" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!#####!!!#####!!!#####!!!#####!" "!!#####!!!#####!!!#####!!!#####!" "!!#####!!!#####!!!#####!!!#####!" "!!#####!!!#####!!!#####!!!#####!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 ;String=Road (Construction) String1=0x01,Route (en travaux) String2=0x02,Weg (Im bau) String3=0x04,Road (Construction) String4=0x03,Weg (In aanleg) String6=0x07,Väg under byggnad String7=0x15,Droga (w budowie) String8=0x10,Rodovia em construção String9=0x05,Strada in costruzione String10=0x0f,Veg under anlegg ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No [end] [_line] type=0x10a10 ;FOSKAN_TYPE: Aerialway, ski-lift, and similar. UseOrientation=Y Xpm="32 5 2 1" "* c #000000" " c none" " * * * " " * * * " "********************************" " * * * " " * * * " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String=Aerialway String2=0x02,Seilbahnen String3=0x04,Aerialway String6=0x07,Linbana, lift String7=0x15,Transport nadziemny String10=0x0f,Linbane, lift ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No [end] ;====================== POINTS ========================== [_point] Type=0x2c subtype=0x05 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Attractions/SCHOOL/School/Non NT String=Education String1=0x01,École String2=0x02,Schule String4=0x03,Educatie String6=0x07,Skola String7=0x15,Edukacja String8=0x10,Escola String9=0x05,Scuola ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NormalFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#4D4D00 DayXpm="1 1 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #009500" " c none" " " ;1 [end] [_point] Type=0x2b05 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String=Lean to shelter String6=0x07,Vindskydd String7=0x15,Schronienie String10=0x0f,Gapahuk ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No xpm="14 14 2 1" " c None" "# c #aa00aa" " #####" " ######" " #### " " #### " " #### " " #### " " #### " " #### ## " " #### ### " "#### ##### " "#### ### " "##############" "##############" "##############" ;1234567890123456 [end] [_point] Type=0x2f0b String2=0x04,parking String6=0x07,parkering String7=0x15,parking String1=0x0f,parkering DayXpm="11 11 8 1" " c none" "# c #1600FF" "+ c #1824F7" "' c #464DFF" ", c #BABAFF" "o c #BEC5F5" "^ c #EEF3F6" ". c #FEFFFC" " ......... " ".#########." ".##....,+#." ".##..#'.o#." ".##..##.^#." ".##..#'.o#." ".##....,+#." ".##..#####." ".##..#####." ".#########." " ......... " [end] ; Egendefinert punkt for ubetjent DNT-hytte [_point] Type=0x3901 String=DNT no service cabin String6=0x07,DNT obetjänt stuga String2=0x04,DNT no service cabin String10=0x0f,DNT ubetjent hytte xpm="16 16 3 1" " c None" "# c #aa00aa" ". c #ffffff" "################" "# ## #" "# ## ## #" "# ## ## #" "# # # #" "# # # #" "### ###" "# # # #" "# # # #" "# # # #" "# # # #" "# # # #" "# # # #" "# ############ #" "# #" "################" [end] ; Egendefinert punkt for selvbetjent DNT-hytte [_point] Type=0x3902 String=DNT selvbetjent hytte String6=0x07,DNT självbetjänt stuga string2=0x04,DNT self service cabin string10=0x0f,DNT selvbetjent hytte xpm="16 16 3 1" " c None" "# c #aa00aa" ". c #ffffff" "################" "# ## #" "# ## ## #" "# ## ## #" "# # # #" "# # # #" "### ###" "# # # #" "# # ## #" "# # #### #" "# # ###### #" "# # ######## #" "# # ########## #" "# ############ #" "# #" "################" [end] ; Egendefinert punkt for betjent DNT-hytte [_point] Type=0x3903 String=DNT betjent hytte String6=0x07,DNT betjänad stuga string2=0x04,DNT staffed lodge string10=0x0f,DNT betjent hytte xpm="16 16 3 1" " c None" "# c #aa00aa" ". c #ffffff" "################" "# ## #" "# #### #" "# ###### #" "# ######## #" "# ########## #" "################" "# ########## #" "# ########## #" "# ########## #" "# ########## #" "# ########## #" "# ########## #" "# ########## #" "# #" "################" [end] ; Egendefinierad punkt för STF fjällstation [_point] Type=0x3911 String=STF fjällstation String2=0x04,STF staffed mountain station String6=0x07,STF fjällstation String1=0x0f,STF betjent fjellstasjon xpm="14 14 3 1" " c None" "# c #aa00aa" ". c #ffffff" "##############" "##############" "##..........##" "##..........##" "##..######..##" "##..######..##" "##..######..##" "##..######..##" "##..######..##" "##..######..##" "##..........##" "##..........##" "##############" "##############" [end] ; Egendefinierad punkt för övernattningsstuga med viss service (länstyrelser, delvis betjänade) [_point] Type=0x3912 String=Övernattningsstuga (kan vara betjänade) String2=0x04,Oevrnight hut (may have service) String6=0x07,Övernattningsstuga (kan vara betjänade) String1=0x0f,Overnattninghytte (bettjent/ubetjent) xpm="12 12 3 1" " c None" "# c #aa00aa" ". c #ffffff" "############" "############" "############" "############" "############" "############" "############" "############" "############" "############" "############" "############" [end] ; Raststuga utan service (länstyrelser, obetjänade) [_point] Type=0x3913 String=Day hut String2=0x04,Day hut (no service) String6=0x07,Raststuga String10=0x0f,Rastehytte xpm="12 12 3 1" " c None" "# c #aa00aa" ". c #ffffff" " ## " " ## " " #### " " #### " " ###### " " ###### " " ######## " " ######## " " ########## " " ########## " "############" "############" [end] [_point] Type=0x4c00 String=infomration String1=0x04,information String6=0x07,information String10=0x0f,informasjon DayXpm="8 12 3 1" " c None" ". c #FFFFFF" "+ c #000000" " .... " " ..++.. " " .++++. " " .++.. " " ...... " " .++++. " ".+++++. " " .++++. " " .++++. " " .++++. " ".++++++." "........" [end] [_point] Type=0x6411 String=Tower String1=0x04,Tower String6=0x07,Torn, mast, skorsten String7=0x15,Wierza, komin String10=0x0f, DayXpm="14 14 2 1" " c None" ". c #000000" ".. .." "... ..." " ... ... " " .. .. .. " " .... " " ...... " " ........ " " ........ " " ...... " " .... " " .. .. .. " " ... ... " "... ..." ".. .." [end]