Now I have been using this patch a long time and , and it really
works fine. It applies the DP filter against polygons with a
different agressiveness than for lines. This is really useful
because strong DP filter against lines looks really bad, while for
polygons the visual quality is degraded less.
I currently use --reduce-point-density=4 and
This is perfect for older GPS like etrex to have speed improvements
but no drop in visual quality. Also in Mapsource / Qlandkarte GT
this works very well. For Oregon or Dakota I would use something
like 2.6 (default current behavior) and 5.2
Archived Discussion can be found here:
Patch by Johan Gail, working very well since then. (well only that
it's not yet set in the help file, so I have to use --x in front of
the option)
I added a part2 -- to add the option to the help file, and allow it
to be used without --x on the mkgmap call.