Hi WanMil,
ahh, I think now I understand.
You just want to re-combine those parts that have a small number of points?
That should be easy.
I thought you suggest to parse the shapes created by
and replace the rounded values by the original coord instances
so that the ShapeMergeFilter is again able to merge them.
That would be more complex but might save a few more bytes.
BTW: I tried the effect of an earlier merge. The effect is rather
small, means, the img size did not decrease much, but without
additional logic the merge takes much longer.
> Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2014 21:55:17 +0100
> From: wmgcnfg@web.de
> To: mkgmap-dev@lists.mkgmap.org.uk
> Subject: Re: [mkgmap-dev] shape merger in high-prec-coord branch
> > I think the artifacts are created by the rounding that happens
> > when we convert from or to java.awt.geom.Area.
> Yes. After the multipolygon splitting only the first and the last point
> of a common edge of two polygons can be a point that is added
> artificially. It sounds possible to detect if it ca be removed.
> WanMil
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