On Oct 25, 2009, at 9:31, Ralf Reimann wrote:

Toby Speight wrote:

The above means:
* If the highway has both 'ref' and 'name' tags, give it a name made of
 the 'ref' value in an oval box, followed by the 'name' value; else

I understood it in this way, but it doesn't do this. I looked for a lot of primaries and secondaries and all of them are named only by there ref.

Are you doing this in MapSource or on your GPS unit? I noticed that MapSource will only display the first part of the name, which is used in the highway shield (for example B57 or B58), but when I view the same streets on my eTrex, cursoring over the area gives me the full name (B58 Weseler Strasse). (If this doesn't work for you, what GPS unit are you using?)

I strongly suspect that the MapSource display issue results from the "highway-symbol:hbox" part of the style, which inserts the graphical highway "shield" into the map. I have noted that other maps, produced by cgpsmapper, do not seem to have this limitation. It could be that we need to insert another "magic byte" into the name.
