; TYP file to give mapnik rendering ; -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- NB: first 3 bytes/char in file is UTF-8 encoded ByteOrderMark (BOM) [_comments] This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 or version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. Author: Jorisbo@hotmail.com and others Based on mkgmap default style version: r4293 [End] [_id] ;ProductCode=1 set from --product-id ;FID=8094 set from --family-id ;CodePage=65001 set from --code-page [End] ;=========== POLYGONES : PRIORITE DANS L'AFFICHAGE ====== [_drawOrder] Type=0x03d,1 Type=0x04b,1 Type=0x002,2 Type=0x003,2 Type=0x007,2 Type=0x009,2 Type=0x00a,2 Type=0x010,2 Type=0x011,2 Type=0x012,2 Type=0x015,2 Type=0x016,2 Type=0x018,2 Type=0x01a,2 Type=0x01c,2 Type=0x01d,2 Type=0x020,2 Type=0x021,2 Type=0x022,2 Type=0x024,2 Type=0x025,2 Type=0x026,2 Type=0x03b,2 Type=0x046,2 Type=0x047,2 Type=0x048,2 Type=0x04c,2 Type=0x04d,2 Type=0x051,2 Type=0x053,2 Type=0x008,3 Type=0x00b,3 Type=0x00c,3 Type=0x00f,3 Type=0x032,3 Type=0x04e,3 Type=0x050,3 Type=0x052,3 Type=0x06b,3 Type=0x017,4 Type=0x04f,4 Type=0x005,5 Type=0x019,5 Type=0x03c,5 Type=0x03f,5 Type=0x041,5 Type=0x006,6 Type=0x00e,6 Type=0x013,7 Type=0x023,7 Type=0x06a,7 Type=0x06c,8 Type=0x004,9 [End] ;===================== POLYGONES ======================== [_polygon] Type=0x02 ;GRMN_TYPE: Urban Areas/SMALL_CITY/Small urban area, less than 200 000 inhabitants/Non NT String1=0x00,Suburb String2=0x01,R��sidentiel String3=0x02,Wohngebiet String4=0x03,Bebouwing String5=0x15,Obszar mieszkalny String6=0x10,Residencial String7=0x05,Area residenziale String8=0x04,Suburb ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No Xpm="0 0 1 0" "1 c #E0DFDF" [end] [_polygon] Type=0x03 ;GRMN_TYPE: Urban Areas/TOWN/Urban area, less than 50 000 inhabitants/Non NT String1=0x00,Village String2=0x01,R��sidentiel String3=0x02,Wohngebiet String4=0x03,Bebouwing String5=0x15,Obszar mieszkalny String6=0x10,Residencial String7=0x05,Area residenziale String8=0x04,Village ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No Xpm="0 0 1 0" "1 c #E0DFDF" [end] [_polygon] Type=0x04 ;GRMN_TYPE: Large Manmade Areas/MILITARY_BASE/Military base area/Non NT String1=0x00,Military Base String2=0x01,Domaine militaire String3=0x02,Milit��risches Sperrgebiet String4=0x03,Militair domein String5=0x15,Teren wojskowy String6=0x10,Militar String7=0x05,Area militare String8=0x04,Military Base ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No Xpm="32 32 2 1" "! c #FF958B" " c none" " !! !! " "!! !! " "! !! !" " !! !!" " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " "!! !! " "! !! !" " !! !!" " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 [end] [_polygon] Type=0x05 ;GRMN_TYPE: Large Manmade Areas/PARKING_LOT/Parking lot area/Non NT String1=0x00,Parking Lot String2=0x01,Parking String3=0x02,Parkplatz String4=0x04,Parking Lot String5=0x03,Parkeerterrein String6=0x15,Parking String7=0x10,Estacionamento String8=0x05,Parcheggio ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No Xpm="0 0 1 0" "1 c #EEEEEE" [end] [_polygon] Type=0x06 ;GRMN_TYPE: Large Manmade Areas/PARKING_GARAGE/Parking garage area/Non NT String1=0x00,Parking Garage String2=0x01,Garages String3=0x02,Garagen String4=0x04,Parking Garage String5=0x03,Garages String6=0x15,Gara��e String7=0x10,Garagem String8=0x05,Garage ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No Xpm="0 0 1 0" "1 c #DFDDCE" [end] [_polygon] Type=0x07 ;GRMN_TYPE: Large Manmade Areas/AIRPORT/Airport area/Non NT String1=0x00,Airport String2=0x01,A��roport String3=0x02,Flughafen String4=0x03,Vliegveld String5=0x15,Lotnisko String6=0x10,Aeroporto String7=0x05,Aerodromo String8=0x04,Airport ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No Xpm="0 0 1 0" "1 c #E9E7E2" [end] [_polygon] Type=0x08 ;GRMN_TYPE: Large Manmade Areas/SHOPPING_AREA/Shopping area/Non NT String1=0x00,Shopping Center String2=0x01,Zone commerciale String3=0x02,Gewerbegebiet String4=0x03,Commercieel gebied String5=0x15,Obszar handlowy String6=0x10,��rea comercial String7=0x05,Area commerciale String8=0x04,Shopping Center ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No Xpm="0 0 1 0" "1 c #F2DAD9" [end] [_polygon] Type=0x09 ;GRMN_TYPE: Large Manmade Areas/MARINA/Marina area/Non NT String1=0x00,Water Park String2=0x01,Piscine String3=0x02,Schwimmbad String4=0x04,Water Park String5=0x03,Zwembad String6=0x15,Basen String7=0x10,Piscina String8=0x05,Piscina ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No Xpm="0 0 1 0" "1 c #AAD3DF" [end] [_polygon] Type=0x0a ;GRMN_TYPE: Large Manmade Areas/COLLEGE/College or university area/Non NT String1=0x00,University/College String2=0x01,��cole String3=0x02,Schule String4=0x04,University/College String5=0x03,School String6=0x15,Edukacja String7=0x10,Escola String8=0x05,Scuola ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No Xpm="0 0 1 0" "1 c #FFFFE5" [end] [_polygon] Type=0x0b ;GRMN_TYPE: Large Manmade Areas/HOSPITAL/Hospital area/Non NT String1=0x00,Hospital String2=0x01,H��pital String3=0x02,Krankenhaus String4=0x03,Ziekenhuis String5=0x15,Szpital String6=0x10,Hospital String7=0x05,Ospedale String8=0x04,Hospital ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No Xpm="0 0 1 0" "1 c #FFFFE5" [end] [_polygon] Type=0x0c ;GRMN_TYPE: Large Manmade Areas/INDUSTRIAL_COMPLEX/Industrial complex area/Non NT String1=0x00,Industrial area String2=0x01,Zone industrielle String3=0x02,Industriegebiet String4=0x04,Industrial area String5=0x03,Industriegebied String6=0x15,Obszar przemys��owy String7=0x10,��rea industrial String8=0x05,Area industriale ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No Xpm="0 0 1 0" "1 c #EBDBE8" [end] [_polygon] Type=0x0e ;GRMN_TYPE: Large Manmade Areas/AIRPORT_RUNWAYS/Airport runway area/Non NT String1=0x00,Runway String2=0x01,A��rodrome String3=0x02,Flugfeld String4=0x04,Runway String5=0x03,Landingsbaan String6=0x15,Pas startowy String7=0x10,Aer��dromo String8=0x05,Pista di aviazione ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No Xpm="0 0 1 0" "1 c #BBBBCC" [end] [_polygon] Type=0x0f ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x00,Commercial Area String2=0x01,Zone commerciale String3=0x02,Gewerbegebiet String4=0x03,Commercieel gebied String5=0x15,Obszar handlowy String6=0x10,��rea comercial String7=0x05,Area commerciale String8=0x04,Commercial Area ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No Xpm="0 0 1 0" "1 c #F2DAD9" [end] [_polygon] Type=0x10 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x00,Residential String2=0x01,R��sidentiel String3=0x02,Wohngebiet String4=0x03,Bebouwing String5=0x15,Obszar mieszkalny String6=0x10,Residencial String7=0x05,Area residenziale String8=0x04,Residential ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No Xpm="0 0 1 0" "1 c #E0DFDF" [end] [_polygon] Type=0x11 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x00,Danger Area String2=0x01,Domaine militair String3=0x02,Milit��risches Sperrgebiet String4=0x03,Miltaire gevarenzone String5=0x04,Danger Area ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No Xpm="32 32 2 1" "! c #FFFFFF" "# c #FCD8DB" "################################" "################################" "################################" "################################" "################################" "################################" "################################" "################################" "################################" "################################" "################################" "################################" "################################" "#############!###!##############" "##############!#!###############" "###############!################" "##############!#!###############" "#############!###!##############" "################################" "################################" "################################" "################################" "################################" "################################" "################################" "################################" "################################" "################################" "################################" "################################" "################################" "################################" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 [end] [_polygon] Type=0x12 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x00,Retail String2=0x01,Aire String3=0x02,Rastst��tte String4=0x03,Snelweg rustplaats String5=0x04,Retail ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No Xpm="0 0 1 0" "1 c #EFC8C8" [end] [_polygon] Type=0x13 ;GRMN_TYPE: Large Manmade Areas/GENERIC_MANMADE/Other or generic manmade area, such as a building/Non NT String1=0x00,Building String2=0x01,B��timent String3=0x02,Geb��ude String4=0x03,Gebouw String5=0x15,Budynek String6=0x10,Edif��cio String7=0x05,Edificio String8=0x04,Building ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No Xpm="0 0 1 0" "1 c #D9D0C9" [end] [_polygon] Type=0x15 ;GRMN_TYPE: Park Areas/NATIONAL_PARK/National park/Non NT String1=0x00,Village Green String2=0x01,Espace vert String3=0x02,Gr��n String4=0x03,Stadsgroen String5=0x04,Village Green ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No Xpm="0 0 1 0" "1 c #CDEBB0" [end] [_polygon] Type=0x16 ;GRMN_TYPE: Park Areas/NATIONAL_PARK_OTHER/Small or misc sized national park/Non NT String1=0x00,Nature Reserve String2=0x01,Espace vert String3=0x02,Gr��n String4=0x03,Groen String5=0x15,Ziele�� String6=0x10,��rea verde String7=0x05,Area naturale String8=0x04,Nature Reserve ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No Xpm="0 0 1 0" "1 c #DBF1C6" [end] [_polygon] Type=0x17 ;GRMN_TYPE: Park Areas/URBAN_PARK/Small urban park, typically only a few square blocks in size/Non NT String1=0x00,City Park/Playground String2=0x01,Parc String3=0x02,Park String4=0x03,Park String5=0x15,Park String6=0x10,Parque String7=0x05,Parco String8=0x04,City Park/Playground ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No Xpm="0 0 1 0" "1 c #C8FACC" [end] [_polygon] Type=0x18 ;GRMN_TYPE: Large Manmade Areas/GOLF_COURSE/Golf course area/Non NT String1=0x00,Golf Course String2=0x01,Golf String3=0x02,Golfplatz String4=0x03,Golfbaan String5=0x15,Pole golfowe String6=0x10,Campo de Golfe String7=0x05,Campo da golf String8=0x04,Golf Course ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No Xpm="0 0 1 0" "1 c #B5E3B5" [end] [_polygon] Type=0x19 ;GRMN_TYPE: Large Manmade Areas/SPORTS_COMPLEX/Sports arena or stadium/Non NT String1=0x00,Sports Complex String2=0x01,Terrain de sport String3=0x02,Sportplatz String4=0x04,Sports Complex String5=0x03,Sportveld String6=0x15,Teren sportowy String7=0x10,Campo de esportes String8=0x05,Campo sportivo ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No Xpm="0 0 1 0" "1 c #AAE0CB" [end] [_polygon] Type=0x1a ;GRMN_TYPE: Large Manmade Areas/CEMETARY/Cemetary/Non NT String1=0x00,Cemetery String2=0x01,Cimeti��re String3=0x02,Friedhof String4=0x03,Begraafplaats String5=0x15,Cmentarz String6=0x10,Cemit��rio String7=0x05,Cimitero String8=0x04,Cemetery ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No Xpm="32 32 2 1" "! c #88B78E" "# c #AACBAF" "################################" "################################" "################################" "################################" "#######!!#######################" "######!!!!######################" "######!!!!######################" "######!!!!######################" "######!!!!######################" "######!!!!######################" "######!!!!######################" "####!!!!!!!!####################" "################################" "################################" "################################" "################################" "################################" "################################" "################################" "################################" "################################" "################################" "################################" "################################" "################################" "################################" "################################" "################################" "################################" "################################" "################################" "################################" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 [end] [_polygon] Type=0x1c ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x00,Meadow String2=0x02,Wiese String3=0x03,Weide String4=0x04,Meadow ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No Xpm="0 0 1 0" "1 c #CDEBB0" [end] [_polygon] Type=0x1d ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x00,Common String2=0x01,Parc String3=0x02,Park String4=0x03,Park String5=0x15,Park String6=0x10,Parque String7=0x05,Parco String8=0x04,Common ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No Xpm="0 0 1 0" "1 c #C8FACC" [end] [_polygon] Type=0x20 ;GRMN_TYPE: Park Areas/STATE_PARK_OTHER/Small or misc sized state park/Non NT String1=0x00,Garden String2=0x01,Jardin String3=0x02,Garten String4=0x03,Tuin String5=0x04,Garden ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No Xpm="32 32 2 1" "! c #8CB873" "# c #CDEBB0" "################################" "################################" "################################" "###!#######!#######!#######!####" "################################" "################################" "################################" "################################" "################################" "################################" "################################" "###!#######!#######!#######!####" "################################" "################################" "################################" "################################" "################################" "################################" "################################" "###!#######!#######!#######!####" "################################" "################################" "################################" "################################" "################################" "################################" "################################" "###!#######!#######!#######!####" "################################" "################################" "################################" "################################" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 [end] [_polygon] Type=0x21 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x00,Tourism String2=0x03,Toeristische attractie String3=0x04,Tourism ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No Xpm="0 0 1 0" "1 c #CDEBB0" [end] [_polygon] Type=0x22 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x00,Historic String2=0x01,Patrimoine historique String3=0x02,Historisches Gebiet / Geb��ude String4=0x03,Historisch gebied/gebouw String5=0x15,Historyczny teren / budynek String6=0x10,Edif��cio hist��rico String7=0x05,Luogo storico String8=0x04,Historic ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No Xpm="0 0 1 0" "1 c #D9D0C9" [end] [_polygon] Type=0x23 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x00,Amenity String2=0x01,B��timent String3=0x02,Geb��ude String4=0x03,Gebouw String5=0x15,Budynek String6=0x10,Edif��cio String7=0x05,Edificio String8=0x04,Amenity ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No Xpm="0 0 1 0" "1 c #D9D0C9" [end] [_polygon] Type=0x24 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x00,Man-made String2=0x02,Konstruktion String3=0x03,Constructie String4=0x04,Man-made ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No Xpm="0 0 1 0" "1 c #B8B8B8" [end] [_polygon] Type=0x25 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x00,Square String2=0x01,Place String3=0x02,Platz String4=0x03,Markt String5=0x05,Piazza String6=0x08,Plaza String7=0x04,Square ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No Xpm="0 0 1 0" "1 c #DDDDE8" [end] [_polygon] Type=0x26 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x00,Farm / Yard String2=0x01,Ferme String3=0x02,Bauernhof String4=0x03,Boerenbedrijf String5=0x04,Farm / Yard ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No Xpm="0 0 1 0" "1 c #F5DCBA" [end] [_polygon] Type=0x32 ;GRMN_TYPE: Water Areas/SEA/Sea/Non NT String1=0x00,Sea String2=0x01,Mer String3=0x02,Meer String4=0x03,Zee String5=0x15,Morze String6=0x10,Mar String7=0x05,Mare String8=0x04,Sea ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NormalFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#4D80B3 ContourColor=No Xpm="0 0 1 0" "1 c #AAD3DF" [end] [_polygon] Type=0x3b ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x00,Waterway String2=0x01,Eau String3=0x02,Wasser String4=0x03,Water String5=0x15,Woda String6=0x10,��gua String7=0x05,Acqua String8=0x04,Waterway ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#4D80B3 ContourColor=No