Hi Manfred,

thanks for the detailed error report. I was able to reproduce the problem
which was introduced with r411. I think I found a fix that should work
for all cases, please try new splitter version r427.


To: mkgmap-dev@lists.mkgmap.org.uk
From: man1965@GMX.DE
Date: Tue, 11 Aug 2015 22:11:50 +0200
Subject: [mkgmap-dev] trimmed tiles from splitter

when i split geofabrik-extracts from africa (or south-america or
australia) i get empty spaces between tiles. This can be seen on the
attached hardcopy.

I'll generate Garmin-cards on a Windows-machine and my split-command is
"O:\Java64\bin\javaw.exe" -Xmx24576m -jar
--precomp-sea="O:\OSM-ZusatzDaten\sea.zip" --no-trim
--keep-complete=true --output=pbf
--max-nodes=800000 --mapid=22010001 "O:\OSM-Daten\africa.osm.pbf"

The problem is, that splitter trims empty areas from the tiles. This can
be seen on the following extract from the log-output for two areas on
the left upper edge, which lie side by side:
Area 22010003 covers (16.0400390625,-30.8056640625) to
(37.79296875,-22.1923828125) and contains 188502 nodes (23 %)
Area 22010077 covers (27.1142578125,-21.3134765625) to
(37.79296875,-17.75390625) and contains 441471 nodes (55 %)
Area 22010003: 747520,-1435648 to 1761280,-1034240 covers
(0xb6800,0xffea1800) to (0x1ae000,0xfff03800) CV-Mindelo
Area 22010077: 1263616,-993280 to 1761280,-827392 covers
(0x134800,0xfff0d800) to (0x1ae000,0xfff36000) ES-Los Llanos de Aridane

Here can be seen, that area from -22.1923828125 to -21.3134765625
respectively 0xfff03800 to 0xfff0d800 is not covered by any tile in the
I thought, splitter-option "--no-trim" should prevent this.

May be, i'm wrong with options in my split-command; may although be,
it's an issue from the splitter.

The attached zip-file contains the hardcopy from generated africa-card
with empty stripes, the log-file with split-command and split-output and
the GPX-file with the generated areas from splitter.

Can anyone help me generating full-covered osm-cards?

Thank you.
Best regards.

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