You speak about the Nod branch, don't you?
That's the only branch were for me the tooltip shows on the right place when using --net option. However if you watch carefully it's not perfect yet. At those places where before (or with trunk branch), it showed right it continues to show right. However were it was wrong, it is now in the right place but the little black dot locking to the object is not shown.
Maybe that explains why routing is not allways alongside a rode!
(or maybe give you an indication on which places it works and on which it doesn't work).
Robert Vollmert wrote:Re: [mkgmap-dev] Commit: r759: Hack MapSplitter/MapArea to not put at most 0x100 lines in a div. On Dec 2, 2008, at 23:39, svn commit wrote:
> Hack MapSplitter/MapArea to not put at most 0x100 lines in a div.
It now compiles my big test map successfully, and routing "sort of"
works. (I.e., it tries to route, but not really always along roads;
there's obviously some bugs left.)
Interestingly, I now reliably get the road name popups. Perhaps
that's to do with cutting down the area sizes?
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