At the moment, the included (Windows) script is set up to use the
default style and any additional styles in the 'style' subfolder.
I'm actively experimenting with both, and TYP and style are not
matching 1:1. Both style and TYP are rather general, for personal
BTW: if you want to use the script, it'll need some configuration
and a 'curl.exe' to download a planet file. This is what I say
about that in the script:
rem Command file to convert OSM map to Garmin
rem Needed: curl.exe in active directory or in path + splitter and
mkgmap in %java_apps%\%mkgmapversion% &
rem %java_apps% defaults to currect directory, %mkgmapversion% and
%splitterversion% need to be set
rem %mkgmapversion% can direct to compiled version from SVN:
rem A new *.osm file is only downloaded when there's none present
rem Download can be a gzipped planet file or in protobuf format
rem The planet file is split only if there are no tiles present
rem The splitter is set up to use an existing areas.list - if
rem The maximum number of tiles is 99, as there are two positions
to loop through the tiles.
rem For the conversion the default style definitions is used, plus
optional extra layers/styles
rem There can be up to nine extra layers/styles, numbered
%firststyle% to %laststyle%
rem The optional layers are on top of the default layer, with
priority for the first layer set to %basepriority%
rem The script does not install maps into MapSource
rem The final map will be written to %outputfolder%, this path
should not contain spaces
rem Caches for BaseCamp/MapSource will be emptied, paths need to
be configured in %mapsourcecache% and %basecampcache%