Xpm="0 0 1 0" "1 c #AAD3DF" [end] [_polygon] Type=0x3c ;GRMN_TYPE: Water Areas/LAKE_100MI/Lake less than 250 sq mi but greater or equal to 100 sq mi in area/Non NT String1=0x00,Lake String2=0x01,Eau String3=0x02,Wasser String4=0x03,Water String5=0x15,Woda String6=0x10,��gua String7=0x05,Acqua String8=0x04,Lake ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#4D80B3 ContourColor=No Xpm="0 0 1 0" "1 c #AAD3DF" [end] [_polygon] Type=0x3d ;GRMN_TYPE: Water Areas/LAKE_30MI, LARGE_LAKE/Large lake, typically between 30 and 500 sq mi in area/Non NT String1=0x00,Bay String2=0x01,Baie String3=0x02,Bucht String4=0x03,Baai String5=0x15,Zatoka String6=0x10,Baia String7=0x05,Baia String8=0x04,Bay ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No Xpm="32 32 2 1" "! c #FFFFFF" " c none" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 [end] [_polygon] Type=0x3f ;GRMN_TYPE: Water Areas/LAKE, LAKE_5MI/Medium sized lake, typically between 5 and 30 sq mi in area/Non NT String1=0x00,Reservoir/Basin String2=0x01,Eau String3=0x02,Wasser String4=0x03,Water String5=0x15,Woda String6=0x10,��gua String7=0x05,Acqua String8=0x04,Reservoir/Basin ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No Xpm="0 0 1 0" "1 c #AAD3DF" [end] [_polygon] Type=0x41 ;GRMN_TYPE: Water Areas/LAKE_LT_1MI, SMALL_LAKE/Small lake, typically less than 5 sq mi in area/Non NT String1=0x00,Small Lake String2=0x01,Eau String3=0x02,Wasser String4=0x03,Water String5=0x15,Woda String6=0x10,��gua String7=0x05,Acqua String8=0x04,Small Lake ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#4D80B3 ContourColor=No Xpm="0 0 1 0" "1 c #AAD3DF" [end] [_polygon] Type=0x46 ;GRMN_TYPE: Water Areas/LARGE_RIVER/Major river, typically at least 700 ft in width/Non NT String1=0x00,River String2=0x01,Eau String3=0x02,Wasser String4=0x03,Water String5=0x15,Woda String6=0x10,��gua String7=0x05,Acqua String8=0x04,River ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No Xpm="0 0 1 0" "1 c #AAD3DF" [end] [_polygon] Type=0x47 ;GRMN_TYPE: Water Areas/RIVER_GT_700FT/Major river greater or equal to 700 ft in width/Non NT String1=0x00,Waterfall String2=0x01,Chute d'eau String3=0x02,Wasserfall String4=0x03,Waterval String5=0x15,Wodospad String6=0x10,Cachoeira String7=0x05,Cascata String8=0x04,Waterfall ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#4D80B3 ContourColor=No Xpm="0 0 1 0" "1 c #AAD3DF" [end] [_polygon] Type=0x48 ;GRMN_TYPE: Water Areas/RIVER_100FT, SMALL_RIVER/Minor river, typically less than 700 ft in width/Non NT String1=0x00,Canal String2=0x01,Eau String3=0x02,Wasser String4=0x03,Water String5=0x15,Woda String6=0x10,��gua String7=0x05,Acqua String8=0x04,Canal ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#4D80B3 ContourColor=No Xpm="0 0 1 0" "1 c #AAD3DF" [end] [_polygon] Type=0x4b ;GRMN_TYPE: Map Bounds/DATA_BOUNDS/Bounds of map after creation/Non NT String1=0x00,Area of Map Coverage String2=0x01,Sol String3=0x02,Hintergrund String4=0x03,Achtergrond String5=0x15,Obszar niezmapowany String6=0x10,��rea n��o mapeada String7=0x05,Sfondo String8=0x04,Area of Map Coverage ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=LargeFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#00FFFF ContourColor=No Xpm="0 0 1 0" "1 c #F2EFE9" [end] [_polygon] Type=0x4c ;GRMN_TYPE: Water Areas/INTERMITTENT_LAKE/An intermittent or dry lake/Non NT String1=0x00,Intermittent Water String2=0x01,Eau String3=0x02,Wasser String4=0x03,Water String5=0x15,Woda String6=0x10,��gua String7=0x05,Acqua String8=0x04,Intermittent Water ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#4D80B3 ContourColor=No Xpm="0 0 1 0" "1 c #AAD3DF" [end] [_polygon] Type=0x4d ;GRMN_TYPE: Surface Cover Areas/GLACIER/Large area of compacted snow and ice/Non NT String1=0x00,Glacier String2=0x01,Glacier String3=0x02,Gletscher String4=0x03,Gletsjer String5=0x15,Lodowiec String6=0x10,Geleira String7=0x05,Ghiacciaio String8=0x04,Glacier ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#4DA0D7 ContourColor=No Xpm="0 0 1 0" "1 c #DDECEC" [end] [_polygon] Type=0x4e ;GRMN_TYPE: Surface Cover Areas/ORCHARD/Orchard or plantation area/Non NT String1=0x00,Orchard String2=0x01,Agriculture String3=0x02,Ackerland String4=0x04,Orchard String5=0x03,Landbouw / Glastuinbouw String6=0x15,Tereny rolnicze String7=0x10,Lavoura String8=0x05,Terreno coltivato ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No Xpm="0 0 1 0" "1 c #EEF0D5" [end] [_polygon] Type=0x4f ;GRMN_TYPE: Surface Cover Areas/SCRUB/Scrub brush area/Non NT String1=0x00,Scrub String2=0x01,Broussailles String3=0x02,Geb��sch String4=0x03,Kreupelbos String5=0x15,Zaro��la String6=0x10,Arbusto String7=0x05,Terreno incolto String8=0x04,Scrub ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No Xpm="32 32 2 1" "! c #B0BE93" "# c #C8D7AB" "################################" "#######################!########" "#######################!########" "#####################!#!#!######" "#####################!!!!!######" "######################!!!#######" "####################!!!!!!!#####" "################################" "################################" "################################" "################################" "################################" "################################" "################################" "################################" "################################" "################################" "################################" "################################" "################################" "##############!#################" "##############!#################" "############!#!#!###############" "############!!!!!###############" "#############!!!################" "###########!!!!!!!##############" "################################" "################################" "################################" "################################" "################################" "################################" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 [end] [_polygon] Type=0x50 ;GRMN_TYPE: Surface Cover Areas/WOODS/Wooded or forested area/Non NT String1=0x00,Woods String2=0x01,For��t String3=0x02,Wald String4=0x03,Bos String5=0x15,Las String6=0x10,Floresta String7=0x05,Selva String8=0x04,Woods ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No Xpm="32 32 2 1" "! c #8AB379" "# c #ADD19E" "################################" "################################" "################################" "#####!!!###!####################" "####!###!##!####################" "####!###!#!#!###################" "####!###!#!#!###################" "#####!!!##!#!###################" "######!##!###!##################" "######!##!!!!!##################" "######!####!####################" "######!####!####################" "################################" "################################" "################################" "################################" "################################" "################################" "################################" "################################" "################################" "###############!!!###!##########" "##############!###!##!##########" "##############!###!#!#!#########" "##############!###!#!#!#########" "###############!!!##!#!#########" "################!##!###!########" "################!##!!!!!########" "################!####!##########" "################!####!##########" "################################" "################################" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 [end] [_polygon] Type=0x51 ;GRMN_TYPE: Surface Cover Areas/WETLAND/Wetland or swamp area/Non NT String1=0x00,Wetland String2=0x01,Marais String3=0x02,Sumpf String4=0x04,Wetland String5=0x03,Nat gebied String6=0x15,Mokrad��a String7=0x10,P��ntano String8=0x05,Palude ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No Xpm="32 32 2 1" "! c #49A6FA" " c none" " " " " " !!!!!! !!!!!! " " " " " " !!!!!! !!!!!! " " " "!!!!! !!!!! " " " " " " !!!!!! !!!!!! " " " " " " !!!!!! !!!!! " "!!!!!! " " " " " " " " !!!!!! !!!!!! " " " " !!!!!! " "!!!!!! " " !!!!!" " !!!!!! " " " " " " !!!!!! !!!!!! " " " " " " !!!!!! !!!!!! " "!!!!!! " " !!!!! " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 [end] [_polygon] Type=0x52 ;GRMN_TYPE: Surface Cover Areas/TUNDRA/Area of nearly always freezing soil/Non NT String1=0x00,Tundra String2=0x03,Toendra String3=0x04,Tundra ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No Xpm="0 0 1 0" "1 c #D6D99F" [end] [_polygon] Type=0x53 ;GRMN_TYPE: Surface Cover Areas/FLAT/Sand, tidal, mud, etc. flat area/Non NT String1=0x00,Tidal Sand/Mud Flats String2=0x01,Terre String3=0x02,Land String4=0x03,Land String5=0x15,Land String6=0x10,Terra String7=0x05,Terra String8=0x04,Tidal Sand/Mud Flats ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No Xpm="0 0 1 0" "1 c #F2EFE9" [end] [_polygon] Type=0x6a ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x00,Station String2=0x01,Gare String3=0x02,Bahnhof String4=0x03,Station String5=0x15,Stacja String6=0x10,Esta����o String7=0x05,Stazione String8=0x04,Station ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No Xpm="0 0 1 0" "1 c #AF9C8D" [end] [_polygon] Type=0x6b ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x00,Pedestrian Zone String2=0x01,Zone pi��tonne String3=0x02,Fu��g��ngerzone String4=0x03,Voetgangersgebied String5=0x15,Pieszy String6=0x10,Pedestre String7=0x05,Area pedonale String8=0x04,Pedestrian Zone ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No Xpm="0 0 1 0" "1 c #DDDDE8" [end] [_polygon] Type=0x6c ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x00,Platform String2=0x01,Quai String3=0x02,Bahnsteig String4=0x03,Perron String5=0x15,Platform String6=0x10,Plataforma String7=0x05,Banchina String8=0x04,Platform ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No Xpm="0 0 1 0" "1 c #BBBBBB" [end] ;====================== LINES =========================== [_line] Type=0x01 ;GRMN_TYPE: Roads/INTERSTATE, MAJOR_HWY/Primary, divided, limited-access highway, akin to an interstate in the US/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N LineWidth=8 BorderWidth=1 Xpm="0 0 2 0" "1 c #E892A2" "2 c #FF008B" String1=0x00,Motorway String2=0x01,Autoroute String3=0x02,Autobahn String4=0x03,Snelweg String5=0x15,Autostrada String6=0x10,Autoestrada String7=0x05,Autostrada String8=0x04,Motorway ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=No ContourColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x02 ;GRMN_TYPE: Roads/PRINCIPAL_HWY/Principal highway, usually divided and limited access, akin to US highways/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N LineWidth=8 BorderWidth=1 Xpm="0 0 2 0" "1 c #F9B29C" "2 c #D87559" String1=0x00,Trunk Road String2=0x01,Voie rapide String3=0x02,Schnellstra��e String4=0x03,Autoweg String5=0x15,Droga szybkiego ruchu String6=0x10,Via expressa String7=0x05,Superstrada String8=0x04,Trunk Road ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=No ContourColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x03 ;GRMN_TYPE: Roads/OTHER_HWY/Other highway road, akin to a state highway in the US/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N LineWidth=8 BorderWidth=1 Xpm="0 0 2 0" "1 c #FCD6A4" "2 c #C5A363" String1=0x00,Primary Road String2=0x01,Route primaire String3=0x02,Bundesstra��e String4=0x03,Primair String5=0x15,Droga krajowa String6=0x10,Via prim��ria String7=0x05,Strada principale String8=0x04,Primary Road ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=No ContourColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x04 ;GRMN_TYPE: Roads/ARTERIAL/Main city thoroughfare/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N LineWidth=8 BorderWidth=1 Xpm="0 0 2 0" "1 c #F7FABF" "2 c #BBC279" String1=0x00,Secondary Road String2=0x01,Route secondaire String3=0x02,Bundesstra��e String4=0x03,Secundair String5=0x15,Droga wojew��dzka String6=0x10,Via secund��ria String7=0x05,Strada principale String8=0x04,Secondary Road ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=No ContourColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x05 ;GRMN_TYPE: Roads/COLLECTOR/Secondary city thoroughfare/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N LineWidth=8 BorderWidth=1 Xpm="0 0 2 0" "1 c #FFFFFF" "2 c #C5C5C5" String1=0x00,Tertiary Road String2=0x01,Route tertiaire String3=0x02,Stra��e String4=0x03,Tertiair String5=0x15,Droga powiatowa String6=0x10,Via terci��ria String7=0x05,Strada String8=0x04,Tertiary Road ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=No ContourColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x06 ;GRMN_TYPE: Roads/RESIDENTIAL/Residential street, these are typically the most numerous roads in a detailed city map and do not show up until the user is zoomed in quite far/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N LineWidth=7 BorderWidth=1 Xpm="0 0 2 0" "1 c #FFFFFF" "2 c #C5C5C5" String1=0x00,Residential/Minor/Unclassified String2=0x01,Rue String3=0x02,Stra��e String4=0x03,Weg String5=0x15,Droga String6=0x10,Residencial String7=0x05,Strada residenziale String8=0x04,Residential/Minor/Unclassified ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=No ContourColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x07 ;GRMN_TYPE: Roads/ALLEY, DRIVEWAY/Alleyway, private driveway to residence/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N LineWidth=3 BorderWidth=1 Xpm="0 0 2 0" "1 c #FFFFFF" "2 c #C5C5C5" String1=0x00,Alley String2=0x01,Rue String3=0x02,Stra��e String4=0x03,Straat String5=0x15,Ulica String6=0x10,Rua String7=0x05,Strada String8=0x04,Alley ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#626262 ContourColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x08 ;GRMN_TYPE: Roads/LOW_SPEED_RAMP/Highway ramp which is to be driven at low speeds/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=Y LineWidth=5 BorderWidth=1 Xpm="0 0 2 0" "1 c #F7FABF" "2 c #BBC279" String1=0x00,Link Road String2=0x01,Voie d���acc��s String3=0x02,Bundesstra��e (Verbindung) String4=0x03,Secundair (Verbinding) String5=0x15,Droga wojew��dzka (����cznik) String6=0x10,Liga����o de via secund��ria String7=0x05,Strada principale (collegamento) String8=0x04,Link Road ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x09 ;GRMN_TYPE: Roads/HIGH_SPEED_RAMP, RAMP/Highway ramp which is to be driven at high speeds/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N LineWidth=5 BorderWidth=1 Xpm="0 0 2 0" "1 c #F9B29C" "2 c #D87559" String1=0x00,Motorway Link String2=0x01,Voie d���acc��s String3=0x02,Schnellstra��e (verbindung) String4=0x03,Autoweg (Verbinding) String5=0x15,Droga szybkiego ruchu (����cznik) String6=0x10,Liga����o de via expressa String7=0x05,Superstrada (collegamento) String8=0x04,Motorway Link ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x0a ;GRMN_TYPE: Roads/UNPAVED_ROAD/Gravel or dirt road/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=Y Xpm="32 2 2 1" "! c #BD6500" " c none" "!!!!! !! !!!!! !! !!!!! !! " "!!!!! !! !!!!! !! !!!!! !! " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x00,Unpaved Road String2=0x01,Sans rev��tement String3=0x02,Unbefestigt String4=0x04,Unpaved Road String5=0x03,Veldweg String6=0x15,Droga gruntowa String7=0x10,Estrada agr��cola String8=0x05,Sentiero carrabile ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x0b ;GRMN_TYPE: Roads/MAJOR_CONNECTOR/Major highway connector/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N LineWidth=5 BorderWidth=1 Xpm="0 0 2 0" "1 c #F9B29C" "2 c #D87559" String1=0x00,Naming Link String2=0x01,Voie d���acc��s String3=0x02,Schnellstra��e (verbindung) String4=0x03,Autoweg (Verbinding) String5=0x15,Droga szybkiego ruchu (����cznik) String6=0x10,Liga����o de via expressa String7=0x05,Superstrada (collegamento) String8=0x04,Naming Link ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x0c ;GRMN_TYPE: Roads/ROUNDABOUT/Roundabout/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N LineWidth=7 BorderWidth=1 Xpm="0 0 2 0" "1 c #FFFFFF" "2 c #C5C5C5" String1=0x00,Roundabout String2=0x01,Rond point String3=0x02,Kreisverkehr String4=0x03,Rotonde String5=0x15,Rondo String6=0x10,Rotat��ria String7=0x05,Rotatoria String8=0x04,Roundabout ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=No ContourColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x11 ;GRMN_TYPE: Customizable Line Types/CUSTOMIZABLE_ROUTE_LINE_5/Routable customizable line/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 2 2 1" "! c #0030FF" " c none" " !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! " " !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x00,Cycleway String2=0x01,Piste cyclable String3=0x02,Radweg String4=0x03,Fietspad String5=0x15,��cie��ka rowerowa String6=0x10,Ciclovia String7=0x05,Pista ciclabile String8=0x04,Cycleway ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#0030FF ContourColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x14 ;GRMN_TYPE: Misc. Line Types/RAILROAD/Railroad/Non NT UseOrientation=Y Xpm="32 3 2 1" "! c #737373" "# c #FFFFFF" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!