a) Now that the style-branch action rule handling has been implemented,
It would in principle be easy to have different names on pupups/routing
instruction, vs "printed" labels.
Only I am not able to get it to work...
Long time ago, using ";" would result in a name getting split, into two
pupups. Now when there is a reference, one can have two different
names, using display_name. Display_name however only works in case that
one can display a highway shield.
Is there some possibility to set different (more comprehensive) names
for routing page / poput instructions vs printed labels?
See the list below, I would like to have the road type attribute to be
used for routing page / pupup labels, but no for "printed labels":
highway=unclassified & fixme!=* { set name='${name}'|'ucl' }
highway=minor { set name='${name}'|'mnr' }
highway=road { set name='${name} rd'|'rd' }
highway=service { set name='${name} ser'|'ser' }
highway=byway { set name='${name} byw'|'byw' }
highway=track & fixme!=* { set name='${name} trk'|'trk' }
highway=unsurfaced { set name='${name} usf'|'usf' }
highway=path { set name='${name} pth'|'pth' }
highway=bridleway { set name='${name} bd'|'bd' }
highway=cycleway { set name='${name} CW'|'CW' }
highway=footway { set name='${name} ft'|'ft' }
highway=steps { set name='${name} steps'|'steps' }
highway=pedestrian { set name='${name}'|'pdstrn' }
highway=parking_aisle { set name='${name}'|'parking_aisle' }
highway=construction { set name='${name}'|'cstrn' }
b) Does anyone know, if there is a possibility to shorten names?
e.g. I would like to cut:
Big Street into BigStr
Or anotherstreet into anotherstr