Hi Andrzej,

The part of road 6 that is avoided has many roundabouts.
Maybe the Garmin algo doesn't like them?
I'll try to find out if we can use the new knowledge regarding
roundabouts to avoid using type 0x0c for them.


> Date: Sat, 8 Mar 2014 22:56:47 +0100
> From: popej@poczta.onet.pl
> To: mkgmap-dev@lists.mkgmap.org.uk
> Subject: Re: [mkgmap-dev] new branch NOD127
> Hi Gerd,
> I have tested routing with trunk r3093 and nod127 r3095. I have used
> default style, car/motorcycle routing, fastest route. I can confirm,
> that both version show a detour on Polish road 6. It seems to depend on
> many factor so it is difficult to isolate a meaningful example.
> Some notices:
> In Mapsource route depends on "Road selection" option in route
> preferences. I usually set it in the middle but when set to 75% of
> "Prefer Highways", routing becomes better.
> For nod127 branch there is difference in routing, when I set avoidances
> to unpaved road. It doesn't clear the problem, only detour is different.
> In BaseCamp I got the same detour in both version of mkgmap. For nod127
> detour changes, when I set avoidance to unpaved road, no change in
> trunk. In both version detour changes the same way if I set avoidances
> to residential streets. Any of highway avoidances changes detour and
> when I use avoid State Highways, route is correct. I'm not sure what is
> "State Highway" for BaseCamp, it could be primary road, which actually
> is used for route.
> BaseCamp is not able to calculate longer route with trunk, the same
> route is calculated with nod127 (including detour).
> Please write if you have any suggestion what could I test or what data
> could be useful for you.
> --
> Best regards,
> Andrzej
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