
I think the problem is that we need a process  that compares two
sets of precompiled boundaries (we have that) and decides which one
is better (I think we don't have that).
The BoundaryDiff tool comes close to what we need. It computes the
differences between two sets and creates gpx files.
Sample usage:
java -Xmx2G -cp mkgmap.jar  uk.me.parabola.mkgmap.reader.osm.boundary.BoundaryDiff bounds_20121118.zip  bounds  admin_level=2
The problem - besides the huge amount of data and cpu usage - is this: How do we find out which difference is good and is bad?

A different approach:
If we find an area that is covered by a level 4 boundary, but is not part of a level 2 boundary,
something is probably wrong. Or more general, if we subtract the combined area for level n+1
from the combined area for level n the result should be empty.


> Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2014 10:52:35 +0100
> From: kukuk@suse.de
> To: mkgmap-dev@lists.mkgmap.org.uk
> Subject: Re: [mkgmap-dev] boundary France broken?
> Hi,
> On Fri, Jan 24, WanMil wrote:
> > I think we can add such a link.
> >
> > Anyhow is there anybody who has some server capacity and is able to update
> > the bounds and sea files regularly?
> For my own usage I create bounds files regular once a week
> and daily sea files.
> Webspace is not a problem, too.
> sea data is about 140m for me currently, that's not the problem.
> The bound files are about 1GB. This could take some time to upload.
> I would need to make some changes to my scripts.
> Thorsten
> --
> Thorsten Kukuk, Senior Architect SLES & Common Code Base
> SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Maxfeldstr. 5, D-90409 Nuernberg
> GF: Jeff Hawn, Jennifer Guild, Felix Imendörffer, HRB 16746 (AG Nürnberg)
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