setting it to something however means it is set.

So the result of
& access!=*
will of course return a different result compared to the tag not existing. Quite often in styles the nonexistance of access tags, or the existence of "yes" is needed to be checked.

highway=footway & bicycle=yes
if bicycle=yes - usually you treat it like highway=path, if not then it's a real footway. Hence watch out implications further down your style if you set yes/no.

As for the final treatment only no matters - that's more or less already the case (currently there is a treatment which decides which becomes no, which becomes yes).
On 09.09.2013 20:58, Manfred Brenneisen wrote:
Maybe it's easier for you if you know that only the value no is
evaluated for the mkgmap:access:* tags. So setting them to yes or
designated or whatever is the same like not setting the tag.
Good hint.
Shall I put this into the wiki?
Or is it too early?

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