So here are my findings - only use case c) works (which means the same behaviour as before - so the patch does not break anything as far as I found out while playing around).

in lines file:
( highway=service | highway=track | highway=path | highway=footway ) & service=driveway  {set mkgmap:set_semi_connected_type=none; set mkgmap:set_unconnected_type=none}
service=driveway & (mkgmap:set_semi_connected_type=none | mkgmap:set_unconnected_type=none) {delete highway; delete service; delete access; delete name;}
highway=path &  service=driveway  [0x13 road_class=0 road_speed=0 resolution 24 ]

Will end up with all service=driveway & highway=path lines deleted, no only those that are unconnected or semi_connected.

( highway=service | highway=track | highway=path | highway=footway ) & service=driveway  {set mkgmap:set_semi_connected_type=none; set mkgmap:set_unconnected_type=none}
# service=driveway & (mkgmap:set_semi_connected_type=none | mkgmap:set_unconnected_type=none) {delete highway; delete service; delete access; delete name;}
highway=path &  service=driveway  [0x13 road_class=0 road_speed=0 resolution 24 ]

Will not do anything.

highway=path &  service=driveway {set mkgmap:set_unconnected_type=none; set mkgmap:set_unconnected_type=none }  [0x01 road_class=0 road_speed=0 resolution 24 ]

It would be great if either a) or b) approach could be taken also. Or if would be possible to simply write a line like:
( highway=service | highway=track | highway=path | highway=footway ) & service=driveway  {set mkgmap:set_semi_connected_type=delete; set mkgmap:set_unconnected_type=delete}
So you could delete those lines without placing many many of set mkgmap:set_semi_connected_type=none in each line in your styles file where you need it.

Another thing about the type which I consider a bit buggy is the following
mkgmap:set_semi_connected_type=0x27 or mkgmap:set_unconnected_type=0x1f
will throw the error no routable type should be used, while AFAIK the only routable types are
0x01-0x16 plus with special consideration  0x1a-0x1c. 0x2? is never routable. So it should not be treated like none. This is not really important though.

On 5 September 2017 at 10:56, Felix Hartmann <> wrote:
I will properly test it in around 14 days - I cannot access my computer to compile mkgmap right now. I will try to give it a quick test in the coming days - thanks.

On 5 September 2017 at 07:53, Gerd Petermann <> wrote:
Hi Felix,

attached is a patch that implements a new special tag mkgmap:set_semi_connected which works like
mkgmap:set_unconnected_type when a road is only connected to other roads in a single node.
Please check if it does what you want. I hope it still works as before for the --report-dead-ends option
and the mkgmap:set_unconnected tag.

If others also want to test:
A binary is here:

I also thought about other names for the tag, e.g.
Maybe better ?

Von: mkgmap-dev <> im Auftrag von Felix Hartmann <>
Gesendet: Montag, 4. September 2017 10:30:03
An: Development list for mkgmap
Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev] mkgmap:set_unconnected_type differentiate between connected on both sides or on one side only

either that - or create mkgmap:set_unconnected2=0x?? both is fine. (and I think semicolon is better than colon regarding other OSM nomination).


On 4 September 2017 at 09:24, Gerd Petermann <<>> wrote:
Hi Felix,

do you have a suggestion for the tag value?
Up to now we have

Maybe we use a colon or semicolon to list two values ?
1st value is used if road leads to other way, 2nd if not


Von: mkgmap-dev <<>> im Auftrag von Felix Hartmann <<>>
Gesendet: Sonntag, 3. September 2017 18:51:38
An: Development list for mkgmap
Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev] mkgmap:set_unconnected_type differentiate between connected on both sides or on one side only

thanks - if it's not too complicated it would be handy to remove "clutter"

On 3 September 2017 at 09:42, Gerd Petermann <<><<>>> wrote:
Hi Felix,

sounds reasonable. I'll have a look at the code, it is already quite complex because of the --report-dead-ends option.

Von: mkgmap-dev <<><<>>> im Auftrag von Felix Hartmann <<><<>>>
Gesendet: Samstag, 2. September 2017 15:41:50
An: Development list for mkgmap
Betreff: [mkgmap-dev] mkgmap:set_unconnected_type differentiate between connected on both sides or on one side only

Would it be possible to have the mkgmap:set_unconnected_type=... differentiate between conncected on both sides for lines and only connected on one side?

For example I would like to delete all service=driveway shorther than 100m length if they are connected only on one side to another routable line - if they are in between I would like to keep them. (in some countries - e.g. Switzerland and France) often highway=service&service=driveway leads not only to a house but also connects e.g. to a highway=track or highway=path.

Felix Hartman - &
Schusterbergweg 32/8
6020 Innsbruck
Austria - Österreich
mkgmap-dev mailing list<><<>>

Felix Hartman - &
Schusterbergweg 32/8
6020 Innsbruck
Austria - Österreich
mkgmap-dev mailing list<>

Felix Hartman - &
Schusterbergweg 32/8
6020 Innsbruck
Austria - Österreich

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Felix Hartman - &
Schusterbergweg 32/8
6020 Innsbruck
Austria - Österreich

Felix Hartman - &
Schusterbergweg 32/8
6020 Innsbruck
Austria - Österreich