Hi all,
I think I've now found a solution for most of the known problems
reg. address search, for details see svn log:
http://www.mkgmap.org.uk/websvn/log.php?repname=mkgmap&isdir=1&The remaining work to do is cleanup and maybe performance
improvements, I don't plan any more significant
changes in the algorithms as long as nobody complains.
If you want to try the branch with your style, please make sure
to understand the new special tags mkgmap:numbers=false
and mkgmap:execute_finalize_rules=true in combination with inc/address.
Attached is the diff between the default style in the branch and that in trunk.
Note that mkgmap uses by default all OSM elements with a tag addr:housenumber
or mkgmap:housenumber. Even if the style doesn't create any map object for the
element, the numbers are used, so the new tags are used to
make sure that the rules in inc/address are used for all of them and
to allow the exclusion.
A few hints:
The img files produced with the branch are typically larger, esp. in areas
where the trunk version did not work well (e.g. heavy usage of addr:place)
The throughput is a few percent slower. Main reason is the complex
search for nearest roads. Maybe I can find a better algorithm for this in
the future.
It would be great to get some feedback, esp. when you think that
rather good / clear OSM data is not interpreted correctly,
but also when you think the branch works fine ;-)