########!!!!!!!!########" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x00,Railroad String2=0x01,Voie ferr��e String3=0x02,Gleis String4=0x04,Railroad String5=0x03,Spoorweg String6=0x15,Kolej String7=0x10,Ferrovia String8=0x05,Ferrovia ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x15 ;GRMN_TYPE: Misc. Line Types/SHORELINE/Shoreline of water body (typically only used when a water area is not available)/Non NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 1 2 1" "! c #000000" " c none" " " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x00,Coastline String2=0x01,Littoral String3=0x02,K��stelinien String4=0x03,Kustlijn String5=0x15,Wybrze��e String6=0x10,Litoral / Costal String7=0x05,Costa String8=0x04,Coastline ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#838383 ContourColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x16 ;GRMN_TYPE: Roads/TRAIL/Walkway or trail/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 1 2 1" "! c #FF0000" " c none" " !!!!! !!!!! !!!!! !!!!! " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x00,Trail String2=0x01,Sentier String3=0x02,Fu��weg String4=0x04,Trail String5=0x03,Wandelpad String6=0x15,��cie��ka String7=0x10,Trilha String8=0x05,Sentiero ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x17 ;GRMN_TYPE: // UseOrientation=N LineWidth=1 Xpm="0 0 1 0" "1 c #AAAAAA" String1=0x00,Barrier String2=0x03,Barri��re String3=0x04,Barrier ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x18 ;GRMN_TYPE: Water Features/STREAM/Small stream or creek/Non NT UseOrientation=Y LineWidth=2 Xpm="0 0 1 0" "1 c #AAD3DF" String1=0x00,Stream String2=0x01,Ruisseau String3=0x02,Bach String4=0x03,Beek String5=0x15,Strumie�� String6=0x10,C��rrego String7=0x05,Ruscello String8=0x04,Stream ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#4D80B3 ContourColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x1a ;GRMN_TYPE: Roads/INTERNATIONAL_FERRY/Major water or rail ferry/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 1 2 1" "! c #0030FF" " c none" " !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x00,Car Ferry String2=0x01,Ferry String3=0x02,F��hre String4=0x03,Ferry String5=0x15,Prom String6=0x10,Balsa String7=0x05,Traghetto String8=0x04,Car Ferry ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#0065D5 ContourColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x1b ;GRMN_TYPE: Roads/FERRY/Water or rail ferry/Non NT, NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 1 2 1" "! c #0030FF" " c none" " !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x00,Pedestrian Ferry String2=0x01,Ferry String3=0x02,F��hre String4=0x03,Ferry String5=0x15,Prom String6=0x10,Balsa String7=0x05,Traghetto String8=0x04,Pedestrian Ferry ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#0065D5 ContourColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x1c ;GRMN_TYPE: Political Borders/MJR_PLTCL_BDRY/Major political boundary (typically used for state, provincial borders)/Non NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 9 2 1" "! c #BD95D5" " c none" " !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! " " !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x00,State / Province Border String2=0x01,Limite communale String3=0x02,Grenze String4=0x04,State / Province Border String5=0x03,Gemeentegrens String6=0x15,Granica String7=0x10,Limite Municipal String8=0x05,Confine ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x1d ;GRMN_TYPE: Political Borders/MNR_PLTCL_BDRY/Minor political boundary (typically used for county/parish borders) UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 9 2 1" "! c #BD95D5" " c none" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! " "!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x00,Country Border String2=0x01,Limite d��partementale String3=0x02,Landesgrenze String4=0x04,Country Border String5=0x03,Provinciegrens 3 String6=0x15,Granica wojew��dztwa String7=0x10,Limite Estadual String8=0x05,Confine regionale ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#BD30B4 ContourColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x1e ;GRMN_TYPE: Political Borders/INTRN_PLTCL_BDRY/International boundary/Non NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 9 2 1" "! c #BD95D5" "# c #FFFFFF" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!" "!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#" "#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!" "!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#" "#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!" "!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#" "#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x00,National boundary String2=0x01,Fronti��re nationale String3=0x02,Staatsgrenze String4=0x04,National boundary String5=0x03,Landsgrens String6=0x15,Granica pa��stwa String7=0x10,Limite Nacional String8=0x05,Confine nazionale ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NormalFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#BD30B4 ContourColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x1f ;GRMN_TYPE: Water Features/RIVER/Large stream or river/Non NT UseOrientation=Y LineWidth=7 Xpm="0 0 1 0" "1 c #AAD3DF" String1=0x00,River, Canal String2=0x01,Rivi��re, Canal String3=0x02,Flu��, Kanal String4=0x04,River, Canal String5=0x03,Rivier, Kanaal String6=0x15,Rzeka, Kana�� String7=0x10,Rio / Canal String8=0x05,Fiume/Canale ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#4D80B3 ContourColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x20 ;GRMN_TYPE: Contour Lines/MINOR_CONTOUR/Minor land-based contour line/Non NT UseOrientation=N Xpm="32 1 2 1" "! c #DBB793" " c none" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x00,Contour (20 m) String2=0x01,Courbe de niveau (20 m) String3=0x02,H��henlinie (20 m) String4=0x04,Contour (20 m) String5=0x03,Contour (20 m) String6=0x15,Warstwica (20 m) String7=0x10,Contorno (20 m) String8=0x05,Curva di livello (20 m) ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x21 ;GRMN_TYPE: Contour Lines/INT_CONTOUR/Intermediate contour (should be used for about every 5th contour line)/Non NT UseOrientation=N LineWidth=1 Xpm="0 0 1 0" "1 c #D3A87C" String1=0x00,Contour (100 m) String2=0x01,Courbe de niveau (100 m) String3=0x02,H��henlinie(100 m) String4=0x04,Contour (100 m) String5=0x03,Contour (100 m) String6=0x15,Warstwica (100 m) String7=0x10,Contorno (100 m) String8=0x05,Curva di livello (100 m) ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#996633 ContourColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x22 ;GRMN_TYPE: Contour Lines/MAJOR_CONTOUR/Major contour (should be used for about every 10th contour line)/Non NT UseOrientation=N LineWidth=1 Xpm="0 0 1 0" "1 c #CC9966" String1=0x00,Contour (500 m) String2=0x01,Courbe de niveau (500 m) String3=0x02,H��henlinie (500 m) String4=0x04,Contour (500 m) String5=0x03,Contour (500 m) String6=0x15,Warstwica (500 m) String7=0x10,Contorno (500 m) String8=0x05,Curva di livello (500 m) ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#996633 ContourColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x26 ;GRMN_TYPE: Water Features/INTERMITTENT_STREAM/Intermittent or dry stream, creek, or ditch/Non NT UseOrientation=Y Xpm="32 3 2 1" "! c #AAD3DF" " c none" " !!!!! !!!!! !!!!! !!!!! " " !!!!! !!!!! !!!!! !!!!! " " !!!!! !!!!! !!!!! !!!!! " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x00,Intermittent Stream String2=0x01,Ruisseau intermittent String3=0x02,Wasserlauf (periodisch) String4=0x03,Beek (Periodiek) String5=0x15,Strumie�� String6=0x10,C��rrego intermitente String7=0x05,Torrente (discontinuo) String8=0x04,Intermittent Stream ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#4D80B3 ContourColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x27 ;GRMN_TYPE: Misc. Line Types/AIRPORT_RUNWAY/Airport runway centerline/Non NT UseOrientation=Y LineWidth=12 Xpm="0 0 1 0" "1 c #BBBBCC" String1=0x00,Runway String2=0x01,Piste d���aviation String3=0x02,Startbahn String4=0x03,Landingsbaan String5=0x15,Pas startowy String6=0x10,Pista String7=0x05,Pista di aviazione String8=0x04,Runway ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x28 ;GRMN_TYPE: Misc. Line Types/PIPELINE/Oil or water pipeline/Non NT UseOrientation=Y Xpm="32 5 2 1" "! c #626262" " c none" " ! ! ! ! " " ! ! ! ! " " !!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! " " ! ! ! ! " " ! ! ! ! " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x00,Pipeline String2=0x01,Pipeline String3=0x02,Rohr String4=0x03,Pijpleiding String5=0x15,Ruroci��g String6=0x10,Tubula����o String7=0x05,Conduttura String8=0x04,Pipeline ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x29 ;GRMN_TYPE: Misc. Line Types/POWERLINE/Powerline/Non NT UseOrientation=Y LineWidth=1 Xpm="0 0 2 0" "1 c #737373" "2 c #FFFFFF" String1=0x00,Powerline String2=0x01,Ligne ��lectrique String3=0x02,Hochspannungskabel String4=0x03,Hoogspanningskabel String5=0x15,Kabel wysokiego napi��cia String6=0x10,Cabo de for��a String7=0x05,Linea elettrica String8=0x04,Powerline ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x30 ;GRMN_TYPE: // UseOrientation=Y LineWidth=7 Xpm="0 0 1 0" "1 c #FFC0CB" String1=0x00,Raceway String2=0x01,Circuit String3=0x02,Rennstrecke String4=0x03,Circuit String5=0x15,Tor wy��cigowy String6=0x10,Pista de corrida String7=0x05,Pista String8=0x04,Raceway ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x10801 ;GRMN_TYPE: // UseOrientation=N LineWidth=5 BorderWidth=1 Xpm="0 0 2 0" "1 c #F9B29C" "2 c #D87559" String1=0x00,Roundabout String2=0x01,Voie d���acc��s String3=0x02,Schnellstra��e (verbindung) String4=0x03,Autoweg (Verbinding) String5=0x15,Droga szybkiego ruchu (����cznik) String6=0x10,Liga����o de via expressa String7=0x05,Superstrada (collegamento) String8=0x04,Roundabout ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x10802 ;GRMN_TYPE: // UseOrientation=N LineWidth=5 BorderWidth=1 Xpm="0 0 2 0" "1 c #FCD6A4" "2 c #C5A363" String1=0x00,Roundabout String2=0x01,Voie d���acc��s String3=0x02,Bundesstra��e (Verbindung) String4=0x03,Primair (Verbinding) String5=0x15,Droga krajowa (����cznik) String6=0x10,Liga����o de via prim��ria String7=0x05,Strada principale (collegamento) String8=0x04,Roundabout ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x10803 ;GRMN_TYPE: // UseOrientation=Y LineWidth=5 BorderWidth=1 Xpm="0 0 2 0" "1 c #F7FABF" "2 c #BBC279" String1=0x00,Roundabout String2=0x01,Voie d���acc��s String3=0x02,Bundesstra��e (Verbindung) String4=0x03,Secundair (Verbinding) String5=0x15,Droga wojew��dzka (����cznik) String6=0x10,Liga����o de via secund��ria String7=0x05,Strada principale (collegamento) String8=0x04,Roundabout ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x10804 ;GRMN_TYPE: // UseOrientation=N LineWidth=8 BorderWidth=1 Xpm="0 0 2 0" "1 c #FFFFFF" "2 c #C5C5C5" String1=0x00,Roundabout String2=0x01,Route tertiaire String3=0x02,Stra��e String4=0x03,Tertiair String5=0x15,Droga powiatowa String6=0x10,Via terci��ria String7=0x05,Strada String8=0x04,Roundabout ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=No ContourColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x10a02 ;GRMN_TYPE: Water Features/INTERMITTENT_STREAM(NT)/Intermittent or dry stream, creek, or ditch/NT UseOrientation=Y Xpm="32 6 2 1" "! c #AAD3DF" " c none" " !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! " " !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! " " !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! " " !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! " " !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! " " !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! " ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x00,River/Wadi (Intermittent) String2=0x01,Cours d���eau (intermittent) String3=0x02,Flu�� (Periodisch) String4=0x03,Rivier (Periodiek) String5=0x15,Rzeka String6=0x10,Rio intermitente String7=0x05,Fiume (discontinuo) String8=0x04,River/Wadi (Intermittent) ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x10a06 ;GRMN_TYPE: // UseOrientation=N LineWidth=4 BorderWidth=1 Xpm="0 0 2 0" "1 c #BBBBBB" "2 c #949494" String1=0x00,Platform String2=0x01,Quai String3=0x02,Plattform String4=0x03,Perron String5=0x15,Peron String6=0x10,Plataforma String7=0x05,Piattaforma String8=0x04,Platform ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No [end] [_line] Type=0x10c06 ;GRMN_TYPE: // UseOrientation=Y Xpm="32 7 2 1" "! c #99CCCC" "# c #FFFFFF" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!####!!!!####!!!!####!!!!####!!" "!!####!!!!####!!!!####!!!!####!!" "!!####!!!!####!!!!####!!!!####!!" "!!####!!!!####!!!!####!!!!####!!" "!!####!!!!####!!!!####!!!!####!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ;12345678901234567890123456789012 String1=0x00,Road (Construction) String2=0x01,Route (en travaux) String3=0x02,Weg (Im bau) String4=0x03,Weg (In aanleg) String5=0x15,Droga (w budowie) String6=0x10,Rodovia em constru����o String7=0x05,Strada in costruzione String8=0x04,Road (Construction) ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No [end] ;====================== POINTS ========================== [_point] Type=0x001 SubType=0x00 ;GRMN_TYPE: Political Entities/CITY_10M/Large city with >10 million inhabitants/Non NT String1=0x00,City (>1m) String2=0x01,Capitale String3=0x02,Hauptstadt String4=0x03,Hoofdstad String5=0x15,Stolica String6=0x10,Capital String7=0x05,Metropoli String8=0x04,City (>1m) ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NormalFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#414141 ContourColor=No DayXpm="11 11 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #737373" " c none" " !!!!! " " ! ! " " ! ! " "! !!! !" "! !!!!! !" "! !!!!! !" "! !!!!! !" "! !!! !" " ! ! " " ! ! " " !!!!! " ;12345678901 [end] [_point] Type=0x002 SubType=0x00 ;GRMN_TYPE: Political Entities/CITY_5M, LARGE_CITY/Large city center, typically 1M+ inhabitants/Non NT String1=0x00,City (>800k) String2=0x01,Capitale String3=0x02,Hauptstadt String4=0x03,Hoofdstad String5=0x15,Stolica String6=0x10,Capital String7=0x05,Metropoli String8=0x04,City (>800k) ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NormalFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#414141 ContourColor=No DayXpm="11 11 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #737373" " c none" " !!!!! " " ! ! " " ! ! " "! !!! !" "! !!!!! !" "! !!!!! !" "! !!!!! !" "! !!! !" " ! ! " " ! ! " " !!!!! " ;12345678901 [end] [_point] Type=0x003 SubType=0x00 ;GRMN_TYPE: Political Entities/CITY_2M/Large city with a range of (2, 5] million inhabitants/Non NT String1=0x00,City (>400k) String2=0x01,Ville (>200k) String3=0x02,Stadt (200t) String4=0x03,Stad (>200k) String5=0x15,Miasto (>200 tys.) String6=0x10,Cidade (>200k) String7=0x05,Citt�� String8=0x04,City (>400k) ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=LargeFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#414141 ContourColor=No DayXpm="9 9 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #737373" " c none" " !!!!! " " ! ! " "! !" "! !" "! !" "! !" "! !" " ! ! " " !!!!! " ;123456789 [end] [_point] Type=0x004 SubType=0x00 ;GRMN_TYPE: Political Entities/CITY_1M/Large city with a range of (1, 2] million inhabitants/Non NT String1=0x00,City (>300k) String2=0x01,Ville (>200k) String3=0x02,Stadt (>200t) String4=0x03,Stad (>200k) String5=0x15,Miasto (>200 tys.) String6=0x10,Cidade (>200k) String7=0x05,Citt�� String8=0x04,City (>300k) ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=LargeFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#414141 ContourColor=No DayXpm="9 9 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #737373" " c none" " !!!!! " " ! ! " "! !" "! !" "! !" "! !" "! !" " ! ! " " !!!!! " ;123456789 [end] [_point] Type=0x005 SubType=0x00 ;GRMN_TYPE: Political Entities/CITY_500K/City with the range of (0.5, 1] million inhabitants/Non NT String1=0x00,City (>200k) String2=0x01,Ville (>200k) String3=0x02,Stadt (200t) String4=0x03,Stad (>200k) String5=0x15,Miasto (>200 tys.) String6=0x10,Cidade (>200k) String7=0x05,Citt�� String8=0x04,City (>200k) ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=LargeFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#414141 ContourColor=No DayXpm="9 9 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #737373" " c none" " !!!!! " " ! ! " "! !" "! !" "! !" "! !" "! !" " ! ! " " !!!!! " ;123456789 [end] [_point] Type=0x006 SubType=0x00 ;GRMN_TYPE: Political Entities/CITY_200K/City with the range of (200, 500] thousand inhabitants/Non NT String1=0x00,Small City / Large Town String2=0x01,Ville (>50k) String3=0x02,Stadt (50t) String4=0x03,Woonplaats (>50k) String5=0x15,Miasto (>50 tys.) String6=0x10,Cidade (>50k) String7=0x05,Citt�� String8=0x04,Small City / Large Town ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=LargeFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#414141 ContourColor=No DayXpm="9 9 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #737373" " c none" " !!!!! " " ! ! " "! !" "! !" "! !" "! !" "! !" " ! ! " " !!!!! " ;123456789 [end] [_point] Type=0x007 SubType=0x00 ;GRMN_TYPE: Political Entities/CITY_100K/City with the range of (100, 200] thousand inhabitants/Non NT String1=0x00,Small City / Medium Town String2=0x01,Ville (>10k) String3=0x02,Stadt (10t) String4=0x03,Woonplaats (>10k) String5=0x15,Miasto (>10 tys.) String6=0x10,Cidade (>10k) String7=0x05,Citt�� String8=0x04,Small City / Medium Town ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=Default CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#414141 ContourColor=No DayXpm="1 1 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #00FF4B" " c none" " " ;1 [end] [_point] Type=0x008 SubType=0x00 ;GRMN_TYPE: Political Entities/CITY_50K, MEDIUM_CITY/Medium city center, typically 50K-1M inhabitants/Non NT String1=0x00,Small City / Town String2=0x01,Village (>5k) String3=0x02,Dorf (>5t) String4=0x03,Dorp (>5k) String5=0x15,Wie�� (>5 tys.) String6=0x10,Povoado (>5k) String7=0x05,Cittadina String8=0x04,Small City / Town ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=Default CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#414141 ContourColor=No DayXpm="1 1 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #00FF4B" " c none" " " ;1 [end] [_point] Type=0x009 SubType=0x00 ;GRMN_TYPE: Political Entities/CITY_20K/City with the range of (20, 50] thousand inhabitants/Non NT String1=0x00,Small Town / Village String2=0x01,Village (>5k) String3=0x02,Dorf (>5t) String4=0x03,Dorp (>5k) String5=0x15,Wie�� (>5 tys.) String6=0x10,Povoado (>5k) String7=0x05,Cittadina String8=0x04,Small Town / Village ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=Default CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#414141 ContourColor=No DayXpm="1 1 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #00FF4B" " c none" " " ;1 [end] [_point] Type=0x00a SubType=0x00 ;GRMN_TYPE: Political Entities/CITY_10K/City with the range of (10, 20] thousand inhabitants/Non NT String1=0x00,Small Town / Suburb String2=0x01,Hameau String3=0x02,Ort, Weiler String4=0x03,Gehucht String5=0x15,Wioska String6=0x10,Lugarejo String7=0x05,Paese String8=0x04,Small Town / Suburb ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NormalFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#737373 ContourColor=No DayXpm="1 1 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #00FF4B" " c none" " " ;1 [end] [_point] Type=0x00b SubType=0x00 ;GRMN_TYPE: Political Entities/CITY_5K/City with the range of (5, 10] thousand inhabitants/Non NT String1=0x00,Hamlet String2=0x01,Nom String3=0x02,Name String4=0x03,Naam String5=0x15,Nazwa String6=0x10,Nome String7=0x05,Borgo String8=0x04,Hamlet ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#737373 ContourColor=No DayXpm="1 1 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #00FF4B" " c none" " " ;1 [end] [_point] Type=0x020 SubType=0x00 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x00,Exit String2=0x01,Sortie String3=0x02,Ausfahrt String4=0x03,Afrit String5=0x15,Zjazd String6=0x10,Sa��da String7=0x05,Uscita String8=0x04,Exit ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#BD3000 ContourColor=No DayXpm="8 4 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #BD3000" " c none" " !! " "!!!! " "!!!! " " !! " ;12345678 [end] [_point] Type=0x023 SubType=0x0f ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x00,Exit String2=0x01,Sortie String3=0x02,Ausfahrt String4=0x03,Afrit String5=0x15,Zjazd String6=0x10,Sa��da String7=0x05,Uscita String8=0x04,Exit ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#BD3000 ContourColor=No DayXpm="8 4 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #BD3000" " c none" " !! " "!!!! " "!!!! " " !! " ;12345678 [end] [_point] Type=0x02a SubType=0x00 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Food and Drink/RESTAURANT/General restaurant of unknown genre/Non NT String1=0x00,Restaurant String2=0x01,Restaurant String3=0x02,Restaurant String4=0x03,Restaurant String5=0x15,Restauracja String6=0x10,Restaurante String7=0x05,Ristorante String8=0x04,Restaurant ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No DayXpm="15 16 3 1" Colormode=16 "! c #C77400" "# c #BD956A" " c none" " ! !# ! !! " " ! !# ! !!!! " " ! !# ! #!!!!#" " ! !# ! !!!!!!" " ! !# ! !!!!!!" " ! !# ! !!!!!!" " ! !# ! !!!!!!" " !!!!!! !!!!!!" " !!!!!! !!!! " " !!!! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " ;123456789012345 [end] [_point] Type=0x02a SubType=0x01 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Food and Drink/RESTAURANT_AMERICAN/American cuisine/Non NT String1=0x00,Restaurant (American/Burger) String2=0x01,Restaurant (Am��ricain) String3=0x02,Restaurant String4=0x03,Restaurant (Amerikaans) String5=0x15,Restauracja (Ameryka��ska) String6=0x10,Restaurante americano String7=0x05,Ristorante americano String8=0x04,Restaurant (American/Burger) ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No DayXpm="15 16 3 1" Colormode=16 "! c #C77400" "# c #BD956A" " c none" " ! !# ! !! " " ! !# ! !!!! " " ! !# ! #!!!!#" " ! !# ! !!!!!!" " ! !# ! !!!!!!" " ! !# ! !!!!!!" " ! !# ! !!!!!!" " !!!!!! !!!!!!" " !!!!!! !!!! " " !!!! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " ;123456789012345 [end] [_point] Type=0x02a SubType=0x02 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Food and Drink/RESTAURANT_ASIAN/Asian cuisine/Non NT String1=0x00,Restaurant (Asian) String2=0x01,Restaurant (Asiatique) String3=0x02,Restaurant (Asiatisch) String4=0x03,Restaurant (Aziatisch) String5=0x15,Restauracja (Azjatycka) String6=0x10,Restaurante asi��tico String7=0x05,Ristorante asiatico String8=0x04,Restaurant (Asian) ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No DayXpm="15 16 3 1" Colormode=16 "! c #C77400" "# c #BD956A" " c none" " ! !# ! !! " " ! !# ! !!!! " " ! !# ! #!!!!#" " ! !# ! !!!!!!" " ! !# ! !!!!!!" " ! !# ! !!!!!!" " ! !# ! !!!!!!" " !!!!!! !!!!!!" " !!!!!! !!!! " " !!!! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " ;123456789012345 [end] [_point] Type=0x02a SubType=0x03 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Food and Drink/RESTAURANT_BARBECUE/Barbecue cuisine/Non NT String1=0x00,Restaurant (BBQ/Kebab) String2=0x01,Restaurant (Grill) String3=0x02,Restaurant String4=0x03,Restaurant (BBQ) String5=0x15,Restauracja (Grill) String6=0x10,Churrascaria String7=0x05,Ristorante di grigliate String8=0x04,Restaurant (BBQ/Kebab) ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No DayXpm="15 16 3 1" Colormode=16 "! c #C77400" "# c #BD956A" " c none" " ! !# ! !! " " ! !# ! !!!! " " ! !# ! #!!!!#" " ! !# ! !!!!!!" " ! !# ! !!!!!!" " ! !# ! !!!!!!" " ! !# ! !!!!!!" " !!!!!! !!!!!!" " !!!!!! !!!! " " !!!! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " ;123456789012345 [end] [_point] Type=0x02a SubType=0x04 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Food and Drink/RESTAURANT_CHINESE/Chinese cuisine/Non NT String1=0x00,Restaurant (Chinese/Vietnamese) String2=0x01,Restaurant (Chinois) String3=0x02,Restaurant (Chinesisch) String4=0x03,Restaurant (Chinees) String5=0x15,Restauracja (Chi��ska) String6=0x10,Restaurante chin��s String7=0x05,Ristorante cinese String8=0x04,Restaurant (Chinese/Vietnamese) ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No DayXpm="15 16 3 1" Colormode=16 "! c #C77400" "# c #BD956A" " c none" " ! !# ! !! " " ! !# ! !!!! " " ! !# ! #!!!!#" " ! !# ! !!!!!!" " ! !# ! !!!!!!" " ! !# ! !!!!!!" " ! !# ! !!!!!!" " !!!!!! !!!!!!" " !!!!!! !!!! " " !!!! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " ;123456789012345 [end] [_point] Type=0x02a SubType=0x05 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Food and Drink/RESTAURANT_DELI/Deli or sandwich shop/Non NT String1=0x00,Deli/Bakery String2=0x01,Restaurant (Grec) String3=0x02,Restaurant (Griechisch) String4=0x03,Restaurant (Delicatesse) String5=0x15,Restauracja (Grecka) String6=0x10,Restaurante grego String7=0x05,Gastronomia String8=0x04,Deli/Bakery ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No DayXpm="15 16 3 1" Colormode=16 "! c #C77400" "# c #BD956A" " c none" " ! !# ! !! " " ! !# ! !!!! " " ! !# ! #!!!!#" " ! !# ! !!!!!!" " ! !# ! !!!!!!" " ! !# ! !!!!!!" " ! !# ! !!!!!!" " !!!!!! !!!!!!" " !!!!!! !!!! " " !!!! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " ;123456789012345 [end] [_point] Type=0x02a SubType=0x06 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Food and Drink/RESTAURANT_INTRNTNL/International cuisine/Non NT String1=0x00,Restaurant (International) String2=0x01,Restaurant (International) String3=0x02,Restaurant String4=0x03,Restaurant (Internationaal) String5=0x15,Restauracja (Mi��dzynarodowa) String6=0x10,Restaurante Internacional String7=0x05,Ristorante internazionale String8=0x04,Restaurant (International) ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No DayXpm="15 16 3 1" Colormode=16 "! c #C77400" "# c #BD956A" " c none" " ! !# ! !! " " ! !# ! !!!! " " ! !# ! #!!!!#" " ! !# ! !!!!!!" " ! !# ! !!!!!!" " ! !# ! !!!!!!" " ! !# ! !!!!!!" " !!!!!! !!!!!!" " !!!!!! !!!! " " !!!! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " ;123456789012345 [end] [_point] Type=0x02a SubType=0x07 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Food and Drink/RESTAURANT_FAST_FOOD/Fast food establishment, i.e. McDonalds/Non NT String1=0x00,Fast Food String2=0x01,Restauration rapide String3=0x02,Restaurant (Fastfood) String4=0x03,Restaurant (Fastfood) String5=0x15,Restauracja (Fastfood) String6=0x10,Lanchonete String7=0x05,Fast food String8=0x04,Fast Food ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No DayXpm="14 9 3 1" Colormode=16 "! c #C77400" "# c #CD9649" " c none" " #!!!!!!!!# " " #!!!!!!!!!!# " " !!!!!!!!!!!! " " !!!!!!!!!!!! " " " "#!!!!!!!!!!!!#" " " " !!!!!!!!!!!! " " #!!!!!!!!!!# " ;12345678901234 [end] [_point] Type=0x02a SubType=0x08 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Food and Drink/RESTAURANT_ITALIAN/Italian cuisine/Non NT String1=0x00,Restaurant (Italian) String2=0x01,Restaurant (Italien) String3=0x02,Restaurant (Italienisch) String4=0x03,Restaurant (Italiaans) String5=0x15,Restauracja (W��oska) String6=0x10,Restaurante italiano String7=0x05,Ristorante italiano String8=0x04,Restaurant (Italian) ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No DayXpm="15 16 3 1" Colormode=16 "! c #C77400" "# c #BD956A" " c none" " ! !# ! !! " " ! !# ! !!!! " " ! !# ! #!!!!#" " ! !# ! !!!!!!" " ! !# ! !!!!!!" " ! !# ! !!!!!!" " ! !# ! !!!!!!" " !!!!!! !!!!!!" " !!!!!! !!!! " " !!!! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " ;123456789012345 [end] [_point] Type=0x02a SubType=0x09 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Food and Drink/RESTAURANT_MEXICAN/Mexican cuisine/Non NT String1=0x00,Restaurant (Mexican/Spanish) String2=0x01,Restaurant (Mexicain/P) String3=0x02,Restaurant (Mexikanisch) String4=0x03,Restaurant (Mexicaans) String5=0x15,Restauracja (Meksyka��ska) String6=0x10,Restaurante mexicano String7=0x05,Ristorante messicano String8=0x04,Restaurant (Mexican/Spanish) ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No DayXpm="15 16 3 1" Colormode=16 "! c #C77400" "# c #BD956A" " c none" " ! !# ! !! " " ! !# ! !!!! " " ! !# ! #!!!!#" " ! !# ! !!!!!!" " ! !# ! !!!!!!" " ! !# ! !!!!!!" " ! !# ! !!!!!!" " !!!!!! !!!!!!" " !!!!!! !!!! " " !!!! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " ;123456789012345 [end] [_point] Type=0x02a SubType=0x0a ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Food and Drink/RESTAURANT_PIZZA/Pizzeria/Non NT String1=0x00,Pizzeria String2=0x01,Pizzeria String3=0x02,Restaurant (Pizza) String4=0x03,Restaurant (Pizza) String5=0x15,Restauracja (Pizza) String6=0x10,Pizzaria String7=0x05,Pizzeria String8=0x04,Pizzeria ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No DayXpm="15 16 3 1" Colormode=16 "! c #C77400" "# c #BD956A" " c none" " ! !# ! !! " " ! !# ! !!!! " " ! !# ! #!!!!#" " ! !# ! !!!!!!" " ! !# ! !!!!!!" " ! !# ! !!!!!!" " ! !# ! !!!!!!" " !!!!!! !!!!!!" " !!!!!! !!!! " " !!!! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " ;123456789012345 [end] [_point] Type=0x02a SubType=0x0b ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Food and Drink/RESTAURANT_SEAFOOD/Seafood restaurant/Non NT String1=0x00,Restaurant (Seafood) String2=0x01,Restaurant (Poissons/Fruits de mer) String3=0x02,Restaurant (Fisch) String4=0x03,Restaurant (Vis) String5=0x15,Restauracja (Ryby) String6=0x10,Restaurante Frutos do Mar String7=0x05,Ristorante di pesce String8=0x04,Restaurant (Seafood) ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No DayXpm="15 16 3 1" Colormode=16 "! c #C77400" "# c #BD956A" " c none" " ! !# ! !! " " ! !# ! !!!! " " ! !# ! #!!!!#" " ! !# ! !!!!!!" " ! !# ! !!!!!!" " ! !# ! !!!!!!" " ! !# ! !!!!!!" " !!!!!! !!!!!!" " !!!!!! !!!! " " !!!! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " ;123456789012345 [end] [_point] Type=0x02a SubType=0x0c ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Food and Drink/RESTAURANT_STEAK/Grill and steak brew pub restaurant/Non NT String1=0x00,Restaurant (Steak/Grill) String2=0x01,Restaurant (Steak) String3=0x02,Restaurant (Steak) String4=0x03,Restaurant (Steak) String5=0x15,Restauracja (Steki) String6=0x10,Restaurante de carnes String7=0x05,Ristorante di carne String8=0x04,Restaurant (Steak/Grill) ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No DayXpm="15 16 3 1" Colormode=16 "! c #C77400" "# c #BD956A" " c none" " ! !# ! !! " " ! !# ! !!!! " " ! !# ! #!!!!#" " ! !# ! !!!!!!" " ! !# ! !!!!!!" " ! !# ! !!!!!!" " ! !# ! !!!!!!" " !!!!!! !!!!!!" " !!!!!! !!!! " " !!!! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " ;123456789012345 [end] [_point] Type=0x02a SubType=0x0d ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Food and Drink/RESTAURANT_DONUTS/Donut shop/Non NT String1=0x00,Restaurant (Bagel/Donut) String2=0x01,Restaurant (Beignets) String3=0x02,Restaurant (Bagel) String4=0x03,Restaurant (Donuts) String5=0x15,Restauracja (P��czki) String6=0x10,Doceria String7=0x05,Panetteria String8=0x04,Restaurant (Bagel/Donut) ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No DayXpm="13 12 3 1" Colormode=16 "! c #CD9344" "# c #C77400" " c none" " ######### " " ########### " " ######### #" " ######### #" " ######### #" " ########### " " ######### " " ####### " " ##### " " " "########### " " !#######! " ;1234567890123 [end] [_point] Type=0x02a SubType=0x0e ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Food and Drink/RESTAURANT_CAFES/Cafe or coffee shop/Non NT String1=0x00,Cafe/Diner String2=0x01,Caf�� String3=0x02,Cafe String4=0x03,Cafe String5=0x15,Kawiarnia String6=0x10,Caf�� String7=0x05,Caffetteria String8=0x04,Cafe/Diner ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No DayXpm="13 12 3 1" Colormode=16 "! c #CD9344" "# c #C77400" " c none" " ######### " " ########### " " ######### #" " ######### #" " ######### #" " ########### " " ######### " " ####### " " ##### " " " "########### " " !#######! " ;1234567890123 [end] [_point] Type=0x02a SubType=0x0f ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Food and Drink/RESTAURANT_FRENCH/French cuisine/Non NT String1=0x00,Restaurant (French) String2=0x01,Restaurant (Fran��ais) String3=0x02,Restaurant String4=0x03,Restaurant (Frans) String5=0x15,Restauracja (Francuska) String6=0x10,Restaurante franc��s String7=0x05,Ristorante francese String8=0x04,Restaurant (French) ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No DayXpm="15 16 3 1" Colormode=16 "! c #C77400" "# c #BD956A" " c none" " ! !# ! !! " " ! !# ! !!!! " " ! !# ! #!!!!#" " ! !# ! !!!!!!" " ! !# ! !!!!!!" " ! !# ! !!!!!!" " ! !# ! !!!!!!" " !!!!!! !!!!!!" " !!!!!! !!!! " " !!!! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " ;123456789012345 [end] [_point] Type=0x02a SubType=0x10 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Food and Drink/RESTAURANT_GERMAN/German cuisine/Non NT String1=0x00,Restaurant (German) String2=0x01,Restaurant (Allemand) String3=0x02,Restaurant (Deutsch) String4=0x03,Restaurant (Duits) String5=0x15,Restauracja (Niemiecka) String6=0x10,Restaurante alem��o String7=0x05,Ristorante tedesco String8=0x04,Restaurant (German) ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No DayXpm="15 16 3 1" Colormode=16 "! c #C77400" "# c #BD956A" " c none" " ! !# ! !! " " ! !# ! !!!! " " ! !# ! #!!!!#" " ! !# ! !!!!!!" " ! !# ! !!!!!!" " ! !# ! !!!!!!" " ! !# ! !!!!!!" " !!!!!! !!!!!!" " !!!!!! !!!! " " !!!! