this works for me:

contour=elevation { name '${ele|conv:m=>ft}' }

Am 15.11.2012 19:55, schrieb Thomas Kaschel:
Am 15.11.2012 14:43, schrieb Roger Calvert:
Please can someone advise:

I have an OSM file which contains contours with elevations in metres.
Mapsource seems to interpret these as feet, and then, because I have its
altitude setting in metres, converts them. So they all come out low by a
factor of 3.3.

Is there a way of adjusting for this in the style file?

Thanks in advance,


Roger Calvert

Hi Roger

I had a similar problem with peaks. I've edited/added the following 
lines in the points file.

natural=peak & ele=* {name '${name|def:} (${ele|def:})' | '${name}' } 
[0x6616 resolution 20]
natural=peak & ele!=* {name '${name|def:}' } [0x6616 resolution 20]

Hope this helps.

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