Thomas and Michael,

Thank you for your suggestions. Both these contain elements which I have not met before - conv: and def:  - and which do not appear on the wiki page Can you point me to somewhere where they are defined?

I have tested them both. Michael's suggestion (conv:) works and solves my problem. Mapsource obviously recognises contours explicitly, and converts the elevation and displays the units according to the preferences setting. It does not appear to do this for peaks.

With Thomas's suggestion (def:), Mapsource labels all the contours 'Invalid Elevation'.

With many thanks,


On 15/11/2012 19:05, michael lohr wrote:
this works for me:

contour=elevation { name '${ele|conv:m=>ft}' }

Am 15.11.2012 19:55, schrieb Thomas Kaschel:
Am 15.11.2012 14:43, schrieb Roger Calvert:
Please can someone advise:

I have an OSM file which contains contours with elevations in metres.
Mapsource seems to interpret these as feet, and then, because I have its
altitude setting in metres, converts them. So they all come out low by a
factor of 3.3.

Is there a way of adjusting for this in the style file?

Thanks in advance,


Roger Calvert

Hi Roger

I had a similar problem with peaks. I've edited/added the following 
lines in the points file.

natural=peak & ele=* {name '${name|def:} (${ele|def:})' | '${name}' } 
[0x6616 resolution 20]
natural=peak & ele!=* {name '${name|def:}' } [0x6616 resolution 20]

Hope this helps.

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Roger Calvert