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " ;123456789012345 [end] [_point] Type=0x02a SubType=0x11 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Food and Drink/RESTAURANT_BRITISH/British cuisine/Non NT String1=0x00,Restaurant (British/Fish & Chips) String2=0x01,Restaurant (Anglais) String3=0x02,Restaurant String4=0x03,Restaurant (Brits) String5=0x15,Restauracja (Angielska) String6=0x10,Restaurante ingl��s String7=0x05,Ristorante britannico String8=0x04,Restaurant (British/Fish & Chips) ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No DayXpm="15 16 3 1" Colormode=16 "! c #C77400" "# c #BD956A" " c none" " ! !# ! !! " " ! !# ! !!!! " " ! !# ! #!!!!#" " ! !# ! !!!!!!" " ! !# ! !!!!!!" " ! !# ! !!!!!!" " ! !# ! !!!!!!" " !!!!!! !!!!!!" " !!!!!! !!!! " " !!!! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " ;123456789012345 [end] [_point] Type=0x02a SubType=0x12 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x00,Restaurant (Speciality/Regional) String2=0x01,Restaurant (Sp��cialit��s) String3=0x02,Restaurant String4=0x03,Restaurant (Speciaal) String5=0x15,Restauracja (Specjalna) String6=0x10,Restaurante especial String7=0x05,Ristorante tipico String8=0x04,Restaurant (Speciality/Regional) ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No DayXpm="15 16 3 1" Colormode=16 "! c #C77400" "# c #BD956A" " c none" " ! !# ! !! " " ! !# ! !!!! " " ! !# ! #!!!!#" " ! !# ! !!!!!!" " ! !# ! !!!!!!" " ! !# ! !!!!!!" " ! !# ! !!!!!!" " !!!!!! !!!!!!" " !!!!!! !!!! " " !!!! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " ;123456789012345 [end] [_point] Type=0x02a SubType=0x13 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x00,Restaurant (Other) String2=0x01,Restaurant (V��g��tarien) String3=0x02,Restaurant (Vegetarisch) String4=0x03,Restaurant (Vegetarisch) String5=0x15,Restauracja (Wegetaria��ska) String6=0x10,Restaurante vegetariano String7=0x05,Ristorante vegetariano String8=0x04,Restaurant (Other) ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No DayXpm="15 16 3 1" Colormode=16 "! c #C77400" "# c #BD956A" " c none" " ! !# ! !! " " ! !# ! !!!! " " ! !# ! #!!!!#" " ! !# ! !!!!!!" " ! !# ! !!!!!!" " ! !# ! !!!!!!" " ! !# ! !!!!!!" " !!!!!! !!!!!!" " !!!!!! !!!! " " !!!! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " ;123456789012345 [end] [_point] Type=0x02a SubType=0x14 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x01,Restaurant (R��gional) String2=0x02,Restaurant String3=0x04,Restaurant (Regional) String4=0x03,Restaurant (Regionaal) String5=0x15,Restauracja (Regionalna) String6=0x10,Restaurante regional String7=0x05,Ristorante regionale String8=0x00,Restaurant (Regional) ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No DayXpm="15 16 3 1" Colormode=16 "! c #C77400" "# c #BD956A" " c none" " ! !# ! !! " " ! !# ! !!!! " " ! !# ! #!!!!#" " ! !# ! !!!!!!" " ! !# ! !!!!!!" " ! !# ! !!!!!!" " ! !# ! !!!!!!" " !!!!!! !!!!!!" " !!!!!! !!!! " " !!!! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " ;123456789012345 [end] [_point] Type=0x02b SubType=0x01 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Lodging/HOTEL/Hotel/Non NT String1=0x00,Hotel/Motel String2=0x01,H��tel String3=0x02,Hotel String4=0x03,Hotel String5=0x15,Hotel String6=0x10,Hotel String7=0x05,Albergo String8=0x04,Hotel/Motel ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#0065D5 ContourColor=No DayXpm="21 10 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #0095FF" " c none" "!! " "!! " "!! !! !!!!! " "!! !! !!!!!! !! " "!! !! " "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " "!! !! " "!! !! " "!! !! " ;123456789012345678901 [end] [_point] Type=0x02b SubType=0x02 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Lodging/BED_AND_BREAKFAST/Bed and breakfast inn/Non NT String1=0x00,Bed & Breakfast/Guesthouse String2=0x01,Chambre d'h��tes String3=0x02,Pension String4=0x03,Bed en breakfast String5=0x15,Pensjonat String6=0x10,Pens��o String7=0x05,Pensione/Bed and breakfast String8=0x04,Bed & Breakfast/Guesthouse ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#0065D5 ContourColor=No DayXpm="17 16 3 1" Colormode=16 "! c #0095FF" "# c #7BCAFF" " c none" " # " " ### " " ####### " " ########### " " ############# " " ######### " "!! ######### " "!! ######### " "!! !!!####### " "!! !!!#!!!!!! !!" "!! !!!#!!!!!!! !!" "!! ### ### !!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!! ### ### !!" "!! !!" ;12345678901234567 [end] [_point] Type=0x02b SubType=0x03 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Lodging/CAMPGROUND/Campground/Non NT String1=0x00,Camp/Caravan site String2=0x01,Camping String3=0x02,Campingplatz String4=0x03,Camping String5=0x15,Kemping String6=0x10,Camping String7=0x05,Campeggio String8=0x04,Camp/Caravan site ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#0095FF ContourColor=No DayXpm="22 13 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #0095FF" " c none" " !!!!!!!!!!!!!! " "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " "!! !!!! !!! " "!! !!!! !! " "!! !!!! !! " "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " "!!!!!! !!!!!!! " "!!!!! !! !!!!!!!!! !" " !!!! !!!! !!!!!!!!! !" " !!!! " " !! " ;1234567890123456789012 [end] [_point] Type=0x02b SubType=0x05 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x00,Camp/Caravan site String2=0x01,Camping String3=0x02,Campingplatz String4=0x03,Camping String5=0x15,Kemping String6=0x10,Camping String7=0x05,Campeggio String8=0x04,Camp/Caravan site ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#0095FF ContourColor=No DayXpm="22 13 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #0095FF" " c none" " !!!!!!!!!!!!!! " "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " "!! !!!! !!! " "!! !!!! !! " "!! !!!! !! " "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " "!!!!!! !!!!!!! " "!!!!! !! !!!!!!!!! !" " !!!! !!!! !!!!!!!!! !" " !!!! " " !! " ;1234567890123456789012 [end] [_point] Type=0x02b SubType=0x06 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x00,Shelter String2=0x01,Abri String3=0x02,Schutzh��tte String4=0x03,Schuilplek String5=0x15,Schronienie String6=0x10,Cabana String7=0x05,Rifugio String8=0x04,Shelter ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No DayXpm="16 16 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #666666" " c none" " " " ! ! " " ! ! " " ! ! " " ! ! " " ! ! " " ! !! ! " " !!!! " " !!! !!! " " !!! !!! " " ! ! " " ! ! " " ! ! " " ! ! " " ! ! " " ! ! " ;1234567890123456 [end] [_point] Type=0x02b SubType=0x07 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x00,Wilderness Hut String2=0x01,Refuge String3=0x02,Bergschutzh��tte String4=0x03,Bergschuilhut String5=0x15,Schronisko String6=0x10,Cabana String7=0x05,Bivacco String8=0x04,Wilderness Hut ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#0065D5 ContourColor=No DayXpm="14 14 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #0095FF" " c none" " !! " " !! " " !!!!! " " !!!!!!!! " " !!!!! !!!!! " "!!! !! !!!" "!!! !! !!!" " !! !! !! " " !! !! !! " " !! !!!!!! !! " " !! !!!!!! !! " " !! !! !! !! " " !! !! !! !! " " !! !!!!!! !! " ;12345678901234 [end] [_point] Type=0x02c SubType=0x01 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Attractions/THEME_PARK/Amusement or theme park, i.e. Disneyland/Non NT String1=0x00,Amusement/Theme Park String2=0x01,Parc d'attractions String3=0x02,Freizeitpark String4=0x03,Attractiepark String5=0x15,Park rozrywki String6=0x10,Parque tem��tico / divers��o String7=0x05,Parco a tema String8=0x04,Amusement/Theme Park ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#006500 ContourColor=No DayXpm="1 1 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #009500" " c none" " " ;1 [end] [_point] Type=0x02c SubType=0x02 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Attractions/MUSEUM/Museum or historical society/Non NT String1=0x00,Museum/Historical String2=0x01,Mus��e String3=0x02,Museum String4=0x03,Museum String5=0x15,Muzeum String6=0x10,Museu String7=0x05,Museo String8=0x04,Museum/Historical ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#734A08 ContourColor=No DayXpm="20 13 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #734A08" " c none" " !! " " !!!!!! " " !!!!!!!!!! " " !!!!!!!!!!!!!! " " " " !!!!!!!!!!!!!! " " !!! !!!! !!! " " !! !! !! " " !! !! !! " " !! !! !! " " !! !! !! " " !!!!!!!!!!!!!! " "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " ;12345678901234567890 [end] [_point] Type=0x02c SubType=0x03 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Attractions/LIBRARY/Library/Non NT String1=0x00,Library String2=0x01,Biblioth��que String3=0x02,Bibliothek String4=0x03,Bibliotheek String5=0x15,Biblioteka String6=0x10,Biblioteca String7=0x05,Biblioteca String8=0x04,Library ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#734A08 ContourColor=No DayXpm="20 12 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #734A08" " c none" "! ! " "! !!! !!! ! " "! !!!!! !!!!! ! " "! !!!!! !!!!! ! " "! !!!!! !!!!! ! " "! !!!!! !!!!! ! " "! !!!!! !!!!! ! " "! !!!! !!!! ! " "! !! !! ! " "!!! !!! " " !! !! " " !!!!! " ;12345678901234567890 [end] [_point] Type=0x02c SubType=0x04 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Attractions/LANDMARK/Landmark/Non NT String1=0x00,Landmark/Arts/Attraction/Viewpoint String2=0x01,Point de vue, ��uvre d'art, attraction String3=0x02,Aussichtspunkt, Kunstwerk, Attraktion String4=0x03,Bezienswaardigheid String5=0x15,Sztuka, Atrakcja, Punkt widokowy String6=0x10,Atra����o String7=0x05,Opera/Veduta String8=0x04,Landmark/Arts/Attraction/Viewpoint ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#734A08 ContourColor=No DayXpm="12 17 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #734A08" " c none" " !! " " !!!! " " !!!! " " !! " " " " !!!!!! " " !!!!!! " " !!!!!! " " !!!! " " !! " " !! " " !! " " " " !!!!!! " " " "!!!!!!!! " "!!!!!!!! " ;123456789012 [end] [_point] Type=0x02c SubType=0x05 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Attractions/SCHOOL/School/Non NT String1=0x00,Education String2=0x01,��cole String3=0x02,Schule String4=0x03,Educatie String5=0x15,Edukacja String6=0x10,Escola String7=0x05,Scuola String8=0x04,Education ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NormalFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#4D4D00 ContourColor=No DayXpm="1 1 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #009500" " c none" " " ;1 [end] [_point] Type=0x02c SubType=0x06 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Attractions/GARDEN, PARK/Garden, park/Non NT String1=0x00,Park/Garden/Playground String2=0x01,Aire de jeu String3=0x02,Spielplatz String4=0x03,Speelplaats String5=0x15,Plac zabaw String6=0x10,Parque infantil String7=0x05,Parco giochi String8=0x04,Park/Garden/Playground ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No DayXpm="18 17 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #009500" " c none" " !! " " !!!! " " !!!! !! " " !! !!!! " " !!!! " " !! !! " " !! " " !!!! !! " " !!!! !! " "!!!!!!! !!!! " "!!!!!!!!!! !!!! " " !!!!!!!!!!!!!" " !! !!!!!!" " !! " " !!!! " " !!!!!! " " !!!!!!!! " ;123456789012345678 [end] [_point] Type=0x02c SubType=0x07 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Attractions/ZOO/Zoo/Non NT String1=0x00,Zoo/Aquarium String2=0x01,Zoo String3=0x02,Zoo String4=0x03,Dierentuin String5=0x15,Zoo String6=0x10,Zool��gico String7=0x05,Zoo/Acquario String8=0x04,Zoo/Aquarium ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NormalFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#660033 ContourColor=No DayXpm="1 1 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #009500" " c none" " " ;1 [end] [_point] Type=0x02c SubType=0x08 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Attractions/ARENA/Arena or track/Non NT String1=0x00,Arena/Track String2=0x01,Sport String3=0x02,Sport String4=0x03,Sport String5=0x15,Sport String6=0x10,Esporte String7=0x05,Sport String8=0x04,Arena/Track ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#3D9171 ContourColor=No DayXpm="1 1 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #009500" " c none" " " ;1 [end] [_point] Type=0x02c SubType=0x09 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Attractions/HALL/Auditorium or hall/Non NT String1=0x00,Hall/Auditorium String2=0x01,Auditorium String3=0x02,Konferenzzentrum String4=0x03,Conferentiecentrum String5=0x15,Centrum konferencyjne String6=0x10,Confer��ncia String7=0x05,Fiera String8=0x04,Hall/Auditorium ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No DayXpm="1 1 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #00FF4B" " c none" " " ;1 [end] [_point] Type=0x02c SubType=0x0a ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Attractions/WINERY/Winery/Non NT String1=0x00,Winery String2=0x01,Cave �� vin String3=0x02,Weinkeller String4=0x03,Wijnmaker String5=0x15,Winiarnia String6=0x10,Adega String7=0x05,Cantina String8=0x04,Winery ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No DayXpm="1 1 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #00FF4B" " c none" " " ;1 [end] [_point] Type=0x02c SubType=0x0b ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Attractions/PLACE_OF_WORSHIP/Religious place of worship/Non NT String1=0x00,Place of Worship String2=0x01,Lieu de culte String3=0x02,Religi��ses Geb��ude String4=0x03,Gebedshuis String5=0x15,Budynek religijny String6=0x10,Edif��cio religioso String7=0x05,Luogo di culto String8=0x04,Place of Worship ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#000000 ContourColor=No DayXpm="12 15 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #000000" " c none" " !! " " !!!! " " !!!! " " !! " " ! " "!! !!!! " " !!!!!!!! " " !! !!!! " " !!!! " " !!!! " " !!!! " " !!! " " !!! " " !!!!!!! " " !!!!!!!!" ;123456789012 [end] [_point] Type=0x02c SubType=0x0c ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x00,Hot Spring / Volcano String2=0x01,Volcan String3=0x02,Vulkan String4=0x03,Vulkaan String5=0x15,Wulkan String6=0x10,Vulc��o String7=0x05,Vulcano String8=0x04,Hot Spring / Volcano ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#BD3000 ContourColor=No DayXpm="14 10 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #D40000" " c none" " ! " " ! " " !!! " " !!! " " !!!!! " " !!!!! " " !!!!!!! " " !!!!!!! " "!!!!!!!!! " "!!!!!!!!! " ;12345678901234 [end] [_point] Type=0x02c SubType=0x0d ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Attractions/POW_MOSQUE/Religious place of worship/Non NT String1=0x00,Tourist attraction String2=0x01,Attraction touristique String3=0x02,Touristenattraktion String4=0x03,Touristische attractie String5=0x15,Atrakcja turystyczna String6=0x10,Atra����o tur��stica String7=0x05,Attrazione turistica String8=0x04,Tourist attraction ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#660033 ContourColor=No DayXpm="10 5 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #660033" " c none" " !!! " "!!!!! " "!!!!! " "!!!!! " " !!! " ;1234567890 [end] [_point] Type=0x02d SubType=0x01 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Entertainment/LIVE_THEATER/Live theater/Non NT String1=0x00,Theatre String2=0x01,Th����tre String3=0x02,Theater String4=0x03,Theater String5=0x15,Teatr String6=0x10,Teatro String7=0x05,Teatro String8=0x00,04 Theatre ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#734A08 ContourColor=No DayXpm="18 13 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #734A08" " c none" "!!!!!!!! " "! ! " "! ! ! ! " "! !!!!!!!! " "! ! !!!!!!!!! " "! ! !!! !! !! " "! !! !!!!!!!! " "! !!!!!!!! " " ! !!! !!! " " !!!!!! !! !! " " !! !! !! " " !!!!!! " " !!!! " ;123456789012345678 [end] [_point] Type=0x02d SubType=0x02 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Entertainment/BAR/Bar or club/Non NT String1=0x00,Bar/Nightclub String2=0x01,Bar String3=0x02,Bar String4=0x04,Bar/Nightclub String5=0x03,Bar String6=0x15,Bar String7=0x10,Bar String8=0x05,Bar ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No DayXpm="13 12 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #C77400" " c none" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!" " !!!!!!!!!!! " " !!!!!!!!! " " !!!!!!! " " !!!!! " " !!! " " ! " " ! " " ! " " ! " " !!! " " !!!!!!! " ;1234567890123 [end] [_point] Type=0x02d SubType=0x03 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Entertainment/MOVIE_THEATER/Movie theater or cinema/Non NT String1=0x00,Movie Theatre String2=0x01,Cin��ma String3=0x02,Kino String4=0x04,Movie Theatre String5=0x03,Bioscoop String6=0x15,Kino String7=0x10,Cinema String8=0x05,Cinema ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#734A08 ContourColor=No DayXpm="16 13 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #734A08" " c none" "!!!!!!!!!!!! " "! ! ! ! " "!!! !!! " "! ! ! ! " "!!! !!! " "! ! ! ! " "!!!!!!!!!!!! " "! ! ! ! " "!!! !!! " "! ! ! ! " "!!! !!! " "! ! ! ! " "!!!!!!!!!!!! " ;1234567890123456 [end] [_point] Type=0x02d SubType=0x04 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Entertainment/CASINO/Casino/Non NT String1=0x00,Casino String2=0x01,Casino String3=0x02,Casino String4=0x03,Casino String5=0x15,Kasyno String6=0x10,Cassino String7=0x05,Sala da gioco String8=0x04,Casino ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#734A08 ContourColor=No DayXpm="16 15 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #734A08" " c none" " !!! " " !!!!! " " !!! !! " " !!!! !!! " "!!!!!!!!!!! " "!!!!!!! " "!! !! !!!!!!! " "!! !! !!!!!!!!!" " !!!!! !!!!! !!" " !!!! !!!!! !!" " !!! !!!!!!!!!" " !! !! !!!!!" " !! !!!!!" " !!!!!!!!!" " !!!!!!! " ;1234567890123456 [end] [_point] Type=0x02d SubType=0x05 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Entertainment/GOLF_COURSE/Golf course/Non NT String1=0x00,Golf Course String2=0x01,Golf String3=0x02,Golfplatz String4=0x03,Golfbaan String5=0x15,Golf String6=0x10,Campo de golfe String7=0x05,Campo da golf String8=0x04,Golf Course ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#009500 ContourColor=No DayXpm="19 18 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #009500" " c none" " !! " "! !! " "!! !! " "!!! !! !! " "!!!! !!!! !! " "!!!!! !!!! !! " "!!!! !! !! " "!!! !! " "!! !!!! " "! !!!! " "! !!!! " "! !!!! " "! !!!! " "! !! !! " "! !! !! " "! !! !! " "! !! !! " "! !! !! " ;1234567890123456789 [end] [_point] Type=0x02d SubType=0x06 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Entertainment/SKI_CENTER/Ski area or resort/Non NT String1=0x00,Skiing Center/Resort String2=0x01,Ski String3=0x02,Ski String4=0x03,Ski String5=0x15,Narty String6=0x10,Esqui String7=0x05,Centro sciistico String8=0x04,Skiing Center/Resort ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#009500 ContourColor=No DayXpm="16 13 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #009500" " c none" " ! " " !!! " " !!!!! ! " " !!!!!! !!!" " !! !!! !!!" " !! !! ! " "!! !!! ! " "!!!! !! !! " " !!!! " " !!!! " " !!!! " " !!!! ! " " !!!!! " ;1234567890123456 [end] [_point] Type=0x02d SubType=0x07 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Entertainment/BOWLING/Bowling alley/Non NT String1=0x00,Bowling Center String2=0x01,Bowling String3=0x02,Bowling String4=0x04,Bowling Center String5=0x03,Bowlingbaan String6=0x15,Kr��gle String7=0x10,Boliche String8=0x05,Sala da bowling ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#009500 ContourColor=No DayXpm="18 16 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #009500" " c none" " !! " " !!!! " " !!!! " " !! " " " " !! " " " " !!! !! " " !!! !!! !!!! " " !!! !! !!!!!! " "!!!!!!!!! !!!!! " "!!!! ! ! !!!!! " "!!! ! !! !!!!! " " !!!!!!! !!!!!! " " !!!!!!! !!!!!! " " !!! !!!! " ;123456789012345678 [end] [_point] Type=0x02d SubType=0x08 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Entertainment/ICE_SKATING/Ice skating rink/Non NT String1=0x00,Ice Skating String2=0x01,Patinoire String3=0x02,Eisbahn String4=0x03,Schaatsbaan String5=0x15,Lodowisko String6=0x10,Patina����o no gelo String7=0x05,Pista di pattinaggio String8=0x04,Ice Skating ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#009500 ContourColor=No DayXpm="15 12 3 1" Colormode=16 "! c #009500" "# c #009500" " c none" " ##### " " #!!!! " " #!!!! " " #!!!!! " " #!!!!!!! " " #!!!!!!!!! " " #!!!!!!!!!! " " !!!!!!!!!! " " ! ! " " ! ! #" "###!!!!!!!!!###" "############## " ;123456789012345 [end] [_point] Type=0x02d SubType=0x09 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Entertainment/SWIMMING_POOL/Swimming pool/Non NT String1=0x00,Swimming Pool String2=0x01,Piscine String3=0x02,Schwimmbad String4=0x03,Zwembad String5=0x15,Basen String6=0x10,Piscina String7=0x05,Piscina String8=0x04,Swimming Pool ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#009500 ContourColor=No DayXpm="19 13 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #009500" " c none" " !! " " !!!! " " !!! " " !! !! " " !!! !!!! " " !!! !!!! " " !!!!!! !! " " !!!!!!!!! " " ! !!! ! " " " " !!! !!! !!! " "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " "! !! !! ! " ;1234567890123456789 [end] [_point] Type=0x02d SubType=0x0a ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Entertainment/FITNESS_CENTER/Fitness center or gym/Non NT String1=0x00,Sports Fitnes Center String2=0x01,Centre sportif String3=0x02,Sportzentrum String4=0x03,Sportcentrum String5=0x15,Centrum sportowe String6=0x10,Centro esportivo String7=0x05,Centro sportivo String8=0x04,Sports Fitnes Center ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=Default CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#006500 ContourColor=No DayXpm="1 1 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #009500" " c none" " " ;1 [end] [_point] Type=0x02d SubType=0x0b ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Entertainment/SPORT_AIRPORT/Sport or R-C airport/Non NT String1=0x00,Public Sport Airport String2=0x01,A��roport String3=0x02,Flughafen String4=0x03,Luchthaven String5=0x15,Lotnisko String6=0x10,Aeroporto String7=0x05,Aerodromo String8=0x04,Public Sport Airport ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NormalFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#8461C4 ContourColor=No DayXpm="16 16 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #8461C4" " c none" " !! " " !! " " !! " " !! " " !! " " !!!! " " !!!!!!!! " " !!!!!!!!!!!! " " !!!!!!!!!!!!!! " "!!!! !! !!!!" " !! " " !! " " !! " " !!!! " " !!!!!!!! " " !!!! !!!! " ;1234567890123456 [end] [_point] Type=0x02e SubType=0x01 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Shopping/DEPARTMENT_STORE/Department store/Non NT String1=0x00,Department Store String2=0x01,Hypermarch�� String3=0x02,Kaufhaus String4=0x03,Warenhuis String5=0x15,Centrum handlowe String6=0x10,Shopping Center String7=0x05,Grande magazzino String8=0x04,Department Store ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No DayXpm="14 17 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #BD30B4" " c none" " !!!!!! " " !!!!!! " " ! ! " " ! ! " " ! ! " "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!! !!!!!!" "!!!!! !! !!!!!" "!!!!! ! !!!!!" "!!!!! !!!!!!" "!!!! !! !!!!" "!!!! !!! !!!!" "!!!! !!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ;12345678901234 [end] [_point] Type=0x02e SubType=0x02 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Shopping/GROCERY_STORE/Grocery store/Non NT String1=0x00,Grocery Store String2=0x01,Boulangerie String3=0x02,B��ckerei String4=0x03,Bakker String5=0x15,Piekarnia String6=0x10,Padaria String7=0x05,Alimentari/Drogheria String8=0x04,Grocery Store ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No DayXpm="14 8 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #BD30B4" " c none" " ! ! ! !! " " !! !! !! ! " " !! ! ! !! " "!!! !! !! !!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" " !!!!!!!!!!!! " ;12345678901234 [end] [_point] Type=0x02e SubType=0x03 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Shopping/GENERAL_STORE/General store/Non NT String1=0x00,General Merchandise String2=0x01,Supermarch�� String3=0x02,Supermarkt String4=0x03,Algemeen String5=0x15,Supermarket String6=0x10,Loja String7=0x05,Supermercato String8=0x04,General Merchandise ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No DayXpm="13 11 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #BD30B4" " c none" " ! " " !! " " !! " " ! " "!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!! ! ! !!" " !!!!!!!!!!! " " ! ! ! ! " " !!!!!!!!!!! " " !! ! ! " " !!!!!!!!! " ;1234567890123 [end] [_point] Type=0x02e SubType=0x04 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Shopping/SHOPPING_CENTER/Shopping center or mall/Non NT String1=0x00,Shopping Center String2=0x01,Centre commercial String3=0x02,Einkaufszentrum String4=0x03,Winkelcentrum String5=0x15,Centrum handlowe String6=0x10,Shopping Center String7=0x05,Centro commerciale String8=0x04,Shopping Center ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No DayXpm="14 17 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #BD30B4" " c none" " !!!!!! " " !!!!!! " " ! ! " " ! ! " " ! ! " "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!! !!!!!!" "!!!!! !! !!!!!" "!!!!! ! !!!!!" "!!!!! !!!!!!" "!!!! !! !!!!" "!!!! !!! !!!!" "!!!! !!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ;12345678901234 [end] [_point] Type=0x02e SubType=0x05 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Shopping/PHARMACY/Pharmacy/Non NT String1=0x00,Pharmacy/Chemist String2=0x01,Pharmacie String3=0x02,Apotheke String4=0x03,Apotheek String5=0x15,Apteka String6=0x10,Farm��cia String7=0x05,Farmacia String8=0x04,Pharmacy/Chemist ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No DayXpm="10 14 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #BF0000" " c none" " !!!!!! " " !!!!!! " " !!!!!! " " " " !!!!!!!! " "!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!! !!!!" "!!!! !!!!" "!! !!" "!! !!" "!!!! !!!!" "!!!! !!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!" ;1234567890 [end] [_point] Type=0x02e SubType=0x06 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Shopping/CONVENIENCE_STORE/Convenience store/Non NT String1=0x00,Convenience with Auto Fuel String2=0x01,Station-service String3=0x02,Tankstellenshop String4=0x03,Tankstation shop String5=0x15,Sklep na stacji paliw String6=0x10,Loja de conveni��ncia String7=0x04,Convenience with Auto Fuel String8=0x05,Negozio ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No DayXpm="5 5 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #BD30B4" " c none" " !!! " "!!!!!" "!!!!!" "!!!!!" " !!! " ;12345 [end] [_point] Type=0x02e SubType=0x07 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Shopping/CLOTHING_RETAIL/Clothing store/Non NT String1=0x00,Clothes Shop String2=0x01,Magasin de v��tements String3=0x02,Bekleidungsgesch��ft String4=0x04,Clothes Shop String5=0x03,Kleding String6=0x15,Sklep odzie��owy String7=0x10,Loja de roupas String8=0x05,Negozio di abbigliamento ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No DayXpm="14 11 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #BD30B4" " c none" " !!! !!! " " !!!!! !!!!! " " !!!!!!!!!!!! " "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" " !!!!!!!! " " !!!!!!!! " " !!!!!!!! " " !!!!!!!! " " !!!!!!!! " " !!!!!!!! " ;12345678901234 [end] [_point] Type=0x02e SubType=0x08 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Shopping/HOME_AND_GARDEN_STORE/House and garden store/Non NT String1=0x00,House & Garden String2=0x01,Jardinerie String3=0x02,Gartencentrum String4=0x04,House & Garden String5=0x03,Huis- en tuin String6=0x15,Centrum ogrodnicze String7=0x10,Loja de jardinagem String8=0x05,Negozio di giardinaggio ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No DayXpm="16 15 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #BD30B4" " c none" " !!! " " !!!!! " " !! !! " " !! !!" " !! !! !!" " !!! !! !!" "!!!! !!!!!!!!!" "!!!!! !!!!!!!!!" " !!! !!!!!!!!!" " !!!!!!!!!!!!" " !!!!!!!!!! " " !!!!!!!!! " " !!!!!!!! " " !!!!!! " " !!!!! " ;1234567890123456 [end] [_point] Type=0x02e SubType=0x09 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Shopping/HOME_FURNISHINGS_STORE/Furniture store/Non NT String1=0x00,Home Furnishings String2=0x01,Magasin d���ameublement String3=0x02,M��belgesch��ft String4=0x04,Home Furnishings String5=0x03,Meubels String6=0x15,Meble String7=0x10,Loja de m��veis String8=0x05,Negozio di arredamento ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No DayXpm="14 10 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #BD30B4" " c none" " !!!!!!!!!! " " !!!!!!!!!!!! " " !!!!!!!! " "!! !!!!!!!! !!" "!!! !!!!!! !!!" " !! !! " " !!!!!!!!!!!! " " !!!!!!!!!!!! " " !!!!!!!!!!!! " " !!! !!! " ;12345678901234 [end] [_point] Type=0x02e SubType=0x0a ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Shopping/SPECIALTY_RETAIL/Specialty store/Non NT String1=0x00,Speciality Retail / Organic String2=0x01,Magasin String3=0x02,Gesch��ft String4=0x03,Winkel String5=0x15,Sklep String6=0x10,Loja String7=0x05,Negozio String8=0x04,Speciality Retail / Organic ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No DayXpm="5 5 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #BD30B4" " c none" " !!! " "!!!!!" "!!!!!" "!!!!!" " !!! " ;12345 [end] [_point] Type=0x02e SubType=0x0b ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Shopping/SOFTWARE_RETAIL/Computer software store/Non NT String1=0x00,Computer/Software String2=0x01,Magasin d�����lectronique String3=0x02,Computerhandel String4=0x03,Elektronica String5=0x15,Elektronika String6=0x10,Loja de eletr��nicos String7=0x05,Negozio di elettronica String8=0x04,Computer/Software ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No DayXpm="14 14 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #BD30B4" " c none" " !! !! " " !! !! " " !!!! " " !! " " !!!!!!!!!!!! " "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!! !! !" "!! ! !" "!! !!!!" "!! ! !" "!! ! !" "!!! !!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" " !!!!!!!!!!!! " ;12345678901234 [end] [_point] Type=0x02e SubType=0x0c ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x00,Shop String2=0x01,Magasin String3=0x02,Gesch��ft String4=0x03,Winkel String5=0x15,Sklep String6=0x10,Loja String7=0x05,Negozio String8=0x04,Shop ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No DayXpm="5 5 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #BD30B4" " c none" " !!! " "!!!!!" "!!!!!" "!!!!!" " !!! " ;12345 [end] [_point] Type=0x02f SubType=0x01 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Services/GAS_STATION/Gas, fuel station/Non NT String1=0x00,Auto-Fuel Station String2=0x01,Station-essence String3=0x02,Tankstelle String4=0x03,Tankstation String5=0x15,Stacja paliw String6=0x10,Posto de combust��vel String7=0x05,Stazione di servizio String8=0x04,Auto-Fuel Station ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#3E8BFD ContourColor=No DayXpm="12 14 3 1" Colormode=16 "! c #0095FF" "# c #F2EFE9" " c none" " !! " " !!!!!! !!!" "!!!!!!!! !!" "! ! !" "! !! #!" "! ! !#!" "!!!!!!!! !#!" "!!!!!!!!#!#!" "!!!!!!!!#!#!" "!!!!!!!!#!#!" "!!!!!!!!#! !" "!!!!!!!!# ! " "!!!!!!!!####" "!!!!!!!! " ;123456789012 [end] [_point] Type=0x02f SubType=0x02 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Services/AUTO_RENTAL/Car rental location/Non NT String1=0x00,Car rental String2=0x01,Location de voitures String3=0x02,Autoverleih String4=0x03,Autoverhuur String5=0x15,Wypo��yczalnia samochod��w String6=0x10,Aluguel de carro String7=0x05,Noleggio veicoli String8=0x04,Car rental ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No DayXpm="10 14 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #0095FF" " c none" " !!! " "! !!!!!! " "!! !!!!!!!" " !! " " " " " " !!!!!! " " ! ! " " !! !! " "!!!!!!!!!!" "! !!!! !" "! !!!! !" "!!!!!!!!!!" " !! !! " ;1234567890 [end] [_point] Type=0x02f SubType=0x03 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Services/AUTO_REPAIR/Car repair, mechanic/Non NT String1=0x00,Car Repairs String2=0x01,R��paration automobile String3=0x02,Autowerkstatt String4=0x03,Autogarage String5=0x15,Gara�� String6=0x10,Garagem String7=0x05,Riparazione veicoli String8=0x04,Car Repairs ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No DayXpm="10 14 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #734A08" " c none" " !!! " " !!!!!! " " !!!!!! " " !!! " " " " " " !!!!!! " " ! ! " " !! !! " " !!!!!!!! " "! !!!! !" "! !!!! !" "!!!!!!!!!!" " !! !! " ;1234567890 [end] [_point] Type=0x02f SubType=0x04 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Services/AIRPORT/Airport/Non NT String1=0x00,Airport String2=0x01,A��roport String3=0x02,Flughafen String4=0x03,Luchthaven String5=0x15,Lotnisko String6=0x10,Aeroporto String7=0x05,Aerodromo String8=0x04,Airport ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NormalFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#8461C4 ContourColor=No DayXpm="16 16 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #8461C4" " c none" " !! " " !! " " !! " " !! " " !! " " !!!! " " !!!!!!!! " " !!!!!!!!!!!! " " !!!!!!!!!!!!!! " "!!!! !! !!!!" " !! " " !! " " !! " " !!!! " " !!!!!!!! " " !!!! !!!! " ;1234567890123456 [end] [_point] Type=0x02f SubType=0x05 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Services/POST_OFFICE/Post office/Non NT String1=0x00,Post Office String2=0x01,Poste String3=0x02,Postamt String4=0x03,Postkantoor String5=0x15,Poczta String6=0x10,Correio String7=0x05,Poste String8=0x04,Post Office ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No DayXpm="14 10 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #734A08" " c none" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" " !!!!!!!!!! " "! !!!!!!!! !" "!! !!!!!! !!" "!!! !!!! !!!" "!!!! !! !!!!" "!!! ! ! !!!" "!! !!! !!! !!" "! !!!!!!!!!! !" " !!!!!!!!!!!! " ;12345678901234 [end] [_point] Type=0x02f SubType=0x06 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Services/BANK/Bank/Non NT String1=0x00,Bank/ATM String2=0x01,Banque String3=0x02,Bank String4=0x03,Bank String5=0x15,Bank String6=0x10,Banco String7=0x05,Banca/Sportello String8=0x04,Bank/ATM ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#734A08 ContourColor=No DayXpm="16 11 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #734A08" " c none" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " "!!! !!! " "!! !! !! " "! !!!! ! " "! !!!! ! " "! !!!! ! " "!! !! !! " "!!! !!! " "!