The file I am trying to split is fairly small, Torsten. It is about 30kb large (while the european data is 5gb). The splitter version is from end january.
Jean-Marc Meessen schrieb am 20.02.2011 14:24:
> * Am I using the latest version of the PBF splitter branch (I also
> tried the compiled r161-3) ?This sound like a known (and already solved) problem, where splitter had
> * Is this a known problem ?
> * Is something wrong with my parameters ?
> I was using a windows 7 PC for this.
> Thanks in advance to any hint or advise you could give me.
problems with files >4GB on windof PCs.
In the lates version of r-161 this problem was solved, previous versions of
r-161 had this problem.
Are you sure, you are using the latest versin of r-161? (My splitter.jar has the
date 27.01.2011.)
Are smaller maps working ok?
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