I'ld rather see a good OSM based worldmap (or simply based on other open sources if they prove to be better for use ) that we could use to exchange the basemap.

Thinking about a map - usable both in Basecamp/Mapsource as well as on GPS Devices - 15-20MB in size - including ocean/land, big cities - maybe highway=motorway, big rivers, country borders... - Resolution maybe 16-14-12-10. (maybe create a version including indexed POIs (for desktop) - one without so it doesn't overlap the search).

On 23 February 2015 at 13:06, Andrzej Popowski <popej@poczta.onet.pl> wrote:
Hi Gerd,

>I see no reason why we should not add the overview map
>to the gmapsupp if that is what the user wants
>and the device is working fine with it.

There is no need to add overview to gmapsupp. It can be copied as a separate file to GPS with the same result. Or user can merge overview map and detailed maps to a single gmapsupp:
mkgmap.jar --gmapsupp --index 1*.img overview.img

The second version adds data from overview map into index search, which cause duplicated search results, see attached picture. I think both version will show duplicated cities when performing search near current position.

I haven't checked thoroughly, but I have noticed a delay, when switching from detailed map to overview in GPS. I think single map with more levels could be faster.

Summarizing: in my opinion this is not a proper way to create a map. If you add direct support for this procedure to mkgmap, you would give some kind of recommendation for it. And since it can be easily done without any changes to mkgmap, I would rather leave it as it is.

Best regards,

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Felix Hartman - Openmtbmap.org & VeloMap.org
Floragasse 9/11
1040 Wien
Austria - Österreich