Good drawing, that's exactly what I meant. Still I'm not totally convinced. If both E and e do have a motorway_junction node, why shouldn't the code be applied to both motorway_links? Now I saw the typical Garmin behaviour on e to show the name of the lower grade road at the end of the motorway_link, which wasn't very informative.
> This afternoon in live testing I found what seems to be a bug. ExitsI set the exit_hint only on exits directly from motorways because hints
> from a parallel lane, tagged as motorway_link, didn't show up with the
> exit_hint. Maybe the code does not know to which motorway_link of the
> y-branch the exit_hint has to be put on. Is it possible to assign the
> exit_hint to the motorway_link which is going to the right?
on parallel lines should be created from the destination tags.
So have a look on the following junction:
\ /
=== motorway
--- motorway_link
E exit node on motorway
e exit node on motorway_link
So and exit_hint is created only for E because after you have passed E
the Garmin should tell you the correct destination which is usually
written on the signs in the motorway junction (in Germany...).
If an exit hint would also be created for e you would see the
destination only after passing e and that's too late.
The motorway junctions if have analyzed did have the same tags on E and
e so there is no additional information.
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