On Sat, Nov 1, 2014 at 6:03 PM, Brian Egge <brianegge@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Ben,

The latest maps you've created are working well - I can find addresses in NYC. 

The address search isn't quite as fluid as the Garmin maps, but perhaps this is related to how the map file is created. For "311 W 51st St", I must enter in "W 51" in order to find the street. With a Garmin map, I can input '50', and it will show me a list of streets and avenues.

Interesting. I don't know the details of the implementation of the address search in mkgmap so I don't know what the Garmin maps are more flexible. Does anybody have any ideas?
I'm not sure how streets names are shortened. In OSM, we have 'West 51st Street' and that becomes 'W 50st St'. However, when it's part of a route, it doesn't get shortened. Hence 'West 178th Street' is listed as 'West 178th Street (US 9)'. Since not all West's becomes W, one can't guess correctly which one to use.

I have some rules in my style file to shorten the names

highway=* { name '${name|subst: Street=> St|subst: Avenue=> Ave| ... |subst:Ouest =>O }' }

I can give you the whole list I use if you're interested. This rule is in resources/styles/default/lines but I'm not sure why the street name doesn't get shortened when it's part of a route. 

Sometimes names are shortened too much, as in 'West Lane' becomes 'W Ln', but I can't find any code which is doing this either. 

This is a bug in my implementation of the shortening. Fixing this issue is on my TODO list.

I've also been compiling my own map of the northeast, but with less success than when I use your weekly map. The main issue I'm having right now is I can only find cities by searching in all-caps. This is quite odd because the cities are shown in mixed case. If I search for NEW YORK, I'm able to find addresses, just like I can on your map. However, searching for 'New york', 'New York', or 'Ne' yields no results. I've tried including / excluding the "--lower-case" flag, but it makes no difference on my Nuvi 1450. Any idea what is causing the issue with the case while searching?

I've never seen this. Here are the options that I'm using for splitter / mkgmap.

java -Xmx7500M -jar ~/osm/splitter/dist/splitter.jar --geonames-file=~/osm/data/cities1000.zip --precomp-sea=~/osm/data/sea_20141027.zip --output=o5m --mapid=24244000 --max-threads=1 --status-freq=0 --max-areas=50 united-states-141029.o5m

java -Xmx7500M -jar -Dlog.config=~/osm/confs/logging.properties ~/osm/mkgmap/dist/mkgmap.jar --latin1 --gmapsupp --index --route --min-size-polygon --series-name="OSM United States 2014.10.29" --family-name="OpenStreetMap United States 2014.10.29" --location-autofill=bounds,is_in,nearest --remove-ovm-work-files --bounds=~/osm/data/bounds_20141027.zip --precomp-sea=~/osm/data/sea_20141027.zip --generate-sea --add-pois-to-areas --process-destination --process-exits --pois-to-areas-placement=entrance=main;entrance=yes;building=entrance --check-roundabout-flares --remove-short-arcs --family-id=24244 --product-id=1 --make-opposite-cycleways --drive-on-right --check-roundabouts --housenumbers -c template.args --description="OSM United States 2014.10.29"
Hopefully this will help you out. You should definitely be able to get a usable map for a smaller region of the US.
