Seems to be much better now. I don't think I can increase the max-nodes value though, but for most maps the new algo creates less tiles for the same max-nodes value (e.g. Austria from 43 down to 35 for me, with the smallest tile now around 5MB instead of 2.8, and the biggest 12MB instead of 11MB, for Asia I simultaneously increased max-nodes from 800k to 900k- so I'm down from 624 tiles to 493.... and size from 970KB-16MB to now ). So it still seems to depend on the country, but it's already a lot better...
It's a bit slower (about 10% more time)

On 06.05.2014 13:56, Gerd Petermann wrote:
Hi all,

I've applied num-tiles-v1.patch  and improved the split algo, see

It is now less likely that splitter creates tiles with a low number of
nodes, it is more likely that all tiles have nearly  the same number of nodes,
and typically you will see fewer tiles.
Maybe this also means that you can increase the max-nodes value.

I hope this also reduces the need for complex interactions between
spltter and mkgmap.


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Felix &