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " " " "!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " ;1234567890123456 [end] [_point] Type=0x02f SubType=0x07 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Services/DEALER/Dealer of manufactured goods/Non NT String1=0x00,Car/Parts Dealer String2=0x01,Concessionnaire automobile String3=0x02,Autoh��ndler String4=0x03,Autodealer String5=0x15,Sprzeda�� samochod��w String6=0x10,Revenda de carros String7=0x05,Vendita veicoli String8=0x04,Car/Parts Dealer ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#BD30B4 ContourColor=No DayXpm="13 10 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #BD30B4" " c none" " !!!!!!! " " !! !! " " ! ! " " ! ! " " !!!!!!!!!!! " "!! !!!!! !!" "!! !!!!! !!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!" " !!! !!! " " !!! !!! " ;1234567890123 [end] [_point] Type=0x02f SubType=0x08 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Services/GND_TRANSPORT/Ground transportation status, i.e. a bus station/Non NT String1=0x00,Busstation String2=0x01,Gare routi��re String3=0x02,Busbahnhof String4=0x04,Bus/Railway/Ferry Station String5=0x03,Busstation String6=0x15,Przystanek autobusowy String7=0x10,Esta����o de ��nibus String8=0x05,Stazione ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=Default CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#0065FF ContourColor=No DayXpm="21 16 3 1" Colormode=16 "! c #0095FF" "# c #F2EFE9" " c none" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " "!!!!########!!!! " "!!!###!!!!###!!! " "!!############!! " "!!##!!!!!!!!##!! " "!!##!!!!!!!!##!! " "!!##!!!!!!!!##!! " "!!##!!!!!!!!##!! " "!!############!! " "!!############!! " "!!#!!######!!#!! " "!!#!!######!!#!! " "!!############!! " "!!!##!!!!!!##!!! " "!!!##!!!!!!##!!! " "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " ;123456789012345678901 [end] [_point] Type=0x02f SubType=0x09 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Services/MARINA/Marina/Non NT String1=0x00,Marina/Repairs & Storage String2=0x01,Magasin accastillage et bateaux String3=0x02,Bootsgesch��ft String4=0x04,Marina/Repairs & Storage String5=0x03,Botenwinkel String6=0x15,Sklep ��eglarski String7=0x10,Loja de iates String8=0x05,Assistenza imbarcazioni ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No DayXpm="5 5 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #BD30B4" " c none" " !!! " "!!!!!" "!!!!!" "!!!!!" " !!! " ;12345 [end] [_point] Type=0x02f SubType=0x0a ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Services/WRECKER_SERVICE/Wrecker service/Non NT String1=0x00,Wrecker Service String2=0x01,D��panneuse String3=0x02,Schleppdienst String4=0x04,Wrecker Service String5=0x03,Sleepdienst String6=0x15,Holowanie String7=0x10,Guincho String8=0x05,Soccorso stradale ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No DayXpm="5 5 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #BD30B4" " c none" " !!! " "!!!!!" "!!!!!" "!!!!!" " !!! " ;12345 [end] [_point] Type=0x02f SubType=0x0b ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Services/PARKING/Parking/Non NT String1=0x00,Parking String2=0x01,Parking String3=0x02,Parking String4=0x03,Parkeerplaats String5=0x15,Parking String6=0x10,Estacionamento String7=0x05,Parcheggio String8=0x04,Parking ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#3E8BFD ContourColor=No DayXpm="15 13 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #0095FF" " c none" "!!!!!!! " "!!!!!!!! " "!! !!! " "!! !! " "!! !! " "!! !!! " "!!!!!!!! " "!!!!!!! " "!! " "!! " "!! " "!! " "!! " ;123456789012345 [end] [_point] Type=0x02f SubType=0x0c ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Services/REST_AREA_TOURIST_INFO/Rest area, Tourist information/Non NT String1=0x00,Toilets String2=0x01,WC String3=0x02,WC String4=0x04,Toilets String5=0x03,Toilet String6=0x15,Toaleta String7=0x10,Banheiro String8=0x05,Servizi igienici ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No DayXpm="15 14 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #734A08" " c none" " ! " " !! ! !! " " !!!! ! !!!! " " !! ! !! " " ! " " !!!! ! !!!!!!" " !!!! ! !!!!!!" " !! ! !!!! " " !! ! !!!! " " !!!! ! !! " "!!!!!! ! !! " " !! ! !! " " !! ! !! " " !! ! !! " ;123456789012345 [end] [_point] Type=0x02f SubType=0x0d ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Services/AUTO_CLUB/Automobile club/Non NT String1=0x00,Automobile Club String2=0x01,Club automobile String3=0x02,Automobilclub String4=0x03,Auto club String5=0x15,Klub samochodowy String6=0x10,Clube automobil��stico String7=0x05,Amministrazione veicoli String8=0x04,Automobile Club ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No DayXpm="1 1 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #00FF4B" " c none" " " ;1 [end] [_point] Type=0x02f SubType=0x0e ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Services/CAR_WASH/Car wash/Non NT String1=0x00,Car Wash String2=0x01,Lavage-auto String3=0x02,Autowaschanlage String4=0x03,Autowasstraat String5=0x15,Myjnia String6=0x10,Lava jato String7=0x05,Lavaggio veicoli String8=0x04,Car Wash ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No DayXpm="10 14 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #734A08" " c none" " !!!!!! " " " " ! !! ! " " ! !! ! " "! !! !" " " " !!!!!! " " ! ! " " !! !! " "!!!!!!!!!!" "! !!!! !" "! !!!! !" "!!!!!!!!!!" " !! !! " ;1234567890 [end] [_point] Type=0x02f SubType=0x10 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Services/SERVICES_PERSONAL/Personal services/Non NT String1=0x00,Hairdresser / Beauty String2=0x01,Coiffeur String3=0x02,Friseur String4=0x04,Hairdresser / Beauty String5=0x03,Kapper / Schoonheidssalon String6=0x15,Fryzjer String7=0x10,Cabeleireiro String8=0x05,Servizi per la persona ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No DayXpm="14 14 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #BD30B4" " c none" " !! !!!!! " " !! !!!!!!" " !! !!" " !! !!!!!!" " !! !!" " !! !!!!!!" " !! !!" " !! !!!!!!" " !! !!" " !!!!!!!! !!" "!! !!!! !! !!" "! !! ! !!" "!! !!!! !! !!" " !!! !!! !!" ;12345678901234 [end] [_point] Type=0x02f SubType=0x12 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Services/COMMUNICATION_SERVICES/Communication services/Non NT String1=0x00,Wifi / Phone String2=0x01,Wifi String3=0x02,Wifi String4=0x03,Wifi / Telefoon String5=0x15,Wifi String6=0x10,Wifi String7=0x04,Wifi / Phone String8=0x05,Servizi di comunicazione ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No DayXpm="11 11 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #737373" " c none" " !!!!!!" " !! " " ! !!!!!" " ! !! " " ! ! !!!" "! ! !! " "! ! ! " "! ! ! !!!" "! ! ! !!!!" "! ! ! !!!!" "! ! ! !!!!" ;12345678901 [end] [_point] Type=0x02f SubType=0x13 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Services/REPAIR_SERVICE/Repair service/Non NT String1=0x00,Bicycle String2=0x01,V��lo String3=0x02,Rad String4=0x04,Bicycle String5=0x03,Fietsen String6=0x15,Rower String7=0x10,Bicicleta String8=0x05,Servizi di riparazione ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#BD30B4 ContourColor=No DayXpm="16 11 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #BD30B4" " c none" " ! " " !!!! !! " " !! ! " " !!!!!! " " !! !! " " !!!! !!!!!! " "!! !!! !! !! " "! ! ! ! " "! ! ! ! " "!! !! !! !! " " !!!! !!!! " ;1234567890123456 [end] [_point] Type=0x02f SubType=0x14 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Services/SOCIAL_SERVICES/Social services/Non NT String1=0x00,Social Service String2=0x01,Services sociaux String3=0x02,Soziale Einrichtung String4=0x03,Sociale instelling String5=0x15,Social String6=0x10,Social String7=0x05,Istituzione sociale String8=0x04,Social Service ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#734A08 ContourColor=No DayXpm="19 16 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #734A08" " c none" " !! " " !!!! " "!! !!!! !! " "!! !! !! " "!! !! " "!! !! !! " "!! !!!! !! " "!! !!!! !! " "!! !!!! !! " "!! !!!! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !!!! !!!! " " !!!! !!!! " " !!!! !!!! " " !!!! !!!! " ;1234567890123456789 [end] [_point] Type=0x02f SubType=0x15 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Services/UTILITY/Utility (gas, electric, water) services/Non NT String1=0x00,Postbox / Recycling String2=0x01,D��chetterie String3=0x02,Recycling String4=0x04,Postbox / Recycling String5=0x03,Glasbak String6=0x15,Recykling String7=0x10,Reciclagem String8=0x05,Punto di raccolta ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No DayXpm="17 17 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #734A08" " c none" " !! !! " " !! !!! " " !!! !! ! " " !!! !!!! " " !!! !!! " " !! !!!! " " " " !!!! !!! " " !!! !!! " " !!!! !!!" "!!! ! !!!" "!!! !!" "!!! ! " " ! !!! !!!!! " " !!!!! !!!!!! " " !!!!! !!!! " " ! " ;12345678901234567 [end] [_point] Type=0x02f SubType=0x16 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Services/TRUCK_STOP/Truck stop/Non NT String1=0x00,Truck Stop String2=0x01,Station-essence String3=0x02,Tankstelle String4=0x03,Tankstation String5=0x15,Stacja paliw String6=0x10,Posto de combust��vel String7=0x05,Stazione di servizio String8=0x04,Truck Stop ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#3E8BFD ContourColor=No DayXpm="12 14 3 1" Colormode=16 "! c #0095FF" "# c #F2EFE9" " c none" " !! " " !!!!!! !!!" "!!!!!!!! !!" "! ! !" "! !! #!" "! ! !#!" "!!!!!!!! !#!" "!!!!!!!!#!#!" "!!!!!!!!#!#!" "!!!!!!!!#!#!" "!!!!!!!!#! !" "!!!!!!!!# ! " "!!!!!!!!####" "!!!!!!!! " ;123456789012 [end] [_point] Type=0x02f SubType=0x17 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Services/TRANSIT_SERVICES/Mass transit services/Non NT String1=0x00,Bus/Tram Stop/Taxi Rank String2=0x01,Arr��t de bus String3=0x02,Haltestelle String4=0x04,Bus/Tram Stop / Taxi Rank String5=0x03,Bushalte String6=0x15,Przystanek String7=0x10,Parada de ��nibus String8=0x05,Fermata mezzi pubblici ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No DayXpm="9 11 3 1" Colormode=16 "! c #0095FF" "# c #F2EFE9" " c none" " !!!!!!!#" "!! ### !!" "!!!!!!!!!" "!#######!" "!#######!" "!#######!" "!!!!!!!!!" "!##!!! #!" "!##!!! #!" "!!!!!!!!!" "#!!###!!#" ;123456789 [end] [_point] Type=0x030 SubType=0x01 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Emergency and Government/POLICE_STATION/Police station/Non NT String1=0x00,Police Station String2=0x01,Police String3=0x02,Polizei String4=0x03,Politiekantoor String5=0x15,Policja String6=0x10,Pol��cia String7=0x05,Forze dell���Ordine String8=0x04,Police Station ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#734A08 ContourColor=No DayXpm="15 15 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #734A08" " c none" " !!!!!! " " !!!!!! " " " " !!!!!! " " !!!!!! " " !!!! " " " " !!!!!!!! " "!!!!!!! !! " "!!!!!! !!! " "!!!!! !!!! " "!!!! !!!!! " "!!! !!!!!! " "!! !!!!!!! " "! !!!!!!!! " ;123456789012345 [end] [_point] Type=0x030 SubType=0x02 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Emergency and Government/HOSPITAL/Hospital/Non NT String1=0x00,Hospital String2=0x01,H��pital String3=0x02,Krankenhaus String4=0x03,Ziekenhuis String5=0x15,Szpital String6=0x10,Hospital String7=0x05,Ospedale String8=0x04,Hospital ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#BF0000 ContourColor=No DayXpm="19 14 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #BF0000" " c none" " !!!!!! " " !!!!!!!!!! " " !!!!! !!!!! " " !!!!! !!!!! " "!!!!!! !!!!!! " "!!!!!! !!!!!! " "!! !! " "!! !! " "!!!!!! !!!!!! " "!!!!!! !!!!!! " " !!!!! !!!!! " " !!!!! !!!!! " " !!!!!!!!!! " " !!!!!! " ;1234567890123456789 [end] [_point] Type=0x030 SubType=0x03 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Emergency and Government/CITY_HALL/City hall/Non NT String1=0x00,City Hall String2=0x01,Mairie String3=0x02,Rathaus String4=0x03,Stadhuis String5=0x15,Ratusz String6=0x10,Prefeitura String7=0x05,Municipio/Ambasciata String8=0x04,City Hall ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#734A08 ContourColor=No DayXpm="16 14 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #734A08" " c none" " !!!!!! " " !!!! " " !!!!!! " " !! " " !! " " !!!!!! " " !!!!!!!!!! " " " "!!!!!!!!!!!! " " !!!! !!!! " " !!! !!! " " !!! !!! " " !!! !!! " "!!!!!!!!!!!! " ;1234567890123456 [end] [_point] Type=0x030 SubType=0x04 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Emergency and Government/COURTHOUSE/Courthouse/Non NT String1=0x00,Court House String2=0x01,Tribunal String3=0x02,Gericht String4=0x03,Gerechtsgebouw String5=0x15,S��d String6=0x10,Tribunal String7=0x05,Tribunale String8=0x04,Court House ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#734A08 ContourColor=No DayXpm="18 15 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #734A08" " c none" " !! " " !!!!!!!! " " !!!!!!!!!! " " !! !! !! " " ! !! ! " " !!! !! !!! " " !!!!! !! !!!!! " " ! ! !! ! ! " "!!!!!!! !! !!!!!!!" " !!!!! !! !!!!! " " !! " " !! " " !! " " !!!!!!!!! " " !!!!!!!!!!! " ;123456789012345678 [end] [_point] Type=0x030 SubType=0x05 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Emergency and Government/COMMUNITY_CENTER/Community center/Non NT String1=0x00,Community Center String2=0x01,Associations culturelles String3=0x02,Gemeindezentrum String4=0x03,Gemeenschapscentrum String5=0x15,O��rodek kultury String6=0x10,Centro comunit��rio String7=0x05,Centro comunitario String8=0x04,Community Center ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#734A08 ContourColor=No DayXpm="18 15 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #734A08" " c none" " !! !! " " !!!! !!!! " " !!!! !!!! " " !! !! " " " "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " " " " !! !! " " !!!! !!!! " " ! ! ! ! " " !! !! !! !! " " !! !! !! !! " "!! ! ! !! " "!! !!! !! " "! ! ! " ;123456789012345678 [end] [_point] Type=0x030 SubType=0x06 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Emergency and Government/BORDER_CROSSING/Border crossing/Non NT String1=0x00,Border Control String2=0x01,Douane String3=0x02,Zoll String4=0x03,Douane String5=0x15,Kontrola graniczna String6=0x10,Alf��ndega String7=0x05,Dogana String8=0x04,Border Control ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No DayXpm="15 15 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #734A08" " c none" " !!!!!! " " !!!!!! " " " " !!!!!! " " !!!!!! " " !!!! " " " " !!!!!!!! " "!!!!!!! !! " "!!!!!! !!! " "!!!!! !!!! " "!!!! !!!!! " "!!! !!!!!! " "!! !!!!!!! " "! !!!!!!!! " ;123456789012345 [end] [_point] Type=0x030 SubType=0x07 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Emergency and Government/GOV_OFFICE/Government Office/Non NT String1=0x00,Prison / Public Building String2=0x01,Prison String3=0x02,Gef��ngnis String4=0x04,Prison / Public Building String5=0x03,Gevangenis String6=0x15,Wi��zienie String7=0x10,Pris��o String8=0x05,Istituto governativo ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#734A08 ContourColor=No DayXpm="16 14 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #734A08" " c none" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " "! ! ! ! " "! ! ! ! " "! ! !! ! ! " "! !!!!!! ! " "! !!!!!! ! " "! ! !! ! ! " "! ! ! ! " "! !!!!!! ! " "! !!!!!! ! " "! !!!!!!!! ! " "! !!!!!!!! ! " "! !!!!!!!! ! " "!