

I’m trying to render a man_made  = breakwater polygon area and are struggling for a long time.

I think it is a polygon (mkgmap:cache_area_size=5643.060) and should also be processed that way but for whatever reason it never passes the polygon rules only the lines-rules. So I can get a closed line around it but cannot fill it.

The geofabric download is from today.



First I thougt it’s because the combination with natural = coastline and the precomp-sea option.

At least removing the natural = coastline tag does not help

I also tried to set set mkgmap:stylefilter = polygon within the lines file, hoping I could fool it to continue with the polygon rules

But as far as I can see it never gets there.


Lines file

jbecho = true {echotags 'Line before breakwater'}

#man_made = breakwater & natural = coastline { delete natural }

man_made = breakwater & natural = coastline & is_closed()  = true { set mkgmap:stylefilter = polygon }

jbecho = true {echotags 'Line after set stylefilter test to polygon'}

man_made = breakwater & is_closed() != true & area != yes                                [0x10a14 resolution 22 continue]

jbecho = true {echotags 'Line after breakwater'}


My lines rules file starts with

man_made = * & osmid() = 53546926 {set jbecho = true}

jbecho = true { echotags 'debug - lines - body start' }


My polygon rules file starts with

man_made = * & osmid() = 53546926 {set jbecho = true}

jbecho = true { echotags 'debug - polygons - body start' }


The logging

Way 53546926 [jbecho=true, man_made=breakwater, mkgmap:cache_area_size=5643.060, mkgmap:stylefilter=polyline, natural=coastline, place=islet] debug - lines - body start

Way 53546926 [jbecho=true, man_made=breakwater, mkgmap:cache_area_size=5643.060, mkgmap:stylefilter=polyline, natural=coastline, place=islet] Line before breakwater

Way 53546926 [jbecho=true, man_made=breakwater, mkgmap:cache_area_size=5643.060, mkgmap:stylefilter=polygon, natural=coastline, place=islet] Line after set stylefilter test to polygon

Way 53546926 [jbecho=true, man_made=breakwater, mkgmap:cache_area_size=5643.060, mkgmap:stylefilter=polygon, natural=coastline, place=islet] Line after breakwater

Way 53546926 [jbecho=true, man_made=breakwater, mkgmap:cache_area_size=5643.060, mkgmap:stylefilter=polygon, natural=coastline, place=islet] debug - lines - body end


So it never gets to the polygon rules file where I think it should go

Could somebody hint me what I’m doing wrong?


Kind regards,
