Johann Gail wrote:
neither splitter or osmosis insert new points. but it is required to  
have boundary nodes in mkgmap. splitter would need to calculate  
crossing points with the boundary or a provided split polygon with all  
ways and insert the boundary points.
This is my opinion too. Whatever tool does the splitting into countries, 
it has to create new nodes at the intersection of the roads and the 
state borders.
you can do the presplit but routing can't work then across boundaries.
osmosis has different modes
- clip ways at the boundary -> no routing across tiles due to missing  
As I'he written before, I don't know the internals of osmosis. But if I 
the ways are clipped at a border, then it should be possible to create a 
new node at the intersection and mark the node as a border node.
Is there a developper of osmosis reading this list?
I'm not an osmosiv dev, but there is already (in theory because it's not working, at least for me) - the option completeway=yes and completerelations=yes which should be sufficient (both by default if not given resort to no).
Then it would be possilbe to download europe from geofabrik, split it
into countries and then crate maps from it.
These maps would be interroutable. It would be also need less  
power/memory for doing this compared of
processing the whole europe map
I would expect the interstate routing to work. Precondition is  
that the presplitted tiles don't miss any segments at the border and  
border nodes have exactly the same coordinates.

still don't understand why this is useful. If you want multiple  
countries and route across countries and tiles why split it more than  
necessary and try to assemble again?

As some other users have written, then it would be possible to download 
the regions of interest from geofabrik and compile them with splitter 
and mkgmap and have a routable map.
Then its not neccessary to download whole europe, when I want only 
bavaria and austria. I could furthermore load the precompiled maps of 
countires onto my etrex, just as I need them.

So I would really appreciate it, if the presplitted maps from geofabrik 
are clipped 'correctly' at the borders.
I think many many people would like this.
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