it's fine as long as you don't use empty maps. Just make a DEM contourlines layer. Not an DEM layer and a contourlines layer.
Hi Gerd
Does it mean it is imperative DEM tiles have the same bounding box that
tiles containing OSM data? I ask because I have recently tried building
DEM img's with no OSM data (empty style) and then combining them with
OSM tiles, in the same way I do with contour lines tiles, but MapSource
crashes as soon as I click on "Show route profile" button. I would like
to be able to reuse DEM tiles, so that it is not necessary to build them
each time I update a map. This approach works fine for contour lines,
but I didn't succeed for DEM.
El 29/8/20 a las 7:48, Gerd Petermann escribió:
> Hi Bernard,
> AFAIK the only good solution is to have the DEM data in the tile that
> contains the road data (NET,NOD). No idea why Garmin doesn't support
> your approach.
> Ciao, Gerd
> ---- Bernard Mai schrieb ----
> Dear Joris and Gerd,
> thanks for your elaborate answers.
> I think I have figured it out. Main problem was my misunderstanding
> where to put the dem-options. If I put them correctly into the batch
> file which I use to generate the elevation .img files I get a nice
> hillshading in Garmin Basecamp. Still missing is the possibility to
> generate elevation profiles in Basecamp (using tracks generated in
> Basecamp) and to see the "height" on any position using the
> mousepointer. For this I have to puzzle harder or does somebody have
> any idea?
> Here I include my working command line as it might be interesting for
> the community. This results in a collection of .img files containing
> elevation contour lines and hill shading:
> java -Xmx2000M -jar [...path to mkgmap ...]\mkgmap.jar
> --show-profiles=1 --dem=[...path to hgt file folder ...]
> --dem-interpolation=auto --dem-dists=3312,3312,13248,26512,53024
> --style-file=[...path to mkgmap style...] --transparent
> --draw-priority=20 --family-id=30 --mapname=90300001 [...path to
> collection of splitted elevation data files ...]\9030*.osm.pbf
> Regards,
> Bernard
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