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " ;1234567890123456 [end] [_point] Type=0x030 SubType=0x08 ;GRMN_TYPE: Business - Emergency and Government/FIRE_DEPT/Fire department/Non NT String1=0x00,Fire Station String2=0x01,Pompiers String3=0x02,Feuerwehr String4=0x03,Brandweer String5=0x15,Stra�� po��arna String6=0x10,Bombeiros String7=0x05,Vigili del fuoco String8=0x04,Fire Station ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#734A08 ContourColor=No DayXpm="13 17 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #734A08" " c none" " ! " " !! " " !!! ! " " !!!! !! " " !!!! !!! " " !!!!! !!!! " " !!!!!!!!!! " "!!!! !!!!!!! " "!!!! !!!!!! " "!!!! !!!!!!!" "!!!! !! !!!" " !!! ! !!!" " !!!! !! " " !!! !! " " !!! !! " " !!! !! " " !! ! " ;1234567890123 [end] [_point] Type=0x032 SubType=0x00 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x00,Barrier String2=0x01,Barri��re String3=0x02,Poller String4=0x03,Paaltje/Hek/Slagboom String5=0x15,S��upek String6=0x10,Barreira String7=0x05,Ostacolo String8=0x04,Barrier ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No DayXpm="5 5 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #3F3F3F" " c none" " !!! " "!!!!!" "!!!!!" "!!!!!" " !!! " ;12345 [end] [_point] Type=0x043 SubType=0x00 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x00,Marina String2=0x01,Marina String3=0x02,Bootshafen String4=0x03,Jachthaven String5=0x15,Przysta�� String6=0x10,Marina String7=0x05,Porto String8=0x04,Marina ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#697EE2 ContourColor=No DayXpm="1 1 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #FFFFFF" " c none" " " ;1 [end] [_point] Type=0x043 SubType=0x01 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x01,Gare String2=0x02,Bahnhof String3=0x04,Trainstation String4=0x03,Treinstation String5=0x15,Dworzec kolejowy String6=0x10,Esta����o de trem String7=0x05,Stazione String8=0x00,Trainstation ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=Default CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#4A58AD ContourColor=No DayXpm="12 7 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #7981B0" " c none" "!!!!!!! " "!!!!!!! " "!!!!!!! " "!!!!!!! " "!!!!!!! " "!!!!!!! " "!!!!!!! " ;123456789012 [end] [_point] Type=0x043 SubType=0x02 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x01,Tramway String2=0x02,Stra��enbahn String3=0x04,Tram / Metro String4=0x03,Tram / Metro String5=0x15,Tramwaj / Metro String6=0x10,Metr�� String7=0x05,Stazione String8=0x00,Tram / Metro ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#4A58AD ContourColor=No DayXpm="8 4 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #7981B0" " c none" "!!!! " "!!!! " "!!!! " "!!!! " ;12345678 [end] [_point] Type=0x043 SubType=0x03 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x01,Terminal Ferry String2=0x02,F��hrhafen String3=0x04,Ferry terminal String4=0x03,Ferry terminal String5=0x15,Terminal promowy String6=0x10,Terminal de balsa String7=0x05,Terminal String8=0x00,Ferry terminal ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=Default CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#8461C4 ContourColor=No DayXpm="11 15 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #8A68C6" " c none" " !! " " !!!! " " !!!! " " !! " " !! " " !!!!!!!! " " !!!!!!!! " " !! " " !! " "! !! ! " "!! !! !! " "!!! !! !!! " " !!!!!!!! " " !!!!!! " " !! " ;12345678901 [end] [_point] Type=0x04a SubType=0x00 ;GRMN_TYPE: Misc. Points of Interest/PICNIC_AREA/Picnic area/Non NT, NT String1=0x00,Picnic Area String2=0x01,Pique-nique String3=0x02,Picknick String4=0x03,Picknick plaats String5=0x15,Miejsce piknikowe String6=0x10,Piquenique String7=0x05,Area picnic String8=0x04,Picnic Area ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No DayXpm="13 10 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #009500" " c none" " !!!!!!!!!!! " " !!!!!!!!!!! " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " "!!!!!!!!!!!!!" " !! !! " " !!! !!! " " !!! !!! " " !! !! " ;1234567890123 [end] [_point] Type=0x04c SubType=0x00 ;GRMN_TYPE: Misc. Points of Interest/INFORMATION/Information/Non NT, NT String1=0x00,Tourist information String2=0x01,Office du Tourisme String3=0x02,Touristeninformation String4=0x03,Touristen informatie String5=0x15,Informacja turystyczna String6=0x10,Informa����es tur��sticas String7=0x05,Informazioni turistiche String8=0x04,Tourist information ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No DayXpm="6 13 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #666666" " c none" " !! " " !! " " " " " " !!! " " !!! " " !! " " !! " " !! " " !! " " !! " " !! " "!!!!!!" ;123456 [end] [_point] Type=0x04e SubType=0x00 ;GRMN_TYPE: Misc. Points of Interest/RESTROOMS/Restrooms/Non NT, NT String1=0x01,WC String2=0x02,WC String3=0x04,WC String4=0x03,Toilet String5=0x15,Toaleta String6=0x10,Banheiro String7=0x05,Servizi igienici String8=0x00,WC ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No DayXpm="15 14 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #734A08" " c none" " ! " " !! ! !! " " !!!! ! !!!! " " !! ! !! " " ! " " !!!! ! !!!!!!" " !!!! ! !!!!!!" " !! ! !!!! " " !! ! !!!! " " !!!! ! !! " "!!!!!! ! !! " " !! ! !! " " !! ! !! " " !! ! !! " ;123456789012345 [end] [_point] Type=0x050 SubType=0x00 ;GRMN_TYPE: Misc. Points of Interest/DRINKING_WATER/Drinking water/Non NT, NT String1=0x00,Drinking Water String2=0x01,Eau potable String3=0x02,Trinkwasser String4=0x03,Drinkwater String5=0x15,Woda pitna String6=0x10,Bebedouro String7=0x05,Acqua potabile String8=0x04,Drinking Water ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No DayXpm="13 16 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #734A08" " c none" " " " !!!!!! " " !! " " !! " " !!!!!!!!!" " !!!!!!!!!!" " !! " " " "!!!!!!!! " "!! !! " "!! !! " " !!!!!! " " !!!!!! " " !!!!!! " " !!!! " " !!!! " ;1234567890123 [end] [_point] Type=0x059 SubType=0x04 ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x00,Helipad String2=0x01,H��liport String3=0x02,Hubschrauberlandeplatz String4=0x03,Helihaven String5=0x15,L��dowisko helikopterowe String6=0x10,Heliponto String7=0x05,Eliporto String8=0x04,Helipad ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No DayXpm="18 17 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #8461C4" " c none" " !!!!!! " " !! !! " " ! ! " " ! ! " " ! !! !! ! " " ! !! !! ! " "! !! !! !" "! !!!!!!!! !" "! !!!!!!!! !" "! !! !! !" "! !! !! !" " ! !! !! ! " " ! !! !! ! " " ! ! " " ! ! " " !! !! " " !!!!!! " ;123456789012345678 [end] [_point] Type=0x064 SubType=0x03 ;GRMN_TYPE: Geographical Named Points of Interest/CEMETERY/Cemetery/Non NT, NT String1=0x00,Cemetery String2=0x01,Cimeti��re String3=0x02,Friedhof String4=0x03,Begraafplaats String5=0x15,Cmentarz String6=0x10,Cemit��rio String7=0x05,Cimitero String8=0x04,Cemetery ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=Default CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#495E48 ContourColor=No DayXpm="1 1 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #009500" " c none" " " ;1 [end] [_point] Type=0x064 SubType=0x0b ;GRMN_TYPE: Geographical Named Points of Interest/MILITARY/Military point of interest/Non NT, NT String1=0x00,Military String2=0x01,Militaire String3=0x02,Milit��r String4=0x03,Militair String5=0x15,Wojsko String6=0x10,Militar String7=0x05,Elemento militare String8=0x04,Military ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#8B0606 ContourColor=No DayXpm="1 1 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #009500" " c none" " " ;1 [end] [_point] Type=0x064 SubType=0x11 ;GRMN_TYPE: Geographical Named Points of Interest/TOWER/Tower/Non NT, NT String1=0x00,Tower String2=0x01,Tour/Pyl��ne String3=0x02,Turm String4=0x03,Toren String5=0x15,Wie��a String6=0x10,Torre String7=0x05,Torre/Pilone String8=0x04,Tower ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No DayXpm="10 15 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #666666" " c none" " !! " " !! " " !! " " !! " " !! " " !! " " !! " " !! " " !! " " !! " " !! " " !! " " !!!! " "!!!!!!!! " "!!!!!!!! " ;1234567890 [end] [_point] Type=0x065 SubType=0x05 ;GRMN_TYPE: Geographical Named Points of Interest - Water Related/CANAL/Canal/Non NT, NT String1=0x00,Canal / Lock String2=0x01,Barrage String3=0x02,Wehr String4=0x03,Stuw String5=0x15,Tama String6=0x10,A��ude String7=0x05,Diga String8=0x04,Canal / Lock ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#5E5E5D ContourColor=No DayXpm="9 9 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #A4A4A4" " c none" " !!!!! " " !!!!!!! " "!!! !!!" "!! !!" "!! !!" "!! !!" "!!! !!!" " !!!!!!! " " !!!!! " ;123456789 [end] [_point] Type=0x065 SubType=0x08 ;GRMN_TYPE: Geographical Named Points of Interest - Water Related/WATERFALL/Waterfall/Non NT, NT String1=0x00,Waterfall String2=0x01,Chute d'eau String3=0x02,Wasserfall String4=0x03,Waterval String5=0x15,Wodospad String6=0x10,Cachoeira String7=0x05,Cascata String8=0x04,Waterfall ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#4863A0 ContourColor=No DayXpm="15 14 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #4D80B3" " c none" " !!!!!!!!!! " " !!!!!!!!!!! " " !! !! !!! " " !! !! !! " " !! !! !! " " !! !! !! " " !! !! !! " " !! !! !! " " ! ! !! " " ! " " " " !!! !!! !!! " "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "! !! !! !" ;123456789012345 [end] [_point] Type=0x065 SubType=0x0a ;GRMN_TYPE: Geographical Named Points of Interest - Water Related/GLACIER/Glacier/Non NT, NT String1=0x00,Glacier String2=0x01,Glacier String3=0x02,Gletscher String4=0x03,Gletsjer String5=0x15,Lodowiec String6=0x10,Geleira String7=0x05,Ghiacciaio String8=0x04,Glacier ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No DayXpm="1 1 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #00FF4B" " c none" " " ;1 [end] [_point] Type=0x065 SubType=0x0c ;GRMN_TYPE: // String1=0x00,Island String2=0x01,��le String3=0x02,Insel String4=0x03,Eiland String5=0x15,Wyspa String6=0x10,Ilha String7=0x05,Isola String8=0x04,Island ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#414141 ContourColor=No DayXpm="1 1 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #00FF4B" " c none" " " ;1 [end] [_point] Type=0x065 SubType=0x0d ;GRMN_TYPE: Geographical Named Points of Interest - Water Related/LAKE/Lake/Non NT, NT String1=0x00,Lake String2=0x01,Eau String3=0x02,Wasser String4=0x03,Water String5=0x15,Woda String6=0x10,��gua String7=0x05,Acqua String8=0x04,Lake ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#4D80B3 ContourColor=No DayXpm="1 1 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #009500" " c none" " " ;1 [end] [_point] Type=0x065 SubType=0x0f ;GRMN_TYPE: Geographical Named Points of Interest - Water Related/RESERVOIR/Reservoir/Non NT, NT String1=0x00,Reservoir String2=0x01,Eau String3=0x02,Wasser String4=0x03,Water String5=0x15,Woda String6=0x10,��gua String7=0x05,Acqua String8=0x04,Reservoir ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#4D80B3 ContourColor=No DayXpm="1 1 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #009500" " c none" " " ;1 [end] [_point] Type=0x065 SubType=0x11 ;GRMN_TYPE: Geographical Named Points of Interest - Water Related/SPRING/Spring/Non NT, NT String1=0x00,Spring String2=0x01,Source String3=0x02,Quelle String4=0x03,Waterbron String5=0x15,��r��d��o String6=0x10,Po��o String7=0x05,Sorgente String8=0x04,Spring ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#4D80B3 ContourColor=No DayXpm="9 9 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #7BBCEC" " c none" " !!!!! " " !!!!!!! " "!!! !!!" "!! !!" "!! !!" "!! !!" "!!! !!!" " !!!!!!! " " !!!!! " ;123456789 [end] [_point] Type=0x065 SubType=0x12 ;GRMN_TYPE: Geographical Named Points of Interest - Water Related/STREAM/Stream/Non NT, NT String1=0x00,Stream String2=0x01,Eau String3=0x02,Wasser String4=0x03,Water String5=0x15,Woda String6=0x10,��gua String7=0x05,Acqua String8=0x04,Stream ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#4D80B3 ContourColor=No DayXpm="1 1 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #009500" " c none" " " ;1 [end] [_point] Type=0x065 SubType=0x13 ;GRMN_TYPE: Geographical Named Points of Interest - Water Related/SWAMP/Swamp/Non NT, NT String1=0x00,Swamp String2=0x01,Marais String3=0x02,Sumpf String4=0x03,Moeras String5=0x15,Bagno String6=0x10,P��ntano String7=0x05,Palude String8=0x04,Swamp ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#4D80B3 ContourColor=No DayXpm="1 1 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #009500" " c none" " " ;1 [end] [_point] Type=0x066 SubType=0x01 ;GRMN_TYPE: Geographical Named Points of Interest - Land Related/ARCH/Arch/Non NT, NT String1=0x00,Cave String2=0x01,Grotte String3=0x02,H��hle String4=0x04,Cave String5=0x03,Grot String6=0x15,Jaskinia String7=0x10,Caverna String8=0x05,Grotta ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No DayXpm="11 6 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #000000" " c none" " !!!!! " " ! ! " " ! !!! ! " "! !!!!! !" "! !!!!!!! !" "! !!!!!!! !" ;12345678901 [end] [_point] Type=0x066 SubType=0x03 ;GRMN_TYPE: Geographical Named Points of Interest - Land Related/BASIN/Basin/Non NT, NT String1=0x00,Water String2=0x01,Eau String3=0x02,Wasser String4=0x04,Water String5=0x03,Water String6=0x15,Woda String7=0x10,��gua String8=0x05,Acqua ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#4D80B3 ContourColor=No DayXpm="1 1 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #009500" " c none" " " ;1 [end] [_point] Type=0x066 SubType=0x04 ;GRMN_TYPE: Geographical Named Points of Interest - Land Related/BEACH/Beach/Non NT, NT String1=0x00,Beach String2=0x01,Plage String3=0x02,Strand String4=0x03,Strand String5=0x15,Pla��a String6=0x10,Praia String7=0x05,Spiaggia String8=0x04,Beach ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#907712 ContourColor=No DayXpm="1 1 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #009500" " c none" " " ;1 [end] [_point] Type=0x066 SubType=0x05 ;GRMN_TYPE: Geographical Named Points of Interest - Land Related/BENCH/Bench/Non NT, NT String1=0x00,Bench String2=0x01,Banc String3=0x02,Bank String4=0x04,Bench String5=0x03,Bankjes ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No DayXpm="15 6 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #666666" " c none" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" " " " !! !! " " !! !! " " !! !! " ;123456789012345 [end] [_point] Type=0x066 SubType=0x06 ;GRMN_TYPE: Geographical Named Points of Interest - Land Related/CAPE/Cape/Non NT, NT String1=0x00,Cape String2=0x01,Cap String3=0x02,Kap String4=0x03,Kaap String5=0x15,Przyl��dek String6=0x10,Cabo String7=0x05,Capo String8=0x04,Cape ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No DayXpm="1 1 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #00FF4B" " c none" " " ;1 [end] [_point] Type=0x066 SubType=0x07 ;GRMN_TYPE: Geographical Named Points of Interest - Land Related/CLIFF/Cliff/Non NT, NT String1=0x00,Cliff String2=0x01,Falaise String3=0x02,Klippe String4=0x03,Klif String5=0x15,Klif String6=0x10,Penhasco String7=0x05,Dirupo String8=0x04,Cliff ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NoLabel (invisible) CustomColor=No ContourColor=No DayXpm="1 1 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #00FF4B" " c none" " " ;1 [end] [_point] Type=0x066 SubType=0x12 ;GRMN_TYPE: Geographical Named Points of Interest - Land Related/RESERVE/Reserve/Non NT, NT String1=0x00,Nature Reserve String2=0x01,R��serve naturelle String3=0x02,Naturschutzgebiet String4=0x03,Natuurgebied String5=0x15,Rezerwat przyrody String6=0x10,Reserva natural String7=0x05,Riserva String8=0x04,Nature Reserve ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=Default CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#006500 ContourColor=No DayXpm="1 1 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #009500" " c none" " " ;1 [end] [_point] Type=0x066 SubType=0x14 ;GRMN_TYPE: Geographical Named Points of Interest - Land Related/ROCK/Rock/Non NT, NT String1=0x00,Rock String2=0x01,Roche String3=0x02,Felsen String4=0x03,Rotsen String5=0x15,Ska��a String6=0x10,Rochedo String7=0x05,Roccia String8=0x04,Rock ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=NormalFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#967757 ContourColor=No DayXpm="1 1 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #009500" " c none" " " ;1 [end] [_point] Type=0x066 SubType=0x16 ;GRMN_TYPE: Geographical Named Points of Interest - Land Related/SUMMIT/Summit, top of a hill or mountain/Non NT, NT String1=0x00,Summit String2=0x01,Sommet String3=0x02,Gipfel String4=0x03,Bergtop String5=0x15,Szczyt String6=0x10,Pico String7=0x05,Picco String8=0x04,Summit ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#734A08 ContourColor=No DayXpm="14 10 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #D08F55" " c none" " ! " " ! " " !!! " " !!! " " !!!!! " " !!!!! " " !!!!!!! " " !!!!!!! " "!!!!!!!!! " "!!!!!!!!! " ;12345678901234 [end] [_point] Type=0x066 SubType=0x18 ;GRMN_TYPE: Geographical Named Points of Interest - Land Related/WOODS/Wooded area/Non NT, NT String1=0x00,Woods String2=0x01,For��t String3=0x02,Wald String4=0x03,Bos String5=0x15,Drzewa String6=0x10,Mata / Bosque String7=0x05,Selva String8=0x04,Woods ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#527247 ContourColor=No DayXpm="1 1 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #009500" " c none" " " ;1 [end],Drzewa String6=0x10,Mata / Bosque String7=0x05,Selva String8=0x04,Woods ExtendedLabels=Y FontStyle=SmallFont CustomColor=Day DaycustomColor:#527247 ContourColor=No DayXpm="1 1 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #009500" " c none" " " ;1 [end]Color=Day DaycustomColor:#527247 ContourColor=No DayXpm="1 1 2 1" Colormode=16 "! c #009500" " c none" " " ;1 [end]