Hi Steve,
> Nice simple test case. I can reproduce on a similar version of mapsource
> that you used, but not on an older version.
> > I hope you can reproduce the problem and find out what goes wrong...
> Interestingly if set to shortest time and avoid u-turns, then it goes
> straight down w1, w2 and through the barrier to the destination. It
> doesn't go along w3 at all. This happens on good (and bad I think but
> I would have to re-check).
yes, the original test was without w3. I wanted to prove that the
link-pois-to-ways-v2.patch doesn't change something to the worse
as feared by Chris66 :

The test proved that, so I wanted to find out what MapSource does if there is an
alternative connection which is much longer. Result is the test case.
Later, I've modified w3 to be much shorter, but that did not change
anything to the better, means, all results with wrong routes